09. Little Miracle

Rather Be - Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne 

I do not own Baby Daddy only Sophia and her plot line


The first thing Ben Wheeler did when he found out his second baby was entering the world was run to his and Sophia's room to get the prepared baby delivery bag. 

On his way he ran straight into the door causing him to get a very, very bloody nose. 

Nevertheless he still ran to the room getting the bag and came back into the living room to find everyone panicking and Sophia shooting daggers at all of them. 

"Would you idiots, calm the hell down! I'm the one that has to push a human being out of their vagina!" Sophia yelled 

Everyone immediately went quite awaiting further instruction from the brunette. 

"First," She turned to Ben, "Why is your nose dripping blood on my floor?" 

"I ran into the door." 

"Classic. Second,Riley, go get the car, Ben you and I will ride together and Bonnie, Danny and Tucker will go together." 

Everyone nodded but still stayed in their spots. 


They all rushed away Ben helping his girlfriend of the couch and into the elevator. 


"Ben, you are going to go get your nose checked out right now." Sophia told him. 

"No. I can't miss this."

"Ben I'm only 3 centimes dilated. We have at lease 24 hours with the pace this baby is going at."

"Ok fine, but I want someone to call me when we get to 8. Ok." 

"I got you bro." Danny said from the other side of Sophia's hospital bed. 

The entire family crowded in her assigned hospital roomed, even though the nurse said parents only Sophia said, "Everyone or I'll kick your ass and labor pain only fuels my anger." 

  Ben left the room with great hesitation but Sophia would rather have the father of her baby not in pain during her delivery. 


It had been about 10 hours and  the last time the doctor checked, which was 2 hours ago, Sophia was only 6 centimeters. Ben was back by now and his nose was covered in a big white bandage. 

"Get this thing out of me! I can't do this! This is all your fault Ben. Gosh, why can't you keep it in your pants for once in your life. I'm never having sex with you, I should have known you would get me pregnant. It's in your track record." 

"Umm" Ben was speechless, " Is this the contraction pain talking?" 

"You wish." Sophia grunted. 

The doctor entered the room and greeted everyone. 

He got his stool and checked Sophia's cervix and then he paged the nurses. 

"What's wrong doc?' Tucker asked. 

"It's time." was all he said before Sophia felt an enormous amount of pain and screamed at the top of her lungs. 

"Ok, Sophia I need you to push, It looks like the baby has the umbilical cord wrapped around it's neck."

"What?" Bonnie yelled. 

Sophia's eyes started to water, "Is my baby going to be okay?" She asked. 

"It will be if you start to push. Now Sophia. Push!"

Sophia pushed with all her might. It wasn't a lot. She was so tired, being in labor for 10 hours drains someone. 

"Come on baby, you gotta push for me." Ben pleaded. 

"I can't. I'm so tired."

Bonnie pushed Ben out of the way and got in Sophia's face, "Listen her, Selena Gomez doppleganger, you're gonna push my grand-baby out of that vagina of yours before I go down there and pull them out myself." 

"Yes ma'm." Sophia nodded then started to push again. 

"Come on, Sis just one more then you'll hold your little miracle in your hand." Riley encouraged. 

Tucker and Danny were in the back silently grossed out but happy at the same time. 

While Ben was worried about his baby being choked by the umbilical cord. 

With one last push Sophia felt the baby leave her cervix. 

But she didn't hear anything. 


No crying. 

Just silence. 

"WHat's happening!?!?" She yelled, "I don't hear my baby." 

Ben was on the floor holding his knees. My baby he thought. 

My baby. My baby. My baby. My baby.

The sound of a screeching wale broke the sobbing of the family. 

To most the wale was horrid sound but to the Wheeler-Perrin-Dobbs  family it was the sound of Angels. 

The doctors brought the baby over to Sophia. 

Wrapped in a pale blue blanket was her new baby boy. 

Toby Caleb Wheeler. 

Her little miracle. 


I'm sorry if you thought the baby died

But it was more interesting 


vOtE, CoMmEntT, FoLlOw


-L I L Y 💛
