1-3: Diagon Alley

Y/n woke up and was immediately excited when she remembered what day it was. She would finally be able to go to Diagon Alley and get her supplies for Hogwarts! And she would get to hang out with Draco.

She got up and put on a black skirt and a maroon top. She put her hair into a loose, low bun and ran downstairs.

Popsy had made breakfast already, pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Y/n sat at the table and her parents joined her shortly after.

"Yes," Y/n replied. "I'm so excited!"

"Good because it's going to be a long day of shopping!" Y/n's mother said.

"I'm sad to say that I won't be able to join you...." Y/n's father said.

"Why not?" Y/n questioned.

"I'm very caught up at work at the moment and can't afford to take a day off," her father explained. "People are just going at it with paperwork. I don't know why they didn't have me sign all of these things earlier! We had f- never mind. Anyways, Lucius won't be going either."

"Oh okay." Y/n said, a little disappointed but she understood.

After breakfast, Y/n and her mum said bye to her father. Y/n's mum grabbed some floo powder, they walked into the fireplace and her mum said "Diagon Alley" very clearly, throwing down the floo powder.

Once they arrived, they headed to Gringotts to get some money and then headed to meet the Malfoys. They met them at Florian Fortesque's Ice Cream Parlor.

Draco and Y/n both got a single scoop of chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone. They ate their ice cream while talking about all the things that they were excited for at Hogwarts. Then they all headed to Ollivander's to get a wand. This was the most exciting part for Y/n. She couldn't wait to see what her wand would be.

They walked in just as a small boy was leaving. Draco sneered at him and he scurried away. Y/n rolled her eyes. Sometimes Draco was really rude.

"Charming," Y/n said sarcastically, making Draco smirk.

Y/n was first up to test out wands. She tried 6 wands before she found the right one (or until the right one found her). It was 9.5", acacia wood, dragon heartstring core, and flexible.

Draco's wand ended up being 10", hawthorn wood, unicorn hair core, and pliant.

They walked out of the shop, satisfied with their wands. Y/n couldn't wait to learn magic and use her wand.

Then they headed to Flourish and Blotts for books, then, to Madam Malkins for their robes. Y/n's robes were finished before Draco's so she went outside to wait for him. She saw a scrawny boy with glasses and messy black hair walk in and then he came out before Draco. What was taking him so long?

Draco finally came out and they all decided to head to the Leaky Cauldron for some lunch.

Then they headed to the Apothecary for their potions things. Draco was talking about how he just knew he would be amazing in potions, probably the best in their class. Y/n chuckled at him.

"What?" He said and smirked. "I'm serious."

They walked in and Y/n was amazed at all of the ingredients.

Her mum told her to go grab the books while they got the other things. She said okay and walked around, trying to find the potion books. She was so caught up in her surroundings that she didn't notice the boy in front of her.

She bumped into him.

"Oh, sorry!" Y/n said quickly.

"It's no problem!" The boy replied. It was the same boy she had seen walking out of the robe shop earlier. He had beautiful green eyes. They were the first thing Y/n noticed because they were such a bright green.

"Are you getting things for Hogwarts, too?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah," the boy replied. "You?"

Y/n nodded. "Well I guess I'll see you at school!"

"Yeah!" The boy smiled warmly, clearly happy to know that there will be a friendly face at Hogwarts.

Y/n then spotted the books that she was looking for. She smiled at the boy and walked away, happy that she had already made a new friend.

Y/n headed back over to her mum with the books and then they bought everything and left the shop.

As they left the Apothecary, they passed the Quidditch store where many people were crowded around the display window, gawking at the new Nimbus 2000. Y/n had always been fairly good at flying and she wished that first years could be on the Quidditch team. The Nimbus 2000 was said to be the fastest broom in the world. It was a beautiful broom and Y/n admired it.

"It's too bad that first years aren't allowed to play Quidditch," Draco said, apparently thinking the same thing as Y/n. "I would definitely make the team and probably be the best on it too."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "I'm definitely better than you." She said, jokingly.

"Oh you think so?" Draco smirked.

"Oh I know so."

They smiled at each other.

Finally, they headed to Eeylop's Owl Emporium. Draco said that he didn't want a pet but tagged along with Y/n to look at the owls.

After looking for about ten minutes or so, Y/n picked out a beautiful barn owl. The shop owner assured her mum that it was one of their best owls. She named the owl Lola.

"Well," Draco said, "see you on the Hogwarts Express!"

They hugged each other and then they headed home.

A/N: These first few chapters, like I said, are very short lol. Sorry! They do get longer tho! :)
