hidden Talents- Steve Rogers

Edited (19th June 2019)


You are sat with your teammates and boyfriend at a karaoke bar, which was Tony's idea. You are currently sitting at a table with the others listening to Bucky and Sam do a duet and singing horribly.

"Thank you Bucky and Sam, next up is Y/N Y/L/N" the DJ announces.

You get up, peck Steve on the lips, walk to the stage and stand in front of the mic.

"Hi everyone I'm Y/N and I am going to be singing When I look at you. This is for the love of my life" You announce before the Dj starts the song and you start singing. Shocking everyone in the room, except Steve.

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights are long

'Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy

Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light
To break up the dark
That's when I, I
I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I
I look at you

When I look at you
I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know I'm not alone

Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light
To break up the dark
That's when I, I
I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I
I look at you

You appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need
Every breath that I breathe
Don't you know you're beautiful
Yeah, yeah, yeah

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I
I look at you

I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me

You finish the song and everyone in the room claps, you look around and notice that your team are stood up with a shocked look on their faces and one proud smile.

You get off the stage smiling, thanking the DJ as you pass and walk back to your table.

"Babe that was wonderful and you are the love of my life too. I love you so much" Steve says, pulling you into a kiss as soon as you get to the table.

"Whoop whoop" Clint, Bucky, Sam and Tony say

"I love you too Steve," You say when you pull apart to catch your breath.

"I didn't know you could sing" Natasha speaks up

"Yea, it's not something I tell people. Steve only knows because he caught me singing and playing the guitar one day" You reply, sheepishly.

"You can play the guitar too?" Clint asks shocked

"She can play more than just the guitar," Steve says proudly

"Steve!" You exclaim as he gives away your secrets.

"Sorry. Forgot that was a secret. I am just so proud of you" Steve replies

"I need to see this" Tony says

"Let's go back to the tower then" You reply, knowing that you are never going to hear the end of this if you don't show them.

When you get back to the tower, everyone changes into comfy clothes and all meets in the music room.

You sit at the piano first.

"Ok, please don't laugh. This is a new song that I have been working on. This is called Here with me" You say before turning around and putting your fingers on the keys. You take a deep breath, close your eyes, open them again and start to play.

"That was amazing," Bucky says when you turn back around to the team. They all have a shocked expression on their face again.

"Thank you, Bucky. Steve could you pass me my electric guitar please" You ask before setting up the amp.

"This song is called Smells Like Teen Spirit. What I am about to do may shock you" You announce after positioning the guitar on your lap and plugging it in.

You then start.

When you are finished, without looking at the team you put down your guitar, grab your headphones out of your pocket, connect them to your phone and go to the drum kit. You pick up the sticks Steve got you and sat at the drum kit.

"Play the usual J," You tell J.A.R.V.I.S

You nod at Steve as the song starts in your ear to ask him if it is playing through the speakers and he nods yes in return. You then start to beat the drums to the rhythm of the song.

When you are finished, you take out your headphones and put them back in their case and into your pocket before getting up and walking over to Steve. The team seem to be frozen in shock.

"Wow" Nat speaks up

"That was incredible" Clint comments

"How did you do that with the guitar?" Tony asks

"Lots of hours of practice and bleeding fingers" You reply

"How long have you been able to play all these instruments?" Wanda asks

"I started to play the Piano when I was 5, acoustic guitar when I was 6, electric when i was 11 and the drums when i was 7" you list

"Can you play anything else?" Sam asks

"I can play classical instruments too" You reply "I am going to go to bed now, night all"

You then walk out of the room leaving the team lost for words. Steve follows behind you laughing.

"You just showed them your biggest secret, and then left them shocked," Steve says before laughing again.

"I think I may buy a new guitar," You say as you and Steve are getting into bed

"What one Acoustic or electric?" Steve asks

"Acoustic, I can play anywhere as I don't need an amp for the sound" You reply

"OK" Steve replies

"Night, Love you," You say, giving him a kiss and then snuggling into his chest

"Night, love you too" Steve replies before closing his eyes and wrapping you in his arms. 
