Dancing on Tiptoes

The next day, Florence was sitting in her room, dozens of scribbled lyrics surrounding her. She put down her pen and sighed. She was getting nowhere. Two more songs needed to be written to finish up her album, but nothing seemed perfect enough to be shown even to Isa.

Florence needed some inspiration.

Without even pausing to think, Flo reached for her phone and dialled her girlfriend's number. Isa answered on the first ring.

"Hey, how's the writing going?"

"Terribly. Want to go to the beach?"

Isa agreed, and soon Flo was on her bike and headed to one of their special hangout spots. It was one of those rare blue-sky days in London, so Flo's mood instantly lifted. Soon, she had reached "the beach," a tiny inlet surrounded by grass and rocks. The water was surprisingly clear and blue. 

When she saw Isa walking towards her, a smile on her face, her mood skyrocketed through the clouds.

"Hey," Isa said, and Florence met her mouth with such force that Isa almost fell backwards.

 "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Isa said, laughing. "Did you miss me that much?"

Flo bit her lip and tried to smile, but it wouldn't come.

"What's wrong, Flossie?" Isa asked, her light tone exchanged for a concerned one.

"I—I haven't been able to write in days, Isa, it's awful. Days!" Flo accentuated the word with a wave of her hand.

Isa shook her head, smiling. "Florence, you need to take a break."

Flo opened her mouth to argue, but Isa turned and started to run into the waves, her beautiful laugh causing Flo to forget about arguing. 

Smiling, Florence kicked off her shoes and followed. 

Once she was in the water, all her stress about writing seemed to melt away, the waves rushing over her bare feet and cleansing her of her problems. Nothing else seemed to matter except for the water, the sun and Isa.

"Flo! Come on!"

Florence was pulled out of her thoughts by Isa, who was running deeper into the water, wearing only a bra and her shorts.

Today keeps getting better and better, Florence thought. She pulled off her shirt and ran laughing to join Isa, waving the shirt above her head like a flag. Once she reached the tiny blonde, she put her arms around her waist and pulled her close for a kiss.

"I love you, Isabella Summers," she proclaimed, and even though they were the only ones in the water, she felt as if she had just yelled it to the world.

"I love you too," Isa said back, and Flo's heart swelled with happiness.


Isa watched her beautiful girlfriend dancing in the water, spinning around and throwing her hands in the air like she didn't care who saw her. Suddenly Flo spun right into her, nearly knocking her over.

"Hey!" Isa splashed her, and water soaked Flo's hair, turning it a dark shade of brown.

Flo burst out laughing. "Stop it stop it stop it!" she squealed, splashing Isa back and showering her in drops of water.

"Watch it, Welch," Isa warned, grabbing for Flo's waist. Flo spun away, laughing and waving her arms in the air.

Isa noticed then that it was getting dark, and they had to get home. She didn't want to leave Flo, but if she absolutely had to, she would.

"Florence," Isa yelled, finally catching Flo around the waist and making her stop spinning.

Florence looked down at her. "Yes, my little machine?"

"What are you doing tonight?" 
