Chapter One: 18

 This was it. The day she was finally free from her useless parents and in control of her own life. For years, Scarlett had dreamt of this moment - the day she turned 18. As badly as she wanted to run from Marquette and move to a new city across the Atlantic; she couldn't bring herself to leave her baby brother with her neglecting parents. Mason was just 6 years old and was slowly realizing his parents didn't love each other, or him.

Scarlett had saved up to move out and legally adopt her brother ever since Mason was born. From the ages 12-14 she had done every available job, from cleaning houses and babysitting to raking leaves and mowing lawns. At 15, Scarlett got her first real job as a receptionist for a rundown nail salon down the street from her house, but lost the job after a month as soon as the owner found out who her parents were. Eventually, Agnus, a quiet, strict, but kind old woman helped her out. Scarlett owed Mrs. Nelson for almost everything she had saved up, and maybe, her life.


Scarlett caught sight of her dull auburn hair in the dirty windows of 'Nelson's Diner.' Her green-hazel eyes studied the sign displayed on the window, 'Help Wanted apply within.' The diner had sort of a classic 80's feel. She knew her parents wouldn't notice if she were gone a couple extra hours a day. "Maybe they won't care who my parents are," she thought to herself. The door swung open. Older men smiled at her as she pushed past them with her eyes cast down. Finally, she made it to the red countertop and sighed with relief.

"Uhm, Hi I want to apply to work here. Can I have an application?" Scarlett asked the blue eyed boy behind the counter.

"Whatever," the boy snapped at her as he motioned for a gray-haired, brown-eyed, aging woman to come over.

As she approached, Scarlett scanned the boys face. He had a very tense stance as if Scarlett were here only to annoy him.

"I'm Mrs. Nelson come to my office," the woman, who Scarlett assumed was the owner, said as she glared at the men staring at Scarlett. She also heard her mutter something close to, "those dirty old dogs," as she followed her down a hallway. There was a men's restroom to the left and a woman's bathroom to the right. The walls stank of grease and the wallpaper was peeling. At the end of the hall, Mrs. Nelson retrieved a key from her coat pocket and unlocked the oak wood door. "You can sit in one of those chairs and fill this out," the woman said handing her a white application.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you lead me to your office instead of just giving me the the paper?" Scarlett said while filling out her information.

"Curiosity, thats a nice quality," Mrs. Nelson observed slightly smiling, "if you must know, you're also doing your interview right now, but first the application please,"

As Scarlett handed her the sheet she noticed Mrs. Nelson was wearing a purple gemstone surrounded by a gold band around her ring finger. 'Very peculiar,' she thought.

"My Eddie was always a very peculiar boy," said a voice interrupting her thoughts. Blushing, Scarlett realized she must've thought out loud. Scarlett opened her mouth to apologize, but was cut off when Mrs. Nelson remarked, " you're a Grayson." Scarlett sighed, this is the part where her employers suddenly realize they had enough workers. She started to collect her coat and purse when Mrs. Nelson asked, "where are you going?" Scarlett stared at her blankly- and very surprised. "I was about to share with you the good news- you're hired." Now Scarlett was definitely hallucinating.

"Wha- why?" she blurted out before she could stop herself.

Mrs. Nelson just winked at her before shooing her home.

-end flashback-

That was Scarlett's second favorite memory, right behind Mason's first word, "Scar." Right now though, she had to hurry and get dressed, drop Mason at school, and meet with the lawyer Agnus had told her would handle Mason's case for free. She had said something along the lines of, "he owes me a favor- think of this as a sort of graduation gift." Even though Scarlett protested because she did online schooling and had graduated early- when Agnus gave her a new wardrobe for Mason. 15 minutes later Scarlett was dressed and Mason burst into her room with her keys and a cup of coffee.

"I already ate and heres coffee and you have granola bars in the car and we've gotta go because it's pajama day and Lillian said she'd sit next to me during story time and I need to get to school before she decides to sit with Peter instead and-" she put her hand over his mouth.

"Let's go M," she said grabbing his jacket off the couch where her dead beat dad was snoring.

After she dropped Mason off, she drove to the office of the lawyer, Mr. Acker.
