Cheating Heart Part 8

Taylor and Joe were woken up by little knocks and loud yells behind the door" Momma, Momma Daddy is missing. Momma he is gone" then they heard sniffles from the kids. The couple immediately put on their clothes and fixed themselves. Joe opened the door and the twins jumped into his arms crying on his shoulders. "Daddy you're here. I thought you left us" Matt sobbed onto his chest. "Daddy you're here in Momma's room. You scared me. Please don't do this again" Allie pouted with tears on her eyes. Joe wiped their tears gently with his fingers.

"I'm sorry kids. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm not leaving. Momma and I had fun in Momma's room" smirking and wiggling his eyebrows at Taylor who blushed looking at him lovingly.

"From now on Daddy will be sleeping in Momma's room." smiling seductively at Joe.

"That's fantastic. Momma and Daddy will have lots of fun" giving Taylor a flirtatious smile.

Joe took the kids downstairs, provided them with healthy snacks and put  Frozen for them to watch. He increased the volume and went back to their bedroom. He heard the water running in the bathroom, took off all of his clothes, knocked lightly on the shower door while pushing it open. Taylor walked into his arms kissing him passionately, crushing her body into him. They started making out still starving for each. They pleasured each other  coming multiple times screaming each other's name.

Frozen video was running credits when they went down to the children. "Kids Momma and Daddy are too tired to cook. Let's order take out" much to the delight of the little ones.

They played board games while waiting for food delivery to come. Boys versus girls with the girls winning and celebrating boisterously. Matt smirked at them and proclaimed "Daddy and I made you win so you will not cry like a baby Allie" then laughed out loud making his twin upset. A war of words started while their parents watched them with awe on how their lovable kids became little word monsters The heated discussion ended when security delivered their food.

"Kids we will not eat unless you apologize to each other." Taylor said solemnly while hiding a smile that Joe noticed.

Both kids looked at each other and simultaneously said" I'm sorry Allie I was just teasing you." I'm sorry Matt I was bad and loud" then they hugged and kissed to the delight of their parents.

Dinner was uneventful, the kids were well behaved and the adults are looking at each other intently. Joe whispered softly "Tay you make eating so sexy" then he fed Taylor a slice of steak. He reached over to wipe off a bit of sauce on the side of her lips and licked his thumb suggestively giving her a sexy smile. Taylor blushed and her heart beat increased with such an erotic gesture. She could feel herself getting wet and aroused again.

When dinner was over the kids took out their coloring books and worked on their unfinished designs. They talked and compared their work teasing and laughing at their art work. 

At bedtime they wanted to share their parent's bed and asked for two bedtime stories. Joe read to them with his sexy British accent and halfway thru the second story they were both fast asleep. Joe carried Matt into his bedroom, while Taylor brought Allie into her's.

Taylor and Joe remained hungry and couldn't have enough of each other. They kissed massaging each other's tongue, tasting, savoring, touching and exploring each other's body. He entered her gently after licking and sucking her clit making her wetter and hotter for him. They came together screaming each other's name, shaking and quivering with ecstasy. They smiled lovingly, both dripping with sweat , sated and filled with love and happiness.

Taylor lied in Joe's chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat. He kissed her gently on her brow and held him tightly in his arms. "Joe I love you so much. I never stopped loving you and always wanted you back in my life. I tried to teach my heart to stop longing for you but my heart belongs to you. When your friend Pete called about you being extremely intoxicated and needed help he told me you didn't cheat on me. He  allowed the fan to sit with you and you tried to push her away. He also told me that it was him who took the incriminating pictures. According to him you were mumbling " I didn't cheat on you Taylor" repeatedly in your drunkenness. I was so blinded by anger and jealousy that I didn't even allow you to explain". 

"I was devastated the second time you left. I was miserable for weeks until one day I felt sick and started throwing up. My Mom was with me when I read the five pregnancy results; they were all positive. I never had any doubt in my mind that I was going to keep the baby not knowing I have two in my womb. My Mom and my friends were all supportive of me. I know that  I have to tell you. Being the father you have the right to know. A woman picked up your phone and I immediately hanged up telling myself that you have moved on so soon after our separation. I was hurt and devastated again. On the third trimester of my pregnancy Mom encouraged me to call you again. You picked up the phone but I heard a woman's voice calling you honey so I immediately hanged up and never replied to your calls and text messages. The twin's birth was the happiest I felt since you left. I tried to be the best mother caring and loving them with all my heart. As they grew older and have seen other children with their fathers they started asking me if they have one and they wanted their father to live with us too. In spite of the children's wish I never tried to reach out to you. I have seen pictures of you with beautiful women through out  the years and I feel that you are over me and is happy with your life."

"But I was never over you, my heart will not listen to me. Everyday I see you in Matt's face and eyes, his mannerisms, his soft spoken voice, his shyness but most of all the way he looks at me always reminds me of you. Destiny played a role in our life. You attended my concert and met the kids who immediately gravitated to you. In their innocence they formed an immediate bond with you. I was happy to see that the kids bonded with you but I was afraid you will only want them and not me that's why I was cold with you. But my heart betrayed me I have never stopped loving you and I love you more when you proved to be a great Dad to our kids."

Joe had tears in his eyes listening to Taylor's confession. He held her tightly and explained his side of the misunderstanding." Tay I was broken hearted when you accused me of cheating on you. I have never cheated on you and  will never ever cheat on you. The woman in the picture was a fan who was flirting with me. I never consented for her to sit near me or touch me. Pete allowed her to sit with us. He took pictures without my consent. I was never inappropriate or made advances on that girl. You threw me out without even giving me the chance to explain myself. I was devastated when we broke up. That night I got drunk and you took me in. I thought we could make up our differences but you dismissed me like nothing. The woman who answered my phone was a co-star of mine. The second call you made I was on a friend's party. Don't believe everything you see or read on social media. Those pictures mean nothing. You are the only one for me. You own me body and soul."

"I have been trying to follow you but you were inactive on social media immediately after we separated. Then I heard you have released a new album. I listened to your songs over and over and I realized you were singing about new love in your life and the happiness this love has given you. I was happy for you but jealous of your new love. I called your Mom who is great by the way if I could have a ticket to your concert and she was happy to oblige. I was excited to see you even if from a distance."

"Then two little angels who like you and me walked into my life. Deep in my heart I know they are mine and the unspoken reply from Andrea made my heart swell with happiness and love seeing my children for the first time. I fell in love with them immediately and they bonded with me too. They never left my side, hugging and kissing me as if they know who I really am. Do you know that they asked me if I am their father or would I like to be their father? I felt blessed knowing they like and trust me."

"I was beyond happy when you allowed me to take them out and visit them at home. My kids have bonded with me but you remained aloof and beyond reach."

Taylor kissed Joe's cheek and replied" Joe every time I see you I want to hug you, kiss you make love to you but I want to be sure that you will be there for the kids and me. I didn't want my heart to be broken again thinking that you don't love me anymore. I love you Joe, I will never stop saying that because that's what my heart is telling me."

My darling Taylor please never doubt me again, I love you with all my heart and soul. I will never be complete without you. You bring the best in me and I will be true and honest with  you forever."
