
It had been a year. A year since Ciels new life ..began and a year since Sebastian had been eternally chained to his master...after he noticed what feeling had grown in his heart ...would those chains become feathers warming his cold bones.If his beloved master could have such freedom why couldn't he?

Sebastian's P.O.V

I stood staring at the young boy fragile on the outside but strong on the outside like a doll ... white skin like the glow of the moon, dark blue hair like the darkness of the night sky...he seemed to look like a beautiful painting...he looked too perfect to be real...i checked my pocket watch"i dozed off?" I hurried and walked to the window letting in light "Master it is time to wake up.." i heard a slight moan from my young master as he shoved the covers over his face hiding from the light that came in.

Ciels P.O.V

I didn't feel like waking up today...my body felt strange ...i felt lazy . I tried to take a deep breath but found that i had a stuffy nose . I saw Sebastian open the curtains letting the light into my eyes ...it hurt . I slowly sat upright, "Allow me young master." as he quickly dressed me. "Breakfast has already been prepared, you may come down stairs when you wish." i gave him a nod as he slowly gazed at me ...in awe...i don't know why but in an almost sorrow expression. "Is something wrong Sebastian?" he seemed hesitant to answer but did." I just cant seem to handle that you've given me less and less jobs master ...i was simply wondering if you don't like the way i work..." he looked down losing eye contact with me.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I looked down, I felt his stare on me "...i have absolutely no idea what you speak of you have the exact same jobs as you did back at the manor...unless you think you're too good for the jobs i give you Butler?" I looked back up only to find him giving me a cold look..."no forgive me master, I will be down stairs waiting for you." I stepped out of the room noticing well that i had lied to my young master

...i knew well that i had the same jobs...i was upset because i couldn't get any more closer to him than i already am...i walked down the white stairs of the manor. The new mansion had been freshly built. The colors varied in each room from white to gold or a dark blue. The manor complimented the outside scenery as well , there was green grass filled with flowers and trees that could be seen in the distance . From the outside it looked like a castle meant for a princess.

Ciels P.O.V

After breakfast i decided to go up stairs to the library. I sat on my desk, tapping my fingers against the wooden desk. "I'm extremely bored" i thought to my self "i wonder what that butler is doing" I came out of the library to find myself plainly roaming the new manor. Then i found Sebastian dusting one of the shelves in a guest room. i looked towards him .."Sebastian are you as bored as i am ?" i saw him jump a little then turn giving me a surprised look "forgive me if i scared you Sebastian" he smirked "no need to apologize my lord ,and yes i do seem to have nothing to do at this point. Why? young master is there something you would like to do?" he looked a bit concerned .

Sebastian's P.O.V

"yes i want to be entertained." he looked at me with a look that made my heart skip a beat he looked...seductive. After a few seconds of thinking this i found him raising a brow "Sebastian are you listening!?" I snapped out of it and gasped "Yes ,my lord forgive me .Shall we take a walk outside ?" he looked at me confused "I suppose its better than nothing..." after walking i brought my young lord back to the manor the poor fragile boy was tired out. I layed him on his bed slowly changing him into his night shirt then covered his body with the blankets . "adorable" i thought, i tried my best to keep my composure but slowly found myself leaning into him brushing my lips against his chin softly . I whispered "Master...how I've waited" i pressed my lips against his ...he was warm...a warmth I've never known before. i wanted more .

Ciels P.O.V

i felt his lips against mine.

I thought it was a bit improper if i woke up screaming and yelling so i did some thing besides that. I took my arms out from under the covers slowly rapping them around his neck pulling him closer kissing him back. He opened his eyes and we were holding each others stare , his eyes widened even more. i giggled a bit at his expression then i felt him press onto me even more he brokeeye contact and closed his eyes shut and then broke the kiss.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I broke that sweet kiss, i wish i hadn't but i had no choice i turned towards the the doors of his chamber and right when i turned the knob to go i heard my lord "n-no...Sebastian come back ..." he said reaching for me with his right arm. This brought shivers down my back "M...Master please rest ..." i opened the door and quietly shut it before Ciel could protest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Morning

Sebastian's P.O.V

"Young master please wake up." i said nervously. I heard my young master cough as he stood up from the bed . "Master are you not feeling well?" he shook his head

falling back on the bed . "Forgive me , I didn't notice you were ill." i put my hand to his for head "It seems you have a fever as well." he grabbed my hand and pulled me in until there was only a small gap between us. "Maybe one of your kisses will fix that?" he said in a confident tone...i felt my face get warm up to the point that i knew i had blushed.

Ciels P.O.V

oddly i found Sebastian's blushing face ....cute....i pulled his face closer to mine until our lips were slightly touching before i could pull him in he backed away "Master please wait here ....i will go get you some tea and warm towels." he walked out of the room and moments later came back "Earl Grey?" i asked "indeed master here you are." he handed me the tea and i slowly drank it as he put a damp towel on my for head. i glanced at him "Thank you love..." he looked at me shocked flushed red . "M-m-my pleasure master..."

Sebastian's P.O.V

he called me love..."i'll be back master please wait here" i had to step out my heart was close to stopping . i paced up and down the hall thinking as to what i should do. and finally an idea came to my head .i walked back into my masters room. "what were you doing .

..beloved?" He did it again.... "please excuse me master.." i shut the door behind me ...he's ....teasing me but why? i felt as though my heart was trembling in my chest "i cant do this any more

.." i walked back in taking a deep breath "Forgive me my lord i just had to regain my composure." i was surprised at my own response. "oh really?For what?" he gave me a devilish smirk. "b-b-because yo-" i got cut off "Forget it. instead of staying here can i go to the library and read ? " i paused for a second "Master you needn't ask, please follow me"

Ciels P.O.V

Honestly, i really loved teasing Sebastian,it exposed him more and more when i did. 'cute' i thought. We reached the library , Sebastian pulled out the chair from the desk as i grabbed a book from a shelf and sat down. While i read my book i felt the calm breath of my butler on my shoulder, he seemed to be reading the book along with me. "Oh this is just a perfect opportunity!" without him noticing i pulled him by his black silk tie close to my face . He jumped and met face to face with me i pulled his tie more forcing him closer. He was noticeably blushing ....i couldn't handle it his expression was priceless...i broke out laughing. He looked shocked ...then straightened his position as he let a frown form on his face. After i finished my out burst of utter laughter i turned to him . "forgive me Sebastian i just couldnt resist" he didn't answer he stayed frowning . without thinking i stood in front of him pulling his tie down to me a bit more roughly than last time "Listen Sebastian...i said i was sorry dont give me your little attitude" he just glared at me...he gave off a dark atmosphere. ..."i guess apologizing verbally is useless.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I was absolutely furious with my master ...He was playing with me I understood it the first or second time but ...i cant do it anymore

...at this point i was face to face with him again as he gave me a cold stare and i gave it right back...then...his expression turned soft he seemed...dazed . He let go of my wrinkled tie and gently wrapped his arms around my neck...i wasn't surprised as i expected him to break out laughing again ... he pulled closer and closer and then i noticed this is no joke ....he then pecked my lips once i pulled back but then was pulled in by another soft short kiss that was then followed by a longer one. my eyes were still open but then i found my self closing them slowly falling deep into what seemed like paradise.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And so the demons chains became lifted from his shoulders ...for once he saw the gates of paradise open before him through the eyes of the boy.But would...those gates be open forever?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<part 2>

Ciels P.O.V

i could finally feel the room become lighter ...i couldn't pull away i locked myself to him...but then he stopped he paused then stood straight again. "Sebastian..?" his face was red but he seemed to have a clear expression. "...Master...i cant tolerate this ...you making a fool out of me." i felt tears filling my eyes "i asked for forgiveness!" i pleaded "No master i know what you wish, you've gotten bored of me ." he still maintained his posture as i felt a tear stream down my face. "if you don't like it then leave!" i said it without thinking. "As you wish." he walked off .

Sebastian's P.O.V

Pain was all i felt at the moment as i walked out of the mansion with a couple of bags . After two days i found a little cabin near the manor it was old and abandoned until i managed to fix it up .

My master hasn't called me to return to him...its been two weeks and the pain i had was over whelming me . One night i stayed staring out the window looking at the mansion...i hadn't moved too far away from it so i could still see it in the distance. i only saw one light from a window light up . It was starting to drizzle a bit out side as little drops of water sprinkled on my window blurring the vision of the white mansion. "I wonder if you're cold ...Ciel."

Ciels P.O.V

i noticed it was raining only because i felt a drop of water fall on my head while i was in my room . "what in the -" i looked up at the ceiling noticing a damp spot "damn it." i ran down stairs to find a pale so the water wouldn't wet the floor .i went upstairs only to find three more small puddles of water . i had to run up and down the stairs grabbing more and more pales to put in each room "How can a multi million dollar house have such a weak structure!?" . By the time i had put all the pales in place i was too tired out to continue. i fell back on my bed, tired i pulled my blankets over me "Sebastian, I guess sometimes I still need you.."

Sebastian's P.O.V

I couldn't handle it anymore being away from him had turned out to be an excruciating task. "I cant, forgive me master" I dashed out of the little cabin running towards the manor seeing the two doors from the main entrance swing open from the howling winds. I ran inside to find that the hole place was pitch black with only one light peaking through the hallway up stairs. I ran up the flight of stairs into my masters bedroom to find the room filled with buckets trickling with light drops of water almost making a lullaby all leading up to his doll like body resting peacefully on his bed. I slowly walked towards him still tired out from all the running. "Master forgive me , for the first and last time in forever will I disobey you again.. but I just couldn't handle being away.." I whispered in his ear rubbing my cheek against his. I then felt his cheek turn letting me and the masters eyes meet. "S-Sebastian...couldn't keep away huh?" he said it in a light dazed voice. "No master forgive me" He then hugged me tight "Sebastian...forgive me for bullying you ...You're just.. too c-cute , I love to see your blushing face." I looked felt my face heat up "Y-you see I love that f-face " he burst out coughing " Young lord forgive me you're still I'll!" ,"and you're gonna be to if you keep wearing those wet clothes" I chuckled nervously "you're right master but lets get you handled first." I put him in his night shirt and properly covered him with his blankets, then got myself into dry clothing . "There you are my lord have sweet dreams." My master moaned softly "No..don't leave. you can sleep in my bed , but please don't leave me alone." I looked at him as he pleaded to me and smiled "As you wish my lord" I crawled into his soft bed and turned to him letting my arms rap around him as he quickly fell asleep. For once I was happy.
