Secrets Will Be Exposed

Zac gets up the next morning and heads to the airport and goes to California to meet with his dad and grandfather.

Zac; (walks in the house) Dad I need talk to you
Daniel; Yes son come in (Melanie sitting down)
Melanie: Hello Zac
Zac; Hi Melanie why is she here
Daniel: She is pregnant
Patricia: (walks in) Hello son
Zac: Dad that's not my baby Melanie you know it's not mine
Melanie: See he is delusional
Daniel: Melanie Patricia can I talk to my son alone
Patricia: Very well let's go start planning the wedding.
Zac: There is no wedding
Daniel: Son have a sit
Zac: Dad I'm not marrying her
(Ronald walks in Zac oldest brother)
Ronald: Hello baby brother how are you?
Zac: I'm not good
Ronald: I see you been entertaining a young women by the name of Fatima Wilson
Zac: What's this father
Daniel: Let him finish
Ronald: Do you know she is orphan
Zac: Dad I need to talk to you now this is some bullshit
Daniel: Oh this is happening now go Melanie is pregnant and you can't undo this
Zac: I give my money back
Daniel: What no your gone marry Melanie that is not up for discussion.
Zac: Ronald
Ronald: Fatima is in debt
Zac: I already ran a background why does it matter I'm gone marry Fatima I asked her already
Daniel:( looks at Ronald) Son go ahead
Ronald: Will do (he leaves and Zac is standing alone with his father)
Zac: I will not run the company I don't need money
Daniel: You never been a broke a day in your life you won't last a day on a 9-5 that you did not come from
Zac: I work now
Daniel: Go ahead but you will be asking me to come back Zac listen to me Melanie father and I already arrange this if you don't marry her I don't get my money .( Daniel leave and Zac thinks)

Martina:(walks in the family maid) Hello Zachary
Zac: Hi Martina how are you?
Martina: Can we talk?
Daniel(walks back in) Martina go clean the guest room Zac will be starting here with the family
Martina: Very well (mouth something to Zac and he follows her upstairs but by the secret staircase)

Zac:What is it?
Martina: I could get killed if I tell you this don't let your father found out but come to my house tonight my grandmother will explain it better and please don't trust Ronald.
Zac: Why should I Martina?
Martina: Have I ever lied to you?
Zac: No but you could be killed if my dad finds out
Martina; It's the risk I am willing to take so meet me tonight at 9.

Later on at dinner Zac eats with the family and Melanie discuss wedding plans and Zac rolls his eyes.

Melanie: Do you want a input
Zac: To not marry your ass
Melanie: Zac you don't mean that
Daniel: He is just shy
Zac: No the Fuck I'm not shy I can't stand Melanie does the family know you sleep with Ronald
Melanie: I would never
Patricia: Zac your embarrassing me
Zac: Your embarrassing yourself with how delusional you are mother I'm not marrying Melanie I don't want her anymore I want Fatima
Patricia: I almost caught a body I don't like her to thirsty and besides she is a threat to this family her family reputation
Zac: What reputation you and father have been sleeping in different beds for years
(Zac gets up and leaves and goes to meet Martina grandmother she laying in bed)

Grandma Hazel: Zachary
Zac: Hey are you okay?
Grandma Hazel: I'm dying
Zac:Why did you not tell me?
Grandma Hazel: Martina get me some water
Zac: What's wrong ?
Grandma Hazel: Oh Zachary I never wanted you to know
Zac: Know what does my dad know?
Grandma Hazel: He doesn't care my son
Zac: My father loves you
Grandma Hazel: Zachary he doesn't he got me pregnant and he took the child from me
Zac: What?Who is your child?
Grandma Hazel: You are my son Zachary
