Consuming Flames.

     Kai ducked down behind the decrepit desks, pulling Nya with him. "Shhh! We can't get caught!" He carefully peeked around the back of the desk, scanning the room. "Good. No one followed us."

     "Why are we running anyway, Kai?" Nya frowned and sat down in the corner behind the desk. "With Mom and dad gone, we don't really have anywhere to go." She tugged a tattered blanket around herself.

     It was one of the few things they had left from the house.

     "I...don't know." Kai ran his fingers through his hair. "I just need time to figure some things out, okay?" He slid down the wall, carefully sitting down. "I don't...I don't know what happened at the house. I got mad and started yelling into my pillow to blow off steam." He put his head in his hands. "I spaced out for a while and when I came to, the house was on fire and those guys were dead. So were mom and dad." Kai rubbed his face. "Mom and Dad were beat up and the guys that attacked them were burned alive-"

     Nya watched her brother. "I came to your room because I smelled smoke. The flames were spreading from under your bedroom door." She hesitated, scooting a little closer. "Kai, do you think maybe it st-"

     "Do I think maybe it started from me? That I somehow started the fire?" Kai's eyes blurred for a moment, tears filling them. "Nya, that can't be possible. Humans don't just...start fires involuntarily." He wiped at his eyes, trying to reason with himself. Something was nagging at the back of his brain. What if he had started the fire?

     Was it within the realm of possibility?

     Ninjago was full of creatures and myths...maybe it was possible.

     Nya looked down at the floor for a moment. "Kai...something happened as the fire began to spread. I..."

     Another hesitation.

     "Sis, you can tell me anything."

     "I started spraying water from my hands. It was weak, and it wasn't much, but I think...I was trying to put out the fire." Nya shut her eyes for a moment. "I wasn't hallucinating from the smoke, either."

     Kai looked over to her. "Are you sure?"

     Nya nodded and looked over at her brother. "Yeah. I'm sure. I don't think I can will it to happen on command just yet...maybe it's something that has to be trained, y'know?" She shrugged and rubbed her fingers over the frayed fabric of the blanket. "Kai...what are we gonna do? We don't have anywhere to go, no food-"

     Kai shushed his sister. "We can stay here, Nya. It'll be alright. As for food, I'll get a job somewhere. Local restaurant or something." He looked around, trying to imagine this place looking a bit better than it did now. "Maybe we can even scrape up enough to get a Christmas tree this year."

     Nya chuckled a little and shook her head. "You think so, huh? I suppose we could. Winter might be a bit harsh." She looked in a dark corner, trying to imagine the tree her brother wanted to get. A slow wave of calm washed over her as she let out a sigh.

     The brain is a powerful tool, even the smallest dose of imagination could help one feel safe.

     "Nya, I wanted to apologize." Kai looked at his hands. "If I really did cause the fire, I-"

     "Even if you did, you didn't kill mom and dad. They did. You angry. What were you mad about anyway?" Nya raised an eyebrow and turned to look at her brother.

     Kai cleared his throat. "Seems stupid now, seeing what happened. I was mad that he's constantly working. Like I get that he was providing for us, but would it kill him to take a day off? Geez..." He sighed and turned to Nya. "Hey, it doesn't matter now. As mad as I got at him...he deserves to rest in peace. They both do."

     Nya nodded and looked to the floor. "But we're safe now, right? I mean, here. We'll be safe here. They won't be after us?"

     He shrugged. "I think so, yeah. I don't even know what they were after, Sis."

     She got up and went to the window, looking out at the cloudy sky. "I dunno. You don't think it was us, do you?" Nya seemed uneasy at the thought. "Were they bothering out parents because they thought we were special?"

     Kai shook his head and chuckled. "That's impossible, Nya. It's not like there's some big underground or secret person theft going on, why would anyone do that? I dunno, maybe Dad had some gambling debts?" He looked to the door, then to his sister. "Do you want to go out for a brief walk? I think I can steal us some food, and maybe some firewood."

     Nya shrugged. "If you think we can brave the cold. It looks like its going to start snowing soon."

     "It feels cold to you? It's not that bad." He frowned and took his jacket off, giving it to his sister. "Can't believe this thing is still so vibrantly red after how long I've had it." Kai chuckled and helped Nya into the large jacket, making sure it was zipped properly. "It looks like it's swallowing you, but it'll keep you warm."

     "Are you sure it's safe to go out? What if-"

     Kai shushed his sister, gently patting her back. "It's okay. I understand why you're worried. It just happened, and it's a fresh wound in our mind. I'll keep us safe, but you can too. Stay alert and watch out, okay? Let me see if I can remember where the stores are in town." He crossed his arms, trying to think. "Let's see there's Doormart, Bullseye..."

     Nya rolled her eyes. "Those are on the other side of the city."

     "And? The walk is good exercise, sis." Kai shook his head. "Alright, alright. What if we can grab some noodles somewhere?"

     "Where? And how?" She frowned as she turned to him. "We don't have any money-"

     "We do. I have five dollars left in my wallet from chores last week."

      "Are you sure that's enough? Noodles are usually two dollars a bowl, and..." Nya sighed. "Alright. Let's just hurry before the shops close-" Her stomach grumbled. "Or my stomach starts eating itself."

     Kai chuckled and began to head towards the door with her. "I think the shop is just down the street, it won't take too long."

     Nya shook her head. "I hope it doesn't, We haven't eaten in hours." She opened the door, adjusting her jacket and stepping out.

     He shrugged. "It may be a few blocks, but that won't stop us-"


     It happened before Kai could turn his head. The sound echoed in the streets and sent people into a frenzy, screaming and running in all directions.

     Disoriented by the noise and the panic, Kai slowly blinked and looked down at the sidewalk outside the doorway.



     Kai knelt down and looked over Nya, her blood a darker contrast to his bright red jacket. "Where did-" His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he looked around for the source of the shot.

     There was nothing.

     No visible shooter.

     "Nya?" He gently shook her.

     Her head lolled to the side, unresponsive.

     The shot was in her heart, of course she wasn't responsive.

     She was dead.

     His little sister was dead.

     Yet, he couldn't compel himself to feel anything.

     It was though his emotions had been gutted, leaving an empty pit in his chest.

     Amidst all the panic and screaming, Kai stayed still and shut his eyes.

     When he opened them again it was like he had teleported, Nya missing from his arms. Though when he looked around, he could see he was inside the building again, a trail of blood leading from the front door to where he sat. He could hear voices muffled outside, one sounded gruff but gentle.

     The crackle of slow burning flames seemed to echo around him, yet the building was clearly not on fire.

     Lifting his arm, he saw fire slowly dancing along his skin.

     There was no pain.

     Why wasn't there any pain? Was this part of whatever...thing he had?

     The door creaked open and Kai barely reacted, only his gaze drifting upward to watch whoever was coming in.

     "What happened?" Kai asked, though he couldn't feel the words leaving his lips.

     The man with the gruff voice sighed and ran a hand through his hair, trying to think of how to explain.

     This kid looked so out of it from shock.

     "My name is Dareth. I helped the paramedics get you inside and take your sister from your arms." He grunted with effort as he carefully sat down next to Kai, crossing his legs. "I can't answer your questions about the shooter. No one saw him."


     Kai looked to the side and took in a breath to try and muster up more energy to speak. "My name is Kai. Nya and I were on the run from some men after-" He could feel the burn in his throat and the sting in his eyes as they watered as he tried to suppress the urge his body had to break down. "After they-"

     "Shh. It's alright, Kai. You don't have to say anythin' if you're not comfortable with it." Dareth shook his head. "Now, I made sure the paramedics take her somewhere you can handle all the preparations for her." He watched Kai carefully and gazed at the flames crackling along his skin. "You're confused, right? "

     A silent nod was his only reply.

     "You got anywhere to go?" Dareth rubbed the back of his neck. "I got a place you can stay, if you like. Got a couple other kids I take care of about your age-er-How old are you?"


     Dareth nodded. "Right. Okay well, I have space for you. You don't have to pay for room and board, but-"

     "There's a catch."

     "Well not really, no. You'd just have to work for me. Nothin' shady, don't worry. We can talk more about it when we get there." He shook his head, watching the flames steadily crackle around Kai.

     "...can I sit here for a minute before we go?" Kai lifted his head to watch Dareth, eyes brimming with tears and threatening to spill over.

     "Of course, Kai. Take as long as you need."
