Advanced Lockdown

Ballonlea captivated May's senses the moment she stepped in. The charming town had been showered in towering trees and glowing mushrooms. This was the one place she wanted to see in Galar for the mystical illuminations. She thought she was lost forever in the Glimwood Tangle. It was worth it.

May did her best to stay within the new lockdown rules. Some days were more challenging than others, but the nights were more rigid than a Geodude's butt. Yawning, she stretched and headed straight towards the Pokémon Centre. Two Hattrem looked down at May with their beady black eyes and giggled. "What's so funny?" May asked. They did not respond and bounced towards a giant mushroom. May still shook in awe that she was here. It felt like she had walked into another world.

With her eyes on the Pokémon Centre, May couldn't help but feel this was the place to be ever since she saw a flyer advertising a Pokémon Shelter, the first of its kind in Galar. She hadn't seemed them in Hoenn, but she was sure they existed.

May's heart jumped at the sign. She pulled her bandana over her nose. She couldn't believe she would be spending her 2020 stuck in Galar with no way of going anywhere else. How can you quarantine a trainer? It was impossible. Pokémon didn't understand the concept of social distancing and wondering why their trainers were wearing masks and visors.

She never forgot the first time Blaziken saw May in a face mask: he banged against the tree laughing his head off. Glaceon laughed at Blaziken, laughing in May. She missed having the other Pokémon besides her, but she hoped that it wouldn't be long until things could go back to normal.

Nurse Joy stood in the doorway with her thermometer. "Hello and welcome to the Pokémon Centre." Nurse Joy was as polite as ever. She pointed at a sanitiser suspender. Staring at her dry hands, she could smell the sanitiser because it burned her hands. "Before I let you in, we need to check your temperature."

The thermometer presses against her forehead for a few seconds before Nurse Joy examines the number."36.1! You're okay, please follow social distancing and enjoy your stay."

"Huh?" May gasped. "There's nobody here." The other Pokémon centres she had been to had full of people, and there were some places where she couldn't get in at all. 

"Yes, it's been hushed since the lockdown rules became laxer. It's only you and another trainer staying at the moment. He said he was from Kanto, and he had a Pikachu."

Her eyes widened. She knew straight away who Nurse Joy was talking about. The person just happened to be somebody that she thought about. "Was his name Ash by any chance?" May asked. "Has black hair and wears a cap."

"Why, yes. Is he a friend of yours?" Nurse Joy asked.

"I haven't seen him in a few years. He helped a lot when I first left home."

"I see. We follow strict social distancing in this Pokémon Centre. No battles or trades will be allowed and no gatherings of 2 or more trainers."

"I understand."

"Very good. I hope you enjoy your stay."

On her way to her room, May felt she was walking in a ghost town. The place was spotless; not a single spot of dirt to be seen anywhere. She couldn't wait for the pandemic to be over. She felt bad for only being allowed to have two Pokémon with her and that public battles were banned.

How do you put a trainer in quarantine? They're travelling all the time, and they're young. If the adults have no idea what they're doing, how are the kids meant to react? May had seen trainers panic-buy ridiculous things from repels to chicken fillets to toilet paper.

She knew that Ash wouldn't be following the rules. She could imagine him going underground and battling trainers hungry for some action.

May hadn't eaten meat for two weeks. Strangely, May felt a lot lighter and better for it. At first, she had no idea how to cope, but as the days went by, it was the most comfortable choice she ever made. Funny enough nobody bought salads in bulk, but May could not stand another day living on rabbit food. She fancied an extravagant buffet, but the restaurants were closed.


Pikachu appeared in the middle of the corridor. Like a curious child, his black eyes sparkled as he jumped up to May's shoulder. Social distancing went straight out the window. What do you expect? It's just a cute little Pikachu.

"Hey, Pikachu!" Ash yelled. He looked as handsome as ever, cleanly shaved and more buff like a sailor. She never thought she would see the day when Ash would have longer hair than her. "What have I told you about social distancing?"

"Hi, Ash!" May couldn't mistake him for his tanned skin and bolt marks on his cheek.

"OH MY GOD!" Ash exclaimed, jumping against the wall in shock. "HI, MAY! What are you doing here in Galar?"

"Well I was here for the contests," May explained. "But they got cancelled, and then lockdown happened, and I've been stuck here ever since. I was going go to the Pokémon shelter and adopt a Pokémon; then I forgot I can only have two Pokémon with me now."

"You could still do it and then swap them around," Ash said. "I think it's great that you're thinking of adopting an abandoned Pokémon from a shelter. It's admirable. Then again, you've always been an awesome person. With this lockdown, it's the perfect time to train." He may have grown up, but Ash hadn't changed one bit.

"I take it you've been training and winning some battles. I heard about your victory in Alola. I'm glad you got to win it before the lockdown happened."

Ash hushed. "Keep it down. I don't want everyone to know I've been battling illegally."

"I figured." She knew him too well.

"Why don't you come in? I'm sure it's okay as long as we keep our distance. Besides, I've been tested r weekly.."


It was a catch up to end all catch-ups. Surprisingly, Nurse Joy didn't come in and tell May to return to her room, but Nurse Joy had other priorities. They talked about random stuff at first like the old days where Brock would get rejected by every girl he declared the one.

"Brock never had any luck did he?" Ash said, laughing as he rocked back on his chair.

"He threw himself in way too quickly." May held back her giggling and wrapped her arms around her stomach. "And I haven't eaten meat in two weeks. And talking about Brock now makes me miss his meat stews."

"Yeah." Ash nodded and got a can of soda from his bag. "I've seen trainers coming out of the market with bags of chicken."

"I've seen people panic buy toilet roll."

"I can't believe how stupid some people can be."

"So Ash, did you know anyone positive for COVID19?"

"My friends in Alola had it. Lillie was on a ventilator for three days, and Lana couldn't get out of bed. I'm glad they're okay, though."

"That's so scary!" May was fortunate not to have had it, but she knew Petalburg City had their local lockdown due to 108 residents dying from the disease in one day. Her eyes welled up, just thinking about it. Her parents hadn't seen each other in four months because she was visiting her parents in Johto. Hoenn's lockdown rules were strict: nobody can come in, and nobody can go out. Everyone had to stay at home or the nearest Pokémon centre and lived on rations.

"I know Hoenn's got it bad," Ash said, lowering his head. "All those deaths.."

"I would go crazy if I was in Hoenn now." May had always been a woman who hated staying in one place. She had learned to embrace change like the weather. Nothing was inevitable, and what the government promised would only last a few weeks became months.

"At least one Kanto you're allowed one hour for fresh air and exercise."

"How's your mom?" May asked. "Mine has been doing TikTok videos, and they're hilarious."

"She's fine. I not long just rang her. She's been breeding eevees for the trainers who were meant to be starting their quests this year."

"That's so nice," May said. "Then again, your mom has always been kind."

As Ash and May continued talking, May found herself getting closer towards Ash. She wasn't even sure if they were two metres apart anymore. "Hey, are we suppose to be one or two metres apart?" May asked, leaning closer to Ash.

Ash let her hug him. "Well, we're allowed to have one person in our bubble so I guess you can be in my bubble."

May jumped back up, feeling an overload of senses. It had been the first time she had touched somebody in ages, and it felt special, but dirty at the same time.

"Don't worry," Ash said, holding her hand. "I've been tested, and I'm negative."

"So am I!" May smiled. "I can't believe how much I've missed you." Nothing beat skin-on-skin contact after being apart from everybody for such a long time. May knew she was breaking the rules, and she loved it. Besides, what the world didn't know wouldn't hurt them. "I could kiss you if I could."

Ash shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I don't know what to say."

In the end, he said nothing. May pressed her lips against his mouth and everything in that moment made sense.
