05 The morning after

A bright ray of sun sneaking through the crack of the curtains forced Xiao Zhan to eventually open his sleepy eyes.
He reached out a hand to the right side, searching for his big, pink, Hello Kitty alarm clock which always wakes him up, long before the sun would shine like that.

He quickly withdrew his hand when feeling something else but the nightstand from his bedroom.
This "nightstand" was warm, it was snoring lightly and it was blocking him from moving.

Xiao Zhan lifted the blanket a bit and peeked underneath.
The sight of his and a stranger's naked bodies glued to each other, had instantly refreshed his memory: he was fu*ked the whole night long! By a complete stranger!

He tried to withdraw slowly his leg, trapped between the stranger's thighs, but the hand placed on his aSs pulled him even closer than he already was to that warm body, and the other arm from underneath his neck, coiled around his shoulder, pulling his face a few inches away from those beautiful, plump lips which got a taste from every single piece of him.

"Good morning, sunshine!", a husky voice was heard before the said pair of lips pressed a sweet, lovingly kiss onto his rosy cheek.

Xiao Zhan mused into his mind: "This kiss and these words are not normal to come from a stranger who had just fu*ked me, this kiss felt like coming from a man who made love to me."

"Good morning,Yibo, I am sorry, I didn't want to wake you up.", he managed to reply, between the short and frequent pecks stamped onto his lips.

"I will answer your question now, but after that you have to answer my question, as well!
That Ex-character of yours was a crazy, stupid man, for letting you go!
I would like for these lips to kiss me night and day, nonstop, how could he say such a foolish thing that you don't know how to kiss?", Wang Yibo whispered, brushing his lips over Xiao Zhan's humid, half parted ones, before biting them lightly, one after another.

Xiao Zhan gasped when his kisser opened his eyes: he had almost forgotten how captivating were those magnetic, dark golden irises, piercing yet loving, sharp yet warm, dominating yet puppy-like eyes.

"What question are you talking about?", he asked, squirming in his spot when feeling the hard something pressing against his thigh.

"Don't you remember that you promised to answer me if you want me or not to stay beside you for now on?", Wang Yibo murmured, before cupping again his mouth in a slow, long, languorous kiss.

After recovering his normal breath, Xiao Zhan replied:
"I didn't think that you were being serious when asking me such a thing.
After all, you don't know me at all, I'm just a stranger whom you've accidentally met him and, hmm...fu*ked him, so..."

"That's all what you've understood from what has happened between us?
It was you who asked me to make love to you and to prepare you with my love, and now you are saying that I've fu*ked you?", Yibo spoke, looking deep into Zhan's eyes with hurt more than with outrage.

"Oh, yeah, you're right, but telling 'I love ' to somebody while fu*king him, it doesn't count as something too reliable."

Yibo rose up, folding his legs under his butt and cupped Zhan's face with both of his hands:
"Please stop saying that I fu*ked you! I fu*ked many others before you, to be able to figure out that it's a big difference between them and you.
Xiao Yang, Xiao Zhan! Look at me!
When I've said what I've said, I didn't lie!
I never believed in love at the first sight, but now I do, from the bottom of my heart.
I'm telling the truth when saying that I want you in my life from now on, so please think seriously about it.
You could give up to Beijing and move here with me.
I will show you today my house, my business, and my love for you.
You can do your job as an accountant here, there are many small businesses around here who would need your service, and..."

"YiBaobei! Slow down a bit, Wang Yibo!
As I've already said, you don't know me at all, you even thought about me that I am some kind of a sick pervert, crazy freak doing strange things in the public restrooms.
And now you suddenly say that you like me."

"No, I said that I love you!"

"Alright, and when you see a flower that you love, you simply pick it up from its garden, kill it and put it in a vase from your house, just because you love it?"

"I will not kill it, because I will move it with its roots and plant it in my garden, and I can tell you that the countryside's air, sun and soil will be much healthier for the flower than Beijing's pollution.
Not talking anymore about the love with which I will take care of that lovely flower...so what do you say?
I'm not pressing you, you can give me the answer after these two weeks of staying here."

"You are an overly intelligent guy, you have a smart answer to everything.", Xiao Zhan smiled, ruffling the other's messy locks of hair.

"So, can I understand and hope that you like me, just a little?
At least you like my intelligence, and maybe you will like other things from me after you get to know me better.
Let's see for now if you like me kissing you and making love to you."

"You don't have to do that anymore, I can already give you an answer after this past night."

"Still, we need to make the morning love, too, for you to be able to conclude correctly.", Yibo laughed, not giving his lover any chance to reject the offer.

He leant for marking yet again that snowy neck with one more purple stamp, then his lips and teeth grazed the length of the jugular vein, sucking the sweet skin from time to time, or planting small bites on the junction between the shoulder and neck.

They inhaled each other's scent bodies, while kissing every part they could reach on with their mouths.
Their bodies were smelling like fresh soap from the shower taken before going to sleep, and like sex, like LOVE. A mix of scents, really enticing to both of them.

Xiao Zhan's back arched upward when Yibo's teeth grabbed a nipple, tugging and biting it before licking and sucking it hungrily.

"Do you know that my ex has never made love to me in the morning?", Xiao Zhan managed to utter the words between heavy pants.

Yibo looked at him from under his rumpled bangs:
"I'm glad for being your first in something.
You are my first in something, too.
You are the first person to whom I'm telling 'I LOVE YOU'..."

"Yeah, right, don't give me this kind of bullsh!t!", Zhan cut his words, pushing his face away.

"I was going to finish the sentence, if you'd have let me:... And meaning it.
I mean, it's the first time saying 'I love you' with honesty in my heart.
Here, feel it, my heart is full of love and beats like this, for you.", Yibo said, pressing Zhan's hand over his rising and falling chest.

"I don't know yet if I love you or not, but I love, ahhh... your love making for...oh, surre...", Xiao Zhan replied in erratic breathing.

"I'm content for now with only this, yet I will make sure for you to fall in love with me till the end of the week, and I'm very serious about it!"

Wang Yibo's last words were mostly grunted because he was too engrossed in penetrating slowly the hot, tight hole with his willing, hard rock member.

After his entire length was sucked inside Xiao Zhan's burning inner tunnel, he slipped his arms under his lover's knees and lifted his parted legs, propping his weight onto the couch's cushion.

He started to hammer his c0ck in and out, out and in, at a very fast pace and deep thrusting.

Xiao Zhan's body was violently shaken by Wang Yibo's hard pouncing, the same was the couch, on the verge of falling apart.

It was another kind of sex than they had in the night time.
It was a lusty, needy and wild sex, but Zhan didn't dislike it.
Not at all!
It was the first time he was feeling wanted and desired like that.
It was the first time he wanted and desired somebody like that.
And he was wanting a man not only for his body, but for his heart, too.
Yes, he wants to be loved by Wang Yibo and he wants to love him back!

Zhan's high pitched scream got mingled with Yibo's lower scream, but not less louder, when they've reached together the most amazing orgasm.

They dropped their sweaty bodies onto their backs, next to each other, trying to regain their normal breathing.

Wang Yibo reached out a hand to Zhan's chest, feeling with his palm the erratic pounding of his heart, then he raised his head to kiss tenderly the place from where it was coming the sound of that heart beating:
"I love you, and I hope that this heart will feel the same for me, soon!"

Zhan intended to reply something, but Yibo stopped him by pressing his lips with a finger:
"Don't say anything yet, I don't want you to feel rushed or pressed, we have plenty of time for you to figure out what you feel for me.
Now, we should take a shower, eat something and go outside.
I will take you for a shopping session, then I want to show you the vineyard, the peach orchard, or do you want us to go for a fishing trip?"

Xiao Zhan kissed lovingly Yibo's still red and heated cheeks:
"You are really overwhelming me, I want to do all those with you.
But I'm warning you, I know nothing about fishing, vineyards or other things.
Oh,wait! I know something about shopping and cooking our breakfast, so I'm not entirely useless."

"It will be my immense pleasure to teach you everything you don't know yet, and you can teach me how to cook, because the last time I tried to cook something I had to throw away five or six pots, even though I had in my kitchen only three pots!"

"Ha, ha, you are crazy, how did you throw six, if you had only three before?"

"I could because I'm an intelligent man, you said it by yourself, so I can do many tricks.
I will make you fall in love with me, only because I'm smart and handsome, and you already like me!"

"Aren't you a bit too cocky?"

"Yes I am, but you like me, don't you?"

"I admit that your charm is working on me, I already feel like something is happening in my stomach.
Is it love or is it hunger, I wonder, ha ha?", Xiao Zhan laughed with hiccups at the sight of Yibo's face turning from a happy face into a disappointed, cloudy one.

A/n: This update might be too short or not  satisfying enough.
Sorry if you are disappointed with this chapter, I will try to make up to you the next ones, and I hope you will not say after reading:


Same story with no pics/gifs inserted along the text


A bright ray of sun sneaking through the crack of the curtains forced Xiao Zhan to eventually open his sleepy eyes.
He reached out a hand to the right side, searching for his big, pink, Hello Kitty alarm clock which always wakes him up, long before the sun would shine like that.

He quickly withdrew his hand when feeling something else but the nightstand from his bedroom.
This "nightstand" was warm, it was snoring lightly and it was blocking him from moving.

Xiao Zhan lifted the blanket a bit and peeked underneath.
The sight of his and a stranger's naked bodies glued to each other, had instantly refreshed his memory: he was fu*ked the whole night long! By a complete stranger!

He tried to withdraw slowly his leg, trapped between the stranger's thighs, but the hand placed on his aSs pulled him even closer than he already was to that warm body, and the other arm from underneath his neck, coiled around his shoulder, pulling his face a few inches away from those beautiful, plump lips which got a taste from every single piece of him.

"Good morning, sunshine!", a husky voice was heard before the said pair of lips pressed a sweet, lovingly kiss onto his rosy cheek.

Xiao Zhan mused into his mind: "This kiss and these words are not normal to come from a stranger who had just fu*ked me, this kiss felt like coming from a man who made love to me."

"Good morning,Yibo, I am sorry, I didn't want to wake you up.", he managed to reply, between the short and frequent pecks stamped onto his lips.

"I will answer your question now, but after that you have to answer my question, as well!
That Ex-character of yours was a crazy, stupid man, for letting you go!
I would like for these lips to kiss me night and day, nonstop, how could he say such a foolish thing that you don't know how to kiss?", Wang Yibo whispered, brushing his lips over Xiao Zhan's humid, half parted ones, before biting them lightly, one after another.

Xiao Zhan gasped when his kisser opened his eyes: he had almost forgotten how captivating were those magnetic, dark golden irises, piercing yet loving, sharp yet warm, dominating yet puppy-like eyes.

"What question are you talking about?", he asked, squirming in his spot when feeling the hard something pressing against his thigh.

"Don't you remember that you promised to answer me if you want me or not to stay beside you for now on?", Wang Yibo murmured, before cupping again his mouth in a slow, long, languorous kiss.

After recovering his normal breath, Xiao Zhan replied:
"I didn't think that you were being serious when asking me such a thing.
After all, you don't know me at all, I'm just a stranger whom you've accidentally met him and, hmm...fu*ked him, so..."

"That's all what you've understood from what has happened between us?
It was you who asked me to make love to you and to prepare you with my love, and now you are saying that I've fu*ked you?", Yibo spoke, looking deep into Zhan's eyes with hurt more than with outrage.

"Oh, yeah, you're right, but telling 'I love ' to somebody while fu*king him, it doesn't count as something too reliable."

Yibo rose up, folding his legs under his butt and cupped Zhan's face with both of his hands:
"Please stop saying that I fu*ked you! I fu*ked many others before you, to be able to figure out that it's a big difference between them and you.
Xiao Yang, Xiao Zhan! Look at me!
When I've said what I've said, I didn't lie!
I never believed in love at the first sight, but now I do, from the bottom of my heart.
I'm telling the truth when saying that I want you in my life from now on, so please think seriously about it.
You could give up to Beijing and move here with me.
I will show you today my house, my business, and my love for you.
You can do your job as an accountant here, there are many small businesses around here who would need your service, and..."

"YiBaobei! Slow down a bit, Wang Yibo!
As I've already said, you don't know me at all, you even thought about me that I am some kind of a sick pervert, crazy freak doing strange things in the public restrooms.
And now you suddenly say that you like me."

"No, I said that I love you!"

"Alright, and when you see a flower that you love, you simply pick it up from its garden, kill it and put it in a vase from your house, just because you love it?"

"I will not kill it, because I will move it with its roots and plant it in my garden, and I can tell you that the countryside's air, sun and soil will be much healthier for the flower than Beijing's pollution.
Not talking anymore about the love with which I will take care of that lovely flower...so what do you say?
I'm not pressing you, you can give me the answer after these two weeks of staying here."

"You are an overly intelligent guy, you have a smart answer to everything.", Xiao Zhan smiled, ruffling the other's messy locks of hair.

"So, can I understand and hope that you like me, just a little?
At least you like my intelligence, and maybe you will like other things from me after you get to know me better.
Let's see for now if you like me kissing you and making love to you."

Gif yibo messy hair smile

"You don't have to do that anymore, I can already give you an answer after this past night."

"Still, we need to make the morning love, too, for you to be able to conclude correctly.", Yibo laughed, not giving his lover any chance to reject the offer.

He leant for marking yet again that snowy neck with one more purple stamp, then his lips and teeth grazed the length of the jugular vein, sucking the sweet skin from time to time, or planting small bites on the junction between the shoulder and neck.

They inhaled each other's scent bodies, while kissing every part they could reach on with their mouths.
Their bodies were smelling like fresh soap from the shower taken before going to sleep, and like sex, like LOVE. A mix of scents, really enticing to both of them.

Xiao Zhan's back arched upward when Yibo's teeth grabbed a nipple, tugging and biting it before licking and sucking it hungrily.

"Do you know that my ex has never made love to me in the morning?", Xiao Zhan managed to utter the words between heavy pants.

Yibo looked at him from under his rumpled bangs:
"I'm glad for being your first in something.
You are my first in something, too.
You are the first person to whom I'm telling 'I LOVE YOU'..."

"Yeah, right, don't give me this kind of bullsh!t!", Zhan cut his words, pushing his face away.

"I was going to finish the sentence, if you'd have let me:... And meaning it.
I mean, it's the first time saying 'I love you' with honesty in my heart.
Here, feel it, my heart is full of love and beats like this, for you.", Yibo said, pressing Zhan's hand over his rising and falling chest.

"I don't know yet if I love you or not, but I love, ahhh... your love making for...oh, surre...", Xiao Zhan replied in erratic breathing.

"I'm content for now with only this, yet I will make sure for you to fall in love with me till the end of the week, and I'm very serious about it!"

Wang Yibo's last words were mostly grunted because he was too engrossed in penetrating slowly the hot, tight hole with his willing, hard rock member.

After his entire length was sucked inside Xiao Zhan's burning inner tunnel, he slipped his arms under his lover's knees and lifted his parted legs, propping his weight onto the couch's cushion.

He started to hammer his c0ck in and out, out and in, at a very fast pace and deep thrusting.

Xiao Zhan's body was violently shaken by Wang Yibo's hard pouncing, the same was the couch, on the verge of falling apart.

It was another kind of sex than they had in the night time.
It was a lusty, needy and wild sex, but Zhan didn't dislike it.
Not at all!
It was the first time he was feeling wanted and desired like that.
It was the first time he wanted and desired somebody like that.
And he was wanting a man not only for his body, but for his heart, too.
Yes, he wants to be loved by Wang Yibo and he wants to love him back!

Zhan's high pitched scream got mingled with Yibo's lower scream, but not less louder, when they've reached together the most amazing orgasm.

They dropped their sweaty bodies onto their backs, next to each other, trying to regain their normal breathing.

Wang Yibo reached out a hand to Zhan's chest, feeling with his palm the erratic pounding of his heart, then he raised his head to kiss tenderly the place from where it was coming the sound of that heart beating:
"I love you, and I hope that this heart will feel the same for me, soon!"

Zhan intended to reply something, but Yibo stopped him by pressing his lips with a finger:
"Don't say anything yet, I don't want you to feel rushed or pressed, we have plenty of time for you to figure out what you feel for me.
Now, we should take a shower, eat something and go outside.
I will take you for a shopping session, then I want to show you the vineyard, the peach orchard, or do you want us to go for a fishing trip?"

Xiao Zhan kissed lovingly Yibo's still red and heated cheeks:
"You are really overwhelming me, I want to do all those with you.
But I'm warning you, I know nothing about fishing, vineyards or other things.
Oh,wait! I know something about shopping and cooking our breakfast, so I'm not entirely useless."

"It will be my immense pleasure to teach you everything you don't know yet, and you can teach me how to cook, because the last time I tried to cook something I had to throw away five or six pots, even though I had in my kitchen only three pots!"

"Ha, ha, you are crazy, how did you throw six, if you had only three before?"

"I could because I'm an intelligent man, you said it by yourself, so I can do many tricks.
I will make you fall in love with me, only because I'm smart and handsome, and you already like me!"

"Aren't you a bit too cocky?"

"Yes I am, but you like me, don't you?"

"I admit that your charm is working on me, I already feel like something is happening in my stomach.
Is it love or is it hunger, I wonder, ha ha?", Xiao Zhan laughed with hiccups at the sight of Yibo's face turning from a happy face into a disappointed, cloudy one.

A/n: This update might be too short or not satisfying enough.
Sorry if you are disappointed with this chapter, I will try to make up to you the next ones.
