Part 68

High, how are ya?

Y/n L/n

Finn and I both arrived school like 30 minutes late.

"I hope the teacher let us in" I said and he nodded.

We got to our classroom and knocked on the door.

"Pase" said the teacher ("Come in")

We entered and Finn asked nervously "We're sorry we're late, can we please come in?"

"Finn... Y/n, you're almost always late. I'm beginning to wonder if you care about school a lot" the teacher replied.

"We really do care about school, but when we're late it's always because of something we can't control" I said back.

"Like, what? Time?" A boy trying to be funny asked, his group of stupid boys laughed, but the rest of the class didn't find it funny.

"Detention" the teacher said while pointing to the guy but without ending eye contact with us "If you are late one more time" he told us "You're not going to even bother knocking the door, got it?"
He asked and we nodded, he returned to explaining the topic on the white board.

We stood there unsure of what to do and he looked at us annoyed.

"Well, sit down, don't just stand there like robots" he said and we nodded, proceeding to take our seats.

"This guy need a chill pill" Finn whispered to me and I shrugged, unsure of what to do.

The class continued as normal.

The bell finally rand and we all went out, we have all the classes in the same classroom, sometime some students are added in or some have class in another classroom, but Finn's and I's itinerary allowed to stay in the same classroom, so we don't move our stuff.

I went out of the classroom, talking with Finn about the crab's immortality, when we crossed paths with Amanda, I smiled at her and waved at her.  She smiled and waved back, she was walking with another girl, so I thought she wouldn't stop to talk to us, and was pleasantly surprised when she did.

"Hey guys" Amanda said.

"Hi" Finn and I said at the same time.

"This is my friend, Coral" Amanda introduced her friend.

"Hi" Coral said shyly with a smile, Finn and I returned the smile and I couldn't help but noticed that she stared at Finn way too long.

"So, we have class right now, but we can catch up later?" Amanda asked me and I nodded.

"Hell yeah, I actually need new Instagram photos so we can go somewhere cute after school?" I offered and she nodded.

"Absolutely. See you then" Amanda replied.

"Bye" Coral said only looking at Finn.

"Bye Coral" I said.

"Bye" Finn said.

When they were gone I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Not to be that bitch, but Coral stared at you for an uncomfortably long amount of time" I brought up.

"Really? I didn't notice" he replied which soothed me somehow, was I really jealous because some girl stared at him? Y/n, wake up, half the world is in love with him, Jeez.

Get a hold of yourself.

Finn laughed all of a sudden and I turned to look at him, confused.

"Are you jealous?" He asked with a smirk.

"No" I answered but he kept that smirk on his face "Wipe that smirk out of your face before I punch you"

He put his hands up in, kind of a "I was just saying" motion, and said "I was just asking, no need to be rude"

"You said I was jealous and I'm never jealous"

"I never said such thing, I just asked" He replied.

"Stop smiling like that" I reprehended him, and he had the audacity to laugh.

"Let's ditch school and go somewhere else" he said.

"We came here to specifically study and you want to ditch school?" I asked.


"Let's go, then"

We walked out of school and took the bus to iHop.

Once there, we got off and walked there, requested a table and ordered. Finn ordered waffles with chicken while I ordered chocolate pancakes.

"Hey" Finn said, I looked up from my phone and hinted him to keep talking "I love you"

"I love you, too" I replied.

**2:30 PM**

Emma Cox

This is just such a great time for Melissa and Y/n to not pick up their phone. What if I call Finn? I mean, he's with Y/n so there's a chance he won't answer but if he does, I can tell him to let me speak to Y/n.

Let's give it a try.

Ring... ring... ring...

"Hello?" Finn answered and I let out a sigh.

"Hi, Finn. Is Y/n with you?"

"Hi, Emma. Yeah, why?"

"I don't mean to be petty and this is not a complain or anything is just that I called her and she didn't answer" I answered.

"Haha Yeah, her phone died like thirty minutes ago"

"Lol, so..."

"Yeah, I'll put her on the phone"

"Thank you, I love you, you're the best"

"I love you , too" he said and I assumed passed the phone to Y/n because the next thing I heard was her voice saying "Bitch, your date is in 30 minutes, what are you doing on the phone with me?"

"I need you to help me choose between the two outfits I have in mind" I said, I intended to sound chill but ended up sounding desperate.

"Sure. Send the pics to Finn and I'll tell you which one" she replied.

"Doing now"

"Great. I'm going to put you on speaker while I check the pics" she said.

"Hi" I heard Finn's voice.

"Hi" I said back.

I sent these to Y/n:

"Okay, girl. If you don't wear the first one, I will eat you alive" Y/n said which made Finn and I laugh.

"Okay, the first one it is. Thanks babe, I love you"

"Love you too" she said.

"Byeee" I said.

"Bye" Finn and Y/n said at the same time and I hung up the phone.

I put on the outfit chosen, did my makeup, took a deep breath, grabbed my purse and left to go to the restaurant.

(My dad drove me)

"Be safe" my dad said as I stepped out of the car.

"Thanks, you too" I answered and walked towards the restaurant.

"Hi" I heard her voice from behind me, I turned around and OHMYGOD she looks amazing.

She was wearing this ^

"Hi... woah, you look amazing" I told her and she smiled.

"You look perfect" she replied and I smiled.

"Shall we go inside?" I asked and she nodded. We walked to the restaurant and requested a table for two.

Once we sat down on our table, the waiter delivered our menus.

"Thank you" I told the waiter when she delivered my menu and offered her a smile, Sabrina did the same when the waiter gave her her menu.

"Hi, I'm Hanna and I'm going to be your waiter today, are you ready to order your drinks?" She asked.

"Hi, yeah, I'll just have a glass of water" I answered and she wrote it on her notepad.

"I'll have a pink lemonade, please" Sab said and Hanna wrote it too.

"Do you want to order your food or wait a while?" Hanna asked.

"No, it's okay, we have to think about it for a while" Sab replied.

"Okay, I'll come back later" Hanna said back and left.

I read over the menu and chose I was just going to go with the Caesar salad, since I was too nervous to eat something heavier.

"What are you ordering?" Sab asked trying to make conversation.

"Umm, I think the Caesar salad" I answered "You?"

"I was going to go for the hamburger" she said while laughing, which made me laugh, because her laugh is contagious.

Y/n L/n

Since school was over, it was time to meet Amanda, she was going to take us somewhere cute to take Instagram photos.

"Ready, girl?" She asked me. I was at the exit of the school, going through my phone.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for Finn, he was in the bathroom" I replied.

"Absolutely... also, is it okay if Coral comes?" She asked and I nodded.

"Sure" I answered.

"Hey" Finn said while approaching us.

I hugged him and he hugged back.

"So... are we leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah, Coral will meet us there. Also, Y/n do you want to change or you want to take pictures in that outfit?" She asked. I'm-

"Yeah, let's go to my apartment so I can change and do my makeup" I answered.

So, we did that, we arrived to my apartment, and I changed and did my makeup. Finn changed as well, since he wanted pictures too.

After that, we went to think park that looked really cool but which name I forget.

We talked for a while, Coral arrived, she was acting like... all over Finn, like being flirty and all that crap.

HE HAS A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND, sis, be respectful.

Anyway, we started taking pictures.

After everyone had their picture taken, we chose the good ones, deleted the bad ones, played with the lights a little and then posted them on Instagram.

After that, we decided to go to a coffee shop that was nearby to just talk and hangout.

We ordered and then sat down, I just had an iced coffee, Amanda got up because she had to go to the bathroom, leaving Coral, Finn and I alone.

"So, Finn" Coral said and Finn looked at her and nodded "How's it like being a cute actor?"

"Well, it's fun, I guess, acting is really my passion" he answered.

"Yeah, you're a really good actor" she replied.

"Thanks" Finn said, giving her a small smile.

"You're like... the cutest actor I've ever met" Coral added.

"Thank you" Finn said.

"And like, I would totally date you... too bad you have a girlfriend" Coral said... excuse me, miss, I'm right here.

"Okay..." Finn said, unsure of what to answer to that. Amanda, thanks goodness, got back before Coral could keep on talking.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" She asked.

"Nothing" I answered.

We talked for a little while longer until it was kind of late.

"It was nice talking to you guys" Amanda said and we smiled at her.

"It was nice talking to you, too" I replied.

"Yeah" Finn said.

Amanda got in her dad's car and left.

Coral had driven here, so she was leaving too.

"Bye, Finn, nice meeting you" she said and just left, didn't even wait for an answer just yeeted out of there.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"She's kind of weird" Finn said with a chuckle. Out Uber was going to be here in two minutes.

"She's kind of obsessed with you" I corrected him.

"Not true" he said while laughing, our Uber arrived, we got in, and he drove us to our apartment.

Emma Cox

"I really liked our date" Sabrina said with a smile.

"I really liked it, too" I replied.

"So... my Uber is arriving in five minutes" she said "I wish we could've gone to the movies"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm just a talker" I said kind of awkward.

"No, no, I loved our talk, I just wanted to have more time with you" she said and I felt relieved, I didn't want to annoy her on out first date.

"I guess we'll leave the movies for our second date" I said with a smile.

"I hope we do" she replied "My Uber's here"

"Bye, Sab" I said and hugged her, she hugged back.

"Bye" she said, she started walking away but ran back to... you guessed it (I think) kiss me.

She literally came back, leaned it and gave me a kiss... ON THE LIPS. It was a small kiss but OH MY GOD SHE KISSED ME.

"Bye" she said with a smile and got on her Uber.

Wyatt was going to come pick me up, so I can freak out when he gets here. Just like magic, like three minutes later, he appeared in his car. I got in and thanked him.

"How'd your date go?" He asked.

"We talked... all the time, we just really connected. And at the end of the date, guess what she did?" I told and asked excitedly.

"Asked you out on a second date?" He asked.




Oh, my God, THAT'S AMAZING" he replied excitedly "I'm really proud of you, what the hell?"

"Thank you, I love you"

"I love you, too" he said.

We got to my house and I got out of the car.

"Thank you, so much" I said and he nodded.

"Anytime" he said.

I got inside my house and watch him leave through the window.

"Dad, I'm home!" I yelled.

"Emma, how was your date?" My dad asked, coming out of the kitchen.

"It was truly amazing, she even kissed me" I answered.

"That's amazing, I'm really happy to see you this happy again" he said and I hugged him.

"Thanks, dad" I said.

We pulled away.

"I'm going to go sleep, now" I said and he nodded.

"Good night"


I went up to my room and took a relaxing shower, proceeding to put on my pjs and looking through instagram, and holy hell, I found some hella good pics of Finn and Y/n.


645k likes | 345k comments

b00bear my new fav photo

Tap to load more comments...

amanda.lg DIOSAAA
^ b00bear @amanda.lg ❤️

amazing.huh WHAT THE FUCK

amazing.huh You're literally are the definition of perfection
^ b00bear @amazing.huh I fucking miss you sm
^ amazing.huh @b00bear I miss you more 😭

finnwolfhardofficial 🥵
^ b00bear @finnwolfhardofficial ;)

jackdgrazer hottie
^ b00bear @jackdgrazer love ya <3
^wyattoleff @b00bear he has ☕️
^ b00bear @jackdgrazer estúpida, cómo no me cuentas?

melisass H O T
^ b00bear u more

wyattoleff woah 😳
^ zach05 woah X2
^ b00bear omgg my fav couple ever commented my post AHHHH

tea.bitx okay, but like... h o t

haterx I can't even hate on this fucking picture

790k likes | 560k comments

finnwolfhardofficial 🖤

Tap to lead more comments...

b00bear you are a human work of art
^ finnwolfhardofficial I love you

jackdgrazer 😍
^ finnwolfhardofficial Im blushing
^ Fack.forever shipppp

melisass wtf I though u had no sense of style
^ finnwolfhardofficial hilarious

Haterx this picture is my everything

username0 Im going to make you my wallpaper

^ finnwolfhardofficial thanks bubba

amazing.huh this picture is amazing! i need that shirttt
^ finnwolfhardofficial you say that as if you don't steal my clothes
^ amazing.huh i can't now bc you're far away :'(

After a couple of minutes of going through Instagram, I got a message from Sabrina.


I had a really nice
time today

Me too:)

And with that message, we texted all night until like 3 AM...

I've never spoken to anyone until 3 AM, like the talk would mostly ran out an hour after the "me too" text, but, it's like, we just have a really cool connection. AAAHHH I'm excited about this girl, I think I finally chose the right person to trust, in that way, you know?

Y/n: hope you like This
Love you guys!
Vote to save a unicorn 🦄
