Isla Koslova

Introduction: Born to the literal god of war and a Scottish mermaid; Isla is the youngest adoptive daughter of Vlad and Hecate, the younger sister of Wendy and Luna, the adoptive niece of Selever and Rasazy, the adoptive granddaughter of Sarv and Ruv, and the adoptive great-granddaughter. She is one of the six OCs in the story alongside her father and her sisters, with the other two set to be revealed later on.

Full name: Isla Koslova

Alias(es): Ariel the II (by her uncle)

Relatives: Ares (biological father), Aphrodite (step-mother), Unnamed biological mother, Vladimir (adoptive father), Hecate (adoptive mother), Wendy (older adoptive sister), Isla (adoptive younger sister, Empousa (older step-sisters), Circe (older step sister), Ruv (adoptive grandfather), Sarv (adoptive grandmother), Selever (adoptive uncle), Rasazy (adoptive aunt), Rsch (adoptive great-grandmother), Krus (adoptive great-grandfather)

Relationships: Unknown

Occupation: Student


Marital status: Single

DOB: May 12, 2007

Age: 16

Status: Alive

Nationality: Greek-Scottish, Russian-American (after adoption)

Physical Description

Species: Half-goddess, half-mermaid (Ceasg)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1

Weight: 52.61kg (116lbs)

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Red


Isla has olive skin and red hair that reaches toher shoulders. She wears a pastel pink shirt, a peach short skirt, whitetights, and black boots. She also wears glasses and almost never goes outwithout some usually wearing skin tint, blush, lipstick, and mascara.

In her mermaid form, her tail resembles that of a salmon and she wears a shell bra.


Isla is your "stereotypical" lady; having a love for pink, sweets, makeup, dresses, skirts, and the like. She is reserved around many and does her best to ensure a good impression on people; especially those she is not all that close with. However, when it's just her and her siblings, she will take a small dip in the waters of profanity; albeit not to the extent of her eldest sister and her uncle.

She is usually the "mom friend", but will occasionally switch to the "chaotic friend" and join in whatever chaos ensues. She can also be quite stubborn and headstrong on occasion; a trait that she shares with both her biological and adoptive fathers. Despite having been abandoned many times in her life, she does not let this stop her from loving her biological father and adoptive family and enjoying the time she spends with them.


She's never met her biological mother; a Ceasg (Scottish depictions of mermaids) who was unable to bring her daughter back with her to sea due to Ceasg law (yes, each and every type of mermaid have laws that they must follow in my canon) forbidding it. Her biological grandfather, Zeus, forced her biological father, Ares, to leave her at an unknown family's doorstep, only for the family to eventually abandon her and leave her at another's doorstep after a couple months; with the cycle repeating until she is eventually left at the Morningstar-Koslov(a) family's doorstep when Vlad was 18.

After 4 years of staying with the Morningstar-Koslov family, Vlad adopted her. She reunited with her biological father a year before the events of the story and the two reconciled, though she still prefers her adoptive father over her biological one. Despite this, she is more than willing to have him back into her life and considers both Vlad AND Ares as her fathers.

Facts about her

· She calls Ares "dad" and Vlad "papachka" (Russian for "daddy")

· Similarly; she calls Aphrodite (with whom she has a positive relationship with) "mom" and Hecate "mamachka" (Russian for "mommy")

· She is supportive of them tomboys and gnc gals.

· Her mermaid form shows itself when she is submerged in any form of water.

· Ironically, she loves sushi and will eat it any time she can.

· She is the youngest among her siblings while ironically being the first to be adopted by Vlad.

· She is an out and proud bisexual teenager.

· Her adoptive parents and her biological father and step-mother have shared custody of her.

· Her favorite ice cream flavor is a tie between strawberry and vanilla.

· She is an AuDHDer and is on the milder side of the ASD and ADHD spectrums.

· She loves Alessandra Mele and dreams of someday going to one of her concerts (since I'm the only one I know who's an Alessandra stan, I might as well just project onto a character so I feel less lonely).

· She ain't the best at winking, but she's trying her best, lmao.

· She loves singing and is good at it.


Reason number idk anymore on why Zeus doesn't deserve anything good at this point:

"You're doing all the wrong things..." Isla muttered as she made eye contact with her biological grandfather.

"It's not me who's doing the wrong things!" Zeus said. "It's your daddy and that [bishy] mermaid that he just HAD to go to bed with 16 years ago who did the wrong things! You're the wrong thing!"

The half-mermaid began to cry as she went to hug her older sister, who looked at her sympathetically as she hugged back while her other sister rubbed soothing circles on her back.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!" Rsch, Ruv, and Sarv said in heated rage.

"First, you forced yourself on dedushka when he was FOUR-[FUNKING]-TEEN and now you're throwing [crap] at your own granddaughter when she did NOTHING wrong?!" Selever asked. "WHAT THE [HECK] IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

Vlad said nothing, but it was obvious by the way he looked at Zeus that his blood was boiling.

Isla looked at her grandfather, who was dialing a number on his phone.

"Why would you be on your phone at a time like this, dedushka?" She asked.

"I'm calling one of my divine ex hook-ups aka your biological father."

Everyone in the room (sans Rsch and Selever) were quick to try to dissuade him from calling the aforementioned god.

"It's fine, dedushka!" The half-goddess said in between sobs and sniffles.

"Yeah, Ruv." Hecate said in agreement. "You don't have to-"

"I don't care what you say!" Ruv said, cutting his daughter-in-law off. "Zeus deserves to have bullets stuffed in his mouth and up his a-"

"Let's not finish that." Isla and Rasazy said at the same time.
