Chapter 1


It was strange to think that only that day, I had been hanging with my friends, Kenny, Stan and Cartman. We were innocently playing around, and unbeknownst to us, our world was about to be violently flipped upside down in the matter of a few hours. I still go back and visit, now that its safer, and I retrace that day, where we were playing, then when we went home and then when we left. I always retrace that day, so much so that it is engrained in my mind. I retrace my steps in the hopes that I will, someday, if not today, find Stan once again. He is the last person I want to lose.

So I guess now would be a good time to retrace my steps, to go back to that day, to go back to before my world fell apart around me, before reactor 4 exploded...

26th April

I woke up early to the sound of my alarm beeping in my ear. I rolled over, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, only to realise we weren't in high school that day and I had, in fact, forgotten to turn off my alarm. I switched it off and checked my phone for any messages. Nothing. Well that isn't a surprise. I got up out of bed, pulling on my green, fluffball of a dressing gown and slipped my phone into the pocket of it. I slid on my slippers and made my way into the bathroom, tying up my dressing gown. As I walked to the bathroom, I ran my hand through my red curls, making a mental note to get them cut a bit, they were starting to get a little on the long side, they were just past my shoulders by this point, just think of how long it gets when its wet. I entered the bathroom, knowing nobody would be using the bathroom by now as I was always up before everyone else. Ike would be on his way to middle school today, dad would be at work, mom would probably find a protest today. I wouldn't be surprised. She would probably join the protest at the power plant if I'm honest. I shut and locked the door to the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror, sighing at the bags under my eyes and dragging myself to get into the shower.

Once I had finished in the shower, I decided to stay in my dressing gown and pyjamas as I went downstairs for breakfast. Before I headed downstairs, I made a quick detour to my room to pick up a hair tie and tie back my wet curls so they didn't get in my face. I quickly checked my phone once again, smiling as I saw a text message from Stan.

Hey dude, forget to turn off your alarm again? ?

I scoffed a little, the smile still plastered on my face. How had he known? Only way I can think of is that he had guessed from the countless other times I had done the same thing. I sent a quick reply and went to get some orange juice from the fridge.

"Hi mom," I greeted with a smile as I grabbed a glass and began filling it. Glancing outside, I thought maybe I should have opted for coffee.

"Good morning Bubbulah," my mom smiled at me, putting some pancakes on a plate for me.

I quickly drank the orange juice and washed out the glass, then getting a mug and boiling the kettle for a coffee. "Anyone else for coffee?" I shouted, knowing everyone would be up by now. I got the usual yes from dad and another yes from a voice I didn't usually hear in the morning. I knew who it was. Stan. I smiled to myself, shaking my head and making the coffees, leaving dads on the counter and making my way into the dining room with my pancakes carefully balanced on my forearm.

"Did you come here just for mom's pancakes or did you get ditched by everyone again?" I grinned at my super best friend, Stan, placing the coffee infront of him, noting that he was too in his dressing gown. "Or did you sleep here like under my bed or something and not tell me?" I chuckled, sitting opposite the raven haired boy. His hair was sticking up every which way, showing that he had not long gotten up, and obviously walked over here in his slippers since he was wearing a pair of his we kept here he was over that much.

Stan had matured whilst we grew up, he had gained a lot of muscle from all the football, gained a few piercings them both being in his ear. "I actually came over because your mom invited me and don't forget that we are all going out today don't forget. Also I figured that you hadn't switched off your alarm," he chuckled as we both dug into our pancakes and coffee.

Ike soon came downstairs with his breakfast too and sat with us, telling us stories from middle school, telling us about the girls he was after. I laughed to myself a few times, glancing up at Stan as we soon finished our breakfast and coffee, taking our plates out and heading up to my room. We got dressed, hung out in my room for a while to wait for Cartman and Kenny to wake up so we could go and meet them. We had all decided yesterday that because my house would be empty, everyone would come to mine to meet before we all went out since we gathered that Cartman would be the last to wake up.

Soon enough, Kenny knocked the door, after mom, dad and Ike had all left and Stan and I ran downstairs to answer the door and let Kenny in. We decided to play some games whilst we waited for Cartman to turn up.
