They return home late that evening, and as Hyunjin holds the door open for Felix, they can already hear the noise someone’s making in their living room.

“Guys! They’re here! Jisung grab the keys you can go!” Chan’s voice booms from the couch, where he’s surrounded by no less than three different laptops and as many phones.

Jisung, uncharacteristically quiet, passes by them without a sound, taking the car keys out of Hyunjin’s hand wordlessly. His fingers were cold.

“Where’s Minho?”


Jeongin rushes at them, burying his little face in his father’s jacket. “Appa, are you leaving too?”

“Felix take Jeongin outside, we need—” Chan’s cut off by Changbin, who walks in from the kitchen holding a red apple that he stole from their pantry.

“Felix’s leaving with San in a few minutes though.”

“Right.” Massaging his temples, Chan answers one of the ringing phones, motioning for someone to take the other one. “Hongjoong-ah, I already told you—”

Hyunjin hoists his son into his arms, taking a ringing phone with his other hand and hitting ‘answer’. “Hello?”

“Hyunjin? This is Wooyoung, tell your boyfriend we’re on our way, expect us in 5.”

The dial tone sounds and before Hyunjin can even react, the phone rings again. “Hello?”

“Who is this?”

“Who did you call?”


“Oh, He’s busy. This is Hyunjin.”

There’s a sigh. “Tell Chan there’s been an accident on ‘84. Oh, and have you heard from Minho?”

Hyunjin looks up at Changbin. “Minho?” He mouths.

Changbin shakes his head, biting into his apple.

“No, sorry Yeosang-hyung. No one’s heard from Minho since yesterday.”

“Not even Jisung?”


“Well. Thanks. Oh, are you going tonight?”


Silence. Then, “Good luck.”

“You too.”

The dial tone is his only reply.

It’s a jumbled mess, from beginning to end, with endless phone calls, and texts, and Chan looking stressed and Changbin spawning apples and Jeongin eventually slipping away to sit in Felix’s lap and play with the small charm on his necklace, all the while the green Christmas tree stands forgotten in the corner.

Paper decorations crushed in the chaos, a few branches broken, some dirt on the ground. His friends are careful, but time is of essence. No one’s stopping to clean a spill, throw out a wrapper, fix a break.

After all, there’s only 6 hours until the blackout.

Jeongin falls asleep in his arms. Stroking his hair, distracted by all the happenings, Felix doesn’t notice the small boy doze off, but now everything has calmed down, and he has a few moments before he’s needed again.

Jeongin sleeps with his lips parted a little, and his small fists holding onto Felix’s sweatshirt like the elder is going to run away. He’s light, and as the blond carries him to bed, changing the sleeping boy into his pajamas, Jeongin doesn’t even stir.

A few half-asleep mumbles later, Hyunjin’s son is tucked into bed, hugging his toy fox under the covers.

Felix looks at him for a moment, sitting at the edge of the bed. He brushes the stubborn messy hair out of the boy’s forehead, listens to him breathe.

It’s peaceful here, away from the mayhem. Just him, and Jeongin, and their synced breathing. The lights are dimmed, the room is cozy. One of Felix’s paper stars is on the small table beside the younger’s bed.

“Good night, little dove.” Pressing a soft kiss to Jeongin’s forehead, Felix stands, loath to leave.

But he can already hear the car pulling up outside, and there’s nothing he can do to slow time, to remain here a moment longer.

He closes the door to the bedroom carefully, only tearing his eyes from Jeongin’s sleeping figure when he can no longer see him.

“Ready?” Hyunjin’s in the hallway. He seems worried, his dark eyes searching Felix’s face like he can read the answer there faster than Felix can answer.

“Mm. You?”

Hyunjin makes a face, and they both chuckle. The elder’s hands slip around Felix’s shoulders, drawing him into a hug.

“You got this, Bokk-ah. It will be alright.”

“Thanks.” There weren’t enough words to describe what he was feeling, the mixture of nerves and pride and the need to make others proud. There was fear mixed in there, too, but overwhelmingly Felix just felt right. Like this was what he was meant for.

So he hugs Hyunjin back, buries his face in the elder’s neck and breathes in the soft scent of the coffee he made the other that morning.

Hyunjin is quiet as Felix leaves. It’s almost as if a part of him leaves with the younger, and now he’s a little lost, watching the door like the blond will come back.

He will. Just not at that very moment.

“Stop looking like an abandoned pup and come help me with this — I got Yeosang on the line, and Yunho on the other. Who do you want?”


Changbin hands him the phone wordlessly.

“Jongho and I just split, I’m heading for the Square.”

“Hey hyung, it’s me now. There’s a patrol car two blocks away, make a left.”



“I thought you’d gone with Lix.”

Hyunjin shrugs, forgetting for a moment Yeosang couldn’t see him. “Too many people. I’m more useful here.”

“You’ll be there later though, right?”



“Make a right at the next intersection, park and dim your lights. Wooyoung’s car is two spots from the ‘No Parking’ sign.”

“Of course it is.”

A few curses, and then Hyunjin hears the tell-tale sound of the engine turning off. “Are you taking Lix alone or with San?”

“Alone. Hyunji—”

“Okay, I’ll let them know, give me a moment—”

“Hyunjin.” An edge to his voice, one that rarely appeared in Yeosang’s deep voice. “This is why I wanted you here. Or Chan. He’s not going to take this well.”

Hyunjin forces the wave of worry down. “He’s smart, Yeosang. He’ll be fine.”

“This isn’t about intelligence, Hwang.” A sigh. “Fine. I’ll do my best. Make sure to be there at the Square. Call me when you’re on your way.”

Before Hyunjin can even open his mouth, Yeosang hangs up.

It’s nine in the evening. 3 hours till the blackout.
