
chat: ♡ we're dating for some reason ♡ (2)


¯\_(ツ)_/¯: babe

bubble butt: yes honey

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: where's mingyu

bubble butt: i don't know what you mean
bubble butt: im sitting right next to you, why are you texting me

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: we have two problems here
¯\_(ツ)_/¯: 1) we're at mingyu's house to discuss operation angel dad with mingyu not actually being here. he said he had to go somewhere when i asked where he said, "seungkwan told me not to tell"

bubble butt: how on earth did that boy pass the third grade

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: 2) we're here to discuss operation angel dad with both angel and dad present

bubble butt: that's why we're watching a film rather than discussing

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: why are they here in the first place??

bubble butt: having all your friends meeting bar two without being suspicious is harder than you think!

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: where did you send mingyu?!

bubble butt: again, i have no idea what you mean

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: ok
¯\_(ツ)_/¯: i'll just ask shua to go to the fair with me
¯\_(ツ)_/¯: stop glaring at me, they'll catch on

bubble butt: you wouldn't dare go to the fair without me motherfucker

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: i think if i knew where mingyu is i'd be more lenient

bubble butt: ive been too good to you

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: waiting

bubble butt: i just needed some books from the library
bubble butt: you know
bubble butt: about match making

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: why would you need
¯\_(ツ)_/¯: ...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯: you sent him to spy on jihoon and jisoo didn't you

bubble butt: don't be absurd

chat: ♡ back up to hansol ♡ (2)


cant hear from up here: seungkwanie i have a report

bubble butt: hit me

chat: ♡ we're dating for some reason ♡ (2)


¯\_(ツ)_/¯: i just saw your screen you're such a snake

bubble butt: you don't understand okay i have no choice

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: yes you do?? you could like not interfere??

bubble butt: it's me we're talking about here baby

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: call him back

bubble butt: but im just curious

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: now

bubble butt: :(

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: don't make me call him myself

bubble butt: fine

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: thank you

bubble butt: i hate when you go all authoritarian on me
bubble butt: imeanitsalsoaturnonbutthatsnotimportant

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: sigh
¯\_(ツ)_/¯: get to the bathroom

bubble butt: my hero

chat: what the fuck happened to us (13)


cant hear from up here: seungkwan do you want that report now
cant hear from up here: oh wrong chat

patrick swayze who: REPORT?

pure boi: WHAT REPORT

patrick swayze who: ARE YOU TAKIN THE PISS

pure boi: maybe

fuck off 2.0: yeah what report

cant hear from up here: seungkwan told me not to tell

bubble butt: for the last time, mingyu, when i say don't say anything, you don't even mention that i said not to say anything

chat: this is the chat we bitch in 2.0 (0)

@seung_kwan.boo made a new chat

bubble butt added hot single dad, sssss, pure boi, spaghetti arms, fuck off, :D, suckmydick2k17, cant hear from up here,¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and partick swayze who to the chat


bubble butt: mingyu! report

cant hear from up here: they were in the library

spaghetti arms: w h a t s g o i n g o n

bubble butt: yes well done sweetie but what were they doing

fuck off: aha so this is the bitch chat for jisoo and jihoon
fuck off: i was wondering when this was going to happen

sssss: 2.0?? there's already a bitch chat? and im not in it??

bubble butt changed the chat name to 'totally the only bitch chat we have :)))'

bubble butt: don't know what you mean

cant hear from up here: they studied, mostly

hot single dad: hold on you actually made a separate purely to discuss what jisoo and jihoon do?

suckmydick2k17: that's where you're wrong grasshopper, this is to discuss what they do together

hot single dad: is it really our business?

pure boi: of course it is. we're their best friends, everything they do is our business


bubble butt: okay, apart from studying what else did they do? there's no way they studied for like three hours straight

cant hear from up here: they took breaks every half hour and talked a bit. i didn't hear much but they laughed a lot and were told to shush
cant hear from up here: they listened to music as well at one point, jihoon looked nervous then

sssss: i didn't even know they had something going on??

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: they don't technically, seungkwan's just nosy and likes making drama

bubble butt: love you too bug xoxo
bubble butt: what did they do after they left?

cant hear from up here: i don't know, seungkwan called me and they saw me

hot single dad: oh THATS why jihoon was cursing seungkwan out in my inbox that makes sense

fuck off: mingyu you had one job and it wasn't to be seen

pure boi: where were they in the library?

cant hear from up here: near the back

pure boi: what aisle?

cant hear from up here: 14

pure boi: AHA blowjob aisle

cant hear from up here: i saw no blowjobs

sssss: no making out, no touching??

cant hear from up here: nope. they sat and studied

sssss: strange

:D: maybe they don't wanna rush things

suckmydick2k17: yeah unlike some people han jisoo and jihoon have dignity

sssss: says you, you jumped on jun the second he moved here

suckmydick2k17: wouldnt anyone tho

pure boi: awe so sweet

patrick swayze who: ANYWAY BACK TO THE POINT

bubble butt: aha you could say that

hot single dad: seungkwan no

bubble butt: seungkwan yes
bubble butt: wait, seungkwan no what?

hot single dad: i know you know so no

spaghetti arms: what do you know what?

bubble butt: ohh come on cheol they need the proof

hot single dad: no means no

bubble butt: i am. bursting

sssss: i wanna know the gossip

pure boi: jihoon had a wet dream

bubble butt: ^^

hot single dad: what?? how did you know??

pure boi: ...
pure boi: i was kidding

patrick swayze who: GOD FYDJGCKlGS

suckmydick2k17: HE W HAT


cant hear from up here: WHATS A WET DREAM

fuck off: when you dream about someone sexually

cant hear from up here: AWE CUTE

hot single dad: none of you can ever tell jihoon that you know btw
hot single dad: he'll lose his shit

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: yeah what happens in this chat stays in this chat

sssss: other than that, does anyone have anything else? anything on jisoo's part

:D: i do know jisoo always wants to partner with him in music

sssss: okay so that's on the agenda, to find out if jisoo likes jihoon too
sssss: this is fun, like a match making operation

cant hear from up here: another one?

hot single dad: who else are we getting together

bubble butt: nobody, no one you know

chat: south-west (2)


westcoast represent: hey i think you took my calculator yesterday

fuck off 2.0: ah i did! i'll give it back in first

westcoast represent: thanks
westcoast represent: are you alright? after yesterday?
westcoast represent: you totally blew up on mingyu

fuck off 2.0: oh, yeah sorry about that
fuck off 2.0: just got ticked off. apparently, those pricks don't know the meaning of privacy

westcoast represent: yeah, i guess they're just interested hahah. and hey we can always meet up another time
westcoast represent: are you free friday? they're showing that new horror film in the cinema and if you're interested, would you like to go?

fuck off 2.0: horror?

westcoast represent: yeah. don't tell me you're scared of a lil horror movie
westcoast represent: of course, the emoji movie is also playing if you want to see that

fuck off 2.0: uhm i'd rather drown myself in cyanide. ofc i'm not scared... much

westcoast represent: hahaha well you can always hold my hand if you need to
westcoast represent: like if you want to tho
westcoast represent: and you can give me more of your cds to listen to...

fuck off 2.0: oh you liked the one i gave you?

westcoast represent: yeah! it was amazing! there's really nothing you cant do you know
westcoast represent: and the lyrics were like super cute

fuck off 2.0: thanks! i wrote it thinking of someone actually

westcoast represent: oh?

fuck off 2.0: yeah..
fuck off 2.0: anyway im gonna miss the bus
fuck off 2.0: see you in class!

chat: bros before hoes(jeonghan) (2)


fuck off 2.0: if there's a prize for being the worst flirt ever, i just won it
