
You stood on the sidewalk, clutching the strap to your backpack, holding it in a death grip.Β  Across the street was one of the biggest challenges one could ever face: a new school in the middle of the semester.Β  And to make it even worse: it was a Wednesday.

You watched as students poured in, and cars of pissed off parents sped off to try and not end up late to work.Β  Big yellow buses sat around in the curved parking lot, getting as close as possible to the school to drop students off.Β  But there had apparently been too many buses, because they were still coming, and had no space in the parking lot.Β  Their solution?Β  Park along the street.

You watched this madness, petrified.Β  You weren't ready for this.Β  The only thing that you had going for you was the fact that it was October, so it wouldn't be too hard for you to catch up with the rest of your fellow classmates.

You realized you were only prolonging the inevitable, so you took a deep breath, looked to make sure none of the angry parents would hit you, and you crossed the street.Β  On the other side, the school suddenly felt much bigger, and like it was looming over you, almost like Jason Vorhees staring down an unsuspecting victim.

And you... you were pretty positive you'd be dead by the time school ended.

You managed to get into the sea of students, and follow them inside, while being bumped and pushed for not going fast enough. You, sadly, weren't that good at weaving around people in tight hallways.Β  Your last school was filled with people who moved in single file lines, and thrived off of appreciation from teachers and staff.Β  To think you once found that annoying... you were beginning to miss that attitude as you fought your way through the mosh pit of teens.

You were looking for one of two things.Β  The school office, or someone who looked nice enough that you could ask for directions.Β  But looking around, no one seemed all that friendly, so maybe you should just try to find it on your own.

But then, you saw him.Β  He was opening his locker, and it was filled with horror movie things.Β  Snippets of news articles and old posters, trinkets that looked like set pieces, and magnets that had masks from movies like 'Halloween' and the second 'Friday the 13th,' where Jason is the killer with the potato sack on his head.

You suddenly felt relieved.Β  Either this kid was a serial killer, but that was unlikely considering he was wearing a long-sleeve shirt under a basic green tee-shirt.Β  Not killer attire.Β  So, that meant the other option.Β  Dude was just a nerd, and probably someone you could get directions from.

You tried your best to get to the kid, but were quickly swept away by the raging sea of your fellow classmates, and were forced to press forward.Β Β 

But then, as if by magic, a bell rang.Β  People quickly started disappearing from the mob, ducking into classrooms.Β  Soon enough, it was only you and a few stragglers in the hall.Β  You looked back to where the nerd had been, only to see he had disappeared.Β  You shook your head and pressed forward, and luckily, standing in front of you was what you presumed was the office.Β  It was a room that could've been made out of windows, so you peered in and saw a lady at a desk, and a few couches lining the walls.

But there was another room attached that didn't have windows to the hallway, so you couldn't see what was in there.Β  There was a little sign on the desk that read 'reception,' so you assumed this is where you need to be, and you made your way inside.

The lady looked up from a magazine, and scowled when she saw you.

"Shouldn't you be in class," she asked angrily.

"Sorry, this is my first day, I need my schedule," you replied as politely as possible.

The woman sighed and shook her head, and began to type away at her computer.Β  When she finished, she slumped back down in the chair, and picked her magazine back up.Β  A printer began to wheeze and cough out papers, divided up into grids to display what classes you had when on what day of the week.Β  Then it printed out a map, and a sheet to tell you what locker was yours, the code, and which hallway it was in.

The lady grabbed them and handed them to you, and just went back to her magazine.Β  You sifted through the papers, and found your schedule.Β  You thanked the receptionist, and began to make your way to the first class listed for Wednesdays.Β  Math.

You began to make your way to the classroom, only for another bell to ring, and the hallways to flood with your fellow classmates once more.Β  This time, people were less aggressive, most likely feeling those good ol' morning blues.Β  It was calm enough for you to be able to fight your way through to get to the right classroom.Β Β 

Once you found the right place, you made your way into the room, only to see two empty desks.Β  There was some bullet points written on the blackboard, and a teacher sitting behind a desk.

"Yes, who are you," he asked.

"Hi, it's my first day, I'm pretty sure this is where I'm supposed to be," you explained.

"Oh, you're (y/n), aren't you," he muttered.Β  "Take one of the empty seats, you're exempt from the test."

You sat down in the desk that was towards the back of the room, in the perfect corner next to the window.Β  To your side was a girl with blonde hair, who smiled and waved at you.Β  You smiled back, and looked at the blackboard.

'Unit test on conic sections


Try your best!'

"Hi, my name's Casey," the girl next to you greeted. "What's your name?"

"I'm (y/n)," you replied.

"It's nice to meet you (y/n)," she smiled. "Are you new?"

"Yeah, I just moved in with my dad."

"Oh, that's neat. Do you want to hang out with me and my boyfriend at lunch?"

"Sure, thank you!"
