Chapter 8: Assigned Seats

Walking into the kitchen all Soobin wanted to do was cry. He looked up to see his older brother Yeonjun turned towards him seeing his little brother.

Soobin sniffled slightly as Yeonjuns eyes softened before the eldest set down what he was doing and walked over to the taller.

Soobin hid his face in Yeonjuns neck, his arms wrapped around him. Yeonjun stroked Soobin's dark hair with a sigh. He knew this was just gonna lead to a long night, but what could he do?

Soobin had always been the sensitive sibling. He could never tell a person no without feeling bad, always stayed with his mother because of our fathers brazen personality.

Being raised mostly by his Mother, Soobin didn't gain thickened skin like Beomgyu and Yeonjun.

Soobin could keep his emotions hidden well, but he could never brush  them off like Yeonjun and Beomgyu could.

The other boys got quiet hearing the soft sobs and sniffles of the tallest boy. Kai almost teared up himself hearing such a sad sound come from Soobin.

Soobin was falling apart. He knew it was a bad idea to bear the brunt of everything and keep the truth and his fears, all of his emotions bottled up. But he did it anyways. For the sake of his brothers and his Mom.

Yeonjun held his younger brother closer as Taehyun and Beomgyu avoided staring at the scene, going back to what they were doing.

Yeonjun pulled back slowly and wiped Soobin's tears as the taller tried to calm down. "Soobinnie." Yeonjun said softly but sternly at the same time.

"What happened." Yeonjun desperately tried to read the youngers face, and make eye contact. But Soobin's gaze stayed glued to the floor, refusing to look up.

"I can't stand to see her in pain." Soobin said quietly. He pushed forward an hugged his older brother once more feeling emotionally and physically tired.

"We can finish up here. Why don't you go relax?" Yeonjun says patting his arms and pushing him back. Soobin stands swaying with his eyes half shut.

This is why Yeonjun worried about Soobin crying. He would get tired, and cuddly immediately after he finished. Yeonjun knew that Soobin knew this. It's the reason Soobin hardly cried.

But Soobin knew without a shadow if a doubt, that it would be ok to cry now. Because he had help. Yeonjun pursed his lips at his younger brother. Yeonjun looks passed Soobin to see Kai standing idle.

"Hyucka." Yeonjun says to the you youngest. Kai walks over to him as Yeonjun points at Soobin.

Yeonjun made gesutres to Kai, basically explaining to take the taller boy into the living room and help him relax.

While Kai was all for helping Soobin relax, he tried to tell Yeonjun he could help clean.

"This isn't your mess. As for us three," Yeonjun points at the other two boys and then himself, "this is our mess. We can't make you clean it." Yeonjun pat's the youngers arm, before gesturing to Soobin.

Kai nods and as Yeonjun walks away. Soobin starts to pout and sniffle at his older brother, sad he wasn't gonna hug him anymore. Kai quickly jumped into action, standing in front of the taller. Kai never wanted ti hear him cry again. It was too sad.

"Yeonjun Hyung." Soobin whines. Kai pats Soobin's shoulder as Soobin opens his eyes slightly. "Soobinnie, let's go relax. They have got the chores covered." Kai says. Soobin nods and steps forward bending slightly to rest his chin on Kai's shoulder.

"When he cries he gets tired and clingy. Good luck." Taehyun pipes up. Kai just lets out a small laugh before pulling the older boy to the living-room.

He sets the sleepy boy on the couch and stands there slightly awkward. He notices a throw blanket and throws it over the older boy, pattimg his head softly.

Soobin sat there for a minute as Kai decided what to do. It seemed like Soobin was ok on his own. Maybe he could go help the other boys more.

Just as Kai started to plan his escape, Soobins face scrunched up cutely looking up at the younger. Soobin pat the seat next to him, gesturing that Kai needed to sit there. Kai nodded and obliged. As soon as Kai settled in, Soobin wrapped his arms around the younger resting his head upon Kai's shoulder.

"You're so squishy." Soobin says moving his head slightly before letting out a sigh.

The youngest boy giggled a bit. He had never been called squishy before.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Soobin sighs. "You don't have to apologise." Kai says patting the olders arm.

Soobin shakes his head. "Yes huh." He mumbles. Kai just shakes his head sighing. Kai checked the time, seeing it was already 10 o'clock.

He found no point in going home at this point. It was late, snowing and he didn't have to be anywhere. It was the weekend.

Kai waited for the older boys to he done with the dishes, as Soobins head slowly fell from his shoulder to his lap.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Kai lifted Soobin's head and placed a throw pillow under the olders head.

Kai fiddled with the older boys soft black hair, twirling the strands between his fingers. It felt relaxing to both boys.

The older boy was sleeping soundly on his lap, and Kai couldn't help but admire the older.

His skin was soft not a single flaw marring it. It had a nice even porcelain tone. He had small plump lips that were honestly adorable to Kai. Soobin constantly talked in a pout. It made it hard for Huening Kai too keep his small heart attacks from the boy being so adorable in check.

His eyebrows looked well trimmed and natural, his eyelashes resting lightly on his cheeks. His nose could only be described as a 'boopy bunny nose.'

In conclusion, Soobin was an adorable bunny in Kai's eyes.

Everything about this boy was perfect in Kai's opinion. He could stare at him all day and still wonder how such an attractive boy could exist.

That went for all of the boys he had met and become friends with at his new school. They all seemed very popular with the girls at their school. Although only Yeonjun realized it.

Kai hears said boys all start to file out of the kitchen. His hands pulled away from Soobin's hair as the olders face scrunched in discomfort.

Kai just looked down wondering what bothered him.

"Hyuka..." Soobin mumbled the boys name quietly as the other three boys made thier way into the room.

"Yeonjun Hyung!" Soobin yelled sitting up.

His hair was puffed in all directions as he looked around. His face was scrunched, with a small pout, his eyes extra puffy. Yeonjun sighed quietly as his younger brother stood up and shuffled over after spitting him.

Yeonjuns eyes close in annoyance as Soobin lays on his brother wrapping his arms around him. "Yeonjun hyuuuuuung." Soobin says nuzzling his head in the olders shoulder.

"Don't you wanna cuddle with Hyucka?" Yeonjun says. Soobin lifts his head up slightly looking around shaking his head.

Kai felt cold, missing the warmth Soobin provided. He didn't let it bother him though. He got to play with his hair and cuddle the boy for about a half hour. He wouldn't take anything Soobin said or did personally while he was sleepy.

Soobin spots Beomgyu who was sitting on the couch. As soon as his eyes hit the boy, he started to cry.

Kai was taken aback. Why was he crying again?

"Beomgyu-ah!" Soobin walked over and collapsed in the boys lap. Beomgyu grunted before smacking Soobin. Soobin just smiled and leaned his head back on his little brothers shoulder.

"This happens every time." Yeonjun says. He sits next to Kai watching Taehyun rest his head in Soobin's lap and fall asleep.

"What always happens?" Kai asks curiously. "When Soobin gets like this, he usually clings to me, then asks for or attacks someone else with cuddles, usually Taehyun. He chose you this time. He then whines when he hears me and ultimately ends up cuddling with Beomgyu." Yeonjun says.

Kai nods with a small smile.
"Why does he always end up with Beomgyu? Is there a reason behind it? "

Yeonjun just smirks. "He claims Beomgyu is his favorite because he is cute and soft. Soobin's words. He says I am too stiff, Taehyun is a dick, but Beomgyu is squishy. And he plays with his hands." Yeonjun points.

Sure enough Beomgyu was comparing hand sizes with the older as Soobin slept soundly. Beomgyu's jaw was dropped seeing how much bigger Soobin's hand was.

Taehyun slept as well. He was cuddling with Soobin's thigh, his face peaceful.

"You can stay here tonight." Yeonjun says. "You can sleep in Soobin's room. His room is clean and he just washed his bedding the other day. These guys will probably stay down here all night. I will show you too his room and you can borrow some of his clothes. He won't mind." Kai nods in appreciation following the eldest.

Just as Kai had imagined Soobin's room, it had a cool toned theme, everything in its place. His room smelled like fresh linen and febreze. Yeonjun had left the younger alone to go to bed, and Kai himself was tired as well.

He walked to one of Soobin's drawers pulling out some random black shorts and a grey tshirt.

The material was soft, and Kai found the clothes to be breezy and comfortable. Kai adjusted the shirt on his shoulders before walking over to Soobin's bed.

Kai pulled back the covers settling in the weirdly comfortable bed.

Pulling the covers over his shoulders, Kai fell into the peaceful bliss of sleep.

"Fucking BITCH ASS WHORE." was what Kai was woken up too. Kai's squinted slightly as he saw two figures in the shadows wondering what woke him up so abruptly.

"Taehyun! Kai is sleeping you bitch tree!" Soobin whisper shouted, sleep thick in his voice.

Kai felt someone flop next to him and another person gently get in on the other side.

Just after the body flopped, Kai felt a leg sling over his left side as a head rested on his right shoulder. This group seemed to be very cuddly at times. Kai didn't mind one bit.

He could tell Soobin was cuddling Kai's right side, Taehyun on his left. For some reason he could just sense it. Plus Taehyun was smaller.

The youngest had never felt so included, so fast. It took awhile for people to trust him and accept him into thier circle, but these four boys were different. They treated him like he had been there for years. He felt like he was there for years. But it had only been a few days.

"Soobinnie?" Kai pipes up. "Yes Hyucka?" Soobin mumbled. "Thank-you for being my friend." Kai said sincerely.

"You're welcome. Thankyou for being mine." Soobin replied nuzzling his head further into the boys shoulder, throwing an arm over his chest.

Kai smiled as his heart started to slow down, sleep slowly creeping up on him once again.

He loved the boys already. Especially one specific boy.


School had carried on like always. Boring, lifeless and neverending. Soobin tried to make the best of it by anticipating lunch. Not only did he get to relax and sit with his friends, but he got to eat his favorite food. Bread.

As soon as the bell rang Soobin jumped from his seat only to be stopped by a small shy voice.

"Soobin-oppa?" Soobin turned slightly to see the one and only Tzyu. Soobin gulped recalling the conversation he had with his friends a few days before.

"Uh-," Soobin cleared his throat, "Hi Tzyu." Soobin finally replied with an awkward smile. "Did you need something?" Soobin asked with a concerned and friendly tone.

"Well....I was kinda wondering if we could walk to lunch together?" Tzyu asked him fiddling with her fingers.

"SOOBINNIE!" Yeonjun called from behind him. "Hi there." Yeonjun says resting his elbow on Soobin's shoulder.

Soobin glances at his brother. "Sorry." Soobin elbowed his older brother.

"What? Was I interrupting something?" Yeonjun asks. "Yeah. Tzyu asked if we could go to lunch togeth-" But Yeonjun cut Soobin off.

"Sure you can have lunch with us." Yeonjun jumped onto Soobin's back as Soobin laughed lightly, still feeling awkward.

Tzyu only asked to walk with them to lunch but Yeonjun just invited her to eat lunch with them.

Tzyu smiled lightly with a hint of annoyance win her eyes but she hid it well. I mean what could she do? It was Soobin's brother. He did score her a lunch date with Soobin. But she had to make sure....

The three walked down the hallway at a decent pace. Yeonjun was still slung over Soobin's back with a sucker in his mouth. Soobin read a small book quietly trying to avoid an awkward conversation.

Yeonjun peaked around Soobins head cutely, taking a look at Tzyu before hugging Soobin again.

"Excuse me...Soobin-oppa?" Tzyu spoke up.

"Yeah? Oh, you can just call me Soobin." Soobin says his book resting lightly in his hands. "Do you think I could sit at your table today?" Tzyu finally spoke, almost stuttering before finding the confidence to talk to Soobin.

Before Soobin could reply, Yeonjun spoke up. "Yeah. You can. That was the plan the whole time right?" Yeonjun swung his legs as Soobin winced slightly.

Tzyu looked at the ground smiling softly biting her lip. "I was just making sure."

Soobin kept walking and while Tzyu wasn't looking Soobin purses his lips.

Soobin felt mildly uncomfortable around the girl. Soobin's social life among females was limited. He babysat a little girl for her grandmother, and he talked to his mom. Yeah. That was it. Added on with Soobin knowing about her crush on him made things worse.

He didn't like to tell people no. He didn't like to let people down. He truly had no idea how to act around the shy girl.

The three reached the lunchroom, Soobin slipping his book in the back of his pants. Yeonjun threw his sucker in the trash before jumping off of Soobin's back rushing to the line.

Soobin followed behind waiting behind his older brother.

"Wahhh they have beef today. I wonder what the occasion is." Yeonjun says. Soobin was just excited to see the cheese breads and Teokkbokki lined up.

The boys walked to thier table, Tzyu following after them. The three youngest boys of thier friend group were completely surprised seeing Yeonjun and Soobin arriving with the gorgeous Tzyu.

Well, mostly Beomgyu and Taehyun. Kai had never liked a person based on thier looks. It was about thier personality and how they made him feel.

Kai smiled at Soobin. The tables they sat at were round and had small benches that seated two. Kai just so happened to have a seat empty next to him.

Just as Soobin moved to sit next to Kai, Yeonjun took his place. Soobin pouted slightly as he couldn't sit next to Kai or Yeonjun, as Tzyu was next to Kai on her own bench, and It just so  happened that Beomgyu and Taehyun had the bench next to Yeonjun. So, Soobin was stuck on a bench next to Tzyu.

This just added to Soobin's nervousness being pushed was far out of his comfort zone.

Soobin sat and pouted. He looked to Yeonjun and glared slightly. Shouldn't the person who invited her sit with her? Soobin was a super clingy and awkward person. He liked to cling to things he knew when he was with something unfamiliar.

He liked Kai because he never felt the need to cling to what he knew around the new boy. He just felt so genuine to Soobin and opened up himself to gain Soobin's trust and adoration.

Soobin poked at his food and then began to eat. He couldn't waste food. His mother always made Soobin eat everything in front of him, and he never minded. As for his siblings, they where both spoiled. Yeonjun being the first child and Beomgyu being the baby. They were never made to eat anything.

Soobin didn't care about food touching, or trying new things. He saw it as they all go to the same place, so it shouldn't matter.

Soobin ripped a price off of his bread before looking over to Tzyu's tray. His eyes furrowed as he swallowed slowly. "Tzyu..Where's your food?" Her plate had a small pile of carrots and a water bottle.

"I'm on a diet." She says sheepishly. "Well, even if you're on a diet eating only carrots can't be healthy." Soobin says he winced slightly at his forced words, trying to make small talk. Suddenly, his shin was kicked, and as Soobin reached down to rub the pain from his shin, he hit his chin on the table.

Soobin sat up straight growing angry as he looks for the culprit.

He turns his head over to Yeonjun to see the older face-palming.

Soobin was utterly confused. Kai was eating his food peacefully, as the other three boys looked at Soobin like he was an idiot.

What was wrong with them? The only thing he could figure is that they blamed him for the awkward lunch table. He couldn't help it, and it was Yeonjuns idea. Soobin had no part in it, other than the fact that Tzyu asked him.

He just continued eating his food. He licked his thumbs that had residue from the bread, and suddenly he had pain in his other shin, his cheeks puffing in anger.

He lifted his leg up rubbing his leg. Looking over, Yeonjun was looking directly at Soobin glaring.

"What the fuck Yeonjun?" Soobin says. Beomgyu and Taehyun both rub thier faces as Yeonjun just shook his head in disbelief.

"So...Soobin," Tzyu started, "I was wondering if we could become friends?" She asks.

Soobin was taken aback. In all honesty, he didn't want to be friends. But he didn't want to disappoint her, ans make her sad. Soobin liked the friends he had and didn't want that to change.

Soobin cleared his throat before swallowing his bread. "I-I guess so?" Soobin finally said. His sentence can out as more of a question, but Tzyu got excited nonetheless. 

From across the table he felt a burning stare. So intense that his skin produces goosebumps all over his arms, a tingle shooting down his spine. He looked to find the source to see that Kai was staring straight at him with a blank expression.

Soobin looked into Kai's burning gaze only to see something there. Something that kept his eyes from being completely blank. Soobin couldn't pinpoint the emotion.

Soobin set down his food chewing slowly while licking his lips. Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Taehyun all had the same expression as Kai was just. Quiet.

"What the fuck is wrong with you four?" Soobin asks finally having enough of thier weird behavior.

Taehyun clears his throat smiling to the obviously confused Tzyu. "We'd love to have lunch with you Tzyu. Sorry Soobin is so fucking dense, he doesn't really know how to be an actual human being." He finishes with a smile.

Soobins jaw dropped. "What is that supposed to mean? Am I being rude?" He asks. He then looked to Tzyu. "I  didn't mean to be rude." He says. Her cheeks flushed as she picked up another carrot and took a bite.

"Tzyu at you having an allergic reaction to the carrots? Your face is really red." Beomgyu piped up.

Yeonjun slapped him so hard on the arm, that Kai accidentally shot milk out of his most laughing so hard. This in turn had Soobin choke on his bread before swallowing properly to laugh.

There was a small giggle from beside Soobin. He was glad that Tzyu felt comfortable, though he wished he didn't care. Maybe he could try being friends. He just hoped that tomorrow he could sit next to the friends he was already comfortable with. Maybe tomorrow it would be less awkward.

That's all Soobin could hope for.


When Soobin arrived home he was happy his brothers followed behind him, ready to help. He knew he had to babysit the next day and that the little girl he babysat would be coming to his house.

Soobin walked straight to his bedroom to take a shower while thinking some things over. He was confused as to why his friends were acting weird at the lunch table and planned to ask them.

He knew there was something off, as even Kai looked at him weird.

That stare had Soobin very confused, and conflicted. Was Kai mad that Tzyu would be sitting with them more often? Was it just a coincidence? Was it all in Soobin's head?

Soobin couldn't help but feel that Tzyu would somehow mess things up. As much as he didn't like judging people. He was also upset and confused that his friends treated him that way at lunch.

Walking down the stairs, he saw a cleaned living room with Beomgyu and Yeonjun talking together quietly.

Soobin stepped into the living room making himself known to his two brothers, his very presence demanding an explanation. Their heads snapped over to look at Soobin before Yeonjun groaned.

"You are literally so fucking helpless Soobin." Beomgyu says.

Beyond confused, Soobin egged them on. "What do you mean?"

Yeonjun stood up and walked up to Soobin.

"I tried to get you closer to Tzyu, and you were absolutely HOPELESS I invited her to lunch, stole your seat, gave you the look to stop stuffing your fucking face and talk to her and when you did you were a complete dick." Yeonjun says falling back on the couch.

"Yeonjun I already told you I don't like her." Soobin says. "I am not gonna lead her on." Soobin says. "I  already had to have lunch with her do you know how fucking awkward that is?"

Soobin looked to both of them, waiting for a response.

"We can be friends but I don't see it going passed that. I don't even want to be friends it's AWKWARD. " Soobin says. Yeonjun slapped Beomgyu's arm. "I thought you said he was lying at the dinner party." He said through  his teeth.

"About that leading her on thing...." Beomgyu says.

Soobin waited for him to finish. "And? What are you guys talking about?"

Yeonjun hit Beomgyu again. "I kinda asked her out for you."

"What the fuck."
