Chapter 4

"Hi."- she stuttered, being caught by surprise. Why'd he talk to her? Why would some monster, dressed in human flesh talk to it's victim instead of eating it alive and tearing her body apart? Was Samuel going to humiliate her in front of everyone?

Samuel had by now, realized how uneasy she felt, he had realized how scared of him she was, because truly, he knew he was a monster, a monster just like the ones under a child's bed, mocking them and making faces, so they'd run away, run away in despair as their hearts beat to the point of blowing up so blood can splash everywhere. He looked down, again, at the grey dirty tiles and asked her if she wanted to hang out.

Of course, she refused. She was nice, sociable and all that, but she also had some dignity left. She'd never seen a sheep sitting down next to an wolf before and casually talking, and even if someone else has seen this happen before, it must've been on a children book, because humans never truly forgive. Human's never truly forgive, because some memories never leave, the scarred hearts and broken faces, the thoughts that keep gushing inside their brains, splashing everywhere against the skull, they never disappear.

"Why?"- he then asked, with no shame, no thoughts or whatsoever, because in his mind, all the things he did were right.

She clenched her fists to the point of her nails cutting her soft skin as she stuttered: "Are you seriously asking me that? Do I really deserve what you've done to me?!"

Samuel, before speaking put his hands on the girl's shoulders and pushed her out, as the door behind them closed. Feeling the piercing stares of the man who'd been hearing everything said so far he sighted.

"You do, everyone does. I don't know why and I don't know why you, but what I do know is that if it wasn't me torturing you, it would've been someone else."- Samuel having said that, turns around to leave, but the broken girl in front of him strongly disagrees with Samuel's point of view, thinking he has gone completely blind, turning his eyes around on the back of his head and now he is not able to see what really the world's like.

"I can see that you have a good soul."- she tried to confront him, not realizing that someone can deny their soul, just like Samuel had done.

He really did have a pure soul, but he had decided to reject it, thinking that a pure soul is only made to be broken and he surely, did not want to break again, because what is left after you break something broken? Does it dissolve or does it stay the same way it is, because it is small and strong enough to endure the fall? Samuel didn't want to know.

And so he walks away, not saying another word and as he walks away, the better version of himself approaches the girl, saying to her what Samuel never would.
