Part 12 "You're different"

Hey guys! So I'm gonna keep this short, here's this weeks new chapter hope you guys like it. Leave a comment if you guys have any ideas for next chapter and what you want to see!

Cheryl's pov:
As soon as I had gotten to the party, I went straight for the alcohol because I knew I would need it later when I saw Toni, I may have gone a little overboard. Soon I found my vision blurring, and myself getting dizzy. I tried to steady myself as I made my way to a nearby couch, as soon as I sat down a figure came and sat next to me.
Moose: Cheryl I couldn't help but notice how hot you look right now

His hand slid over my thigh, I didn't know what was happening. I wanted to push him off but I couldn't, I couldn't even get any words out of my mouth. He started kissing me and all I did was let him happen I felt so horrible.

A few moments later I saw Toni make her way out the door with Ronnie, she looked like she was crying. Did she see me with moose?

Toni's pov:
I was in the car with Ronnie, I didn't know where she was taking me but I really didn't care, I felt so empty. A few minutes passed and she was making turns that were familiar to me. Moments later we pulled up to the location.
Toni: Ronnie why are we here?
Ronnie: I don't know just really felt like getting a milkshake
We walked in and sat at a booth at pops
Ronnie: So Tonikins, tell me about you
Toni: What do you mean?
Ronnie: I'm just so curious about you, your such a mystery.
Toni: There's nothing really to te-
Just then the door from pops swung open, a familiar face walked in and made there way to our table
Ronnie: Chuck what are you doing here
Chuck: What, can I not be here? You know Ronnie I've been really missing you since our last date.
Ronnie: It's really sad that you still think that I would wanna go on another date with you again
Chuck: Well I think I can change your mind for a night.
He slid into the booth next to her, and placed his hand on her thigh.
Ronnie: Chuck get off... stop!
I couldn't watch this happen I got up and ripped chuck away from Ronnie, he stumbled a little but when he regained his balance he came at me. I threw a punch at him making him fall back, but that's when he came back stronger and punched me square in the face, my whole face felt numb and I fell on the floor and blacked out.


I awoke in someone's bed and instantly felt a throbbing pain in my face, I tried getting up but I was instantly pushed back down
Ronnie: Slow down Tonikins

The events that occurred had started to swarm back into my head

Me: W-wheres chuck?!
Ronnie: Calm down after the incident he ran out
Me: Are you okay?
Ronnie: I'm fine, thank u for protecting me

She leaned in and placed a kiss on my head

Ronnie: You know Toni, if it wasn't for you who
knows what would have happened.
Me: I don't want to think about it, but I would do it again
Ronnie: You're different from what you let on Toni, you're sweet,caring and protective.
Me: I just wanted to protect you.

She leaned in a kissed my lips, moving in perfect rhythm. I wish it was Cheryl who I was with, she makes it so complicated for me to tell how she feels. She could do better, I'm broken. I'm in a gang, I could never be with her.
