Wake Up

My eyes flew open as my body came into contact with something hard. I jerk up, seeing the sleeping form above me, the pocket I'd fallen out of.
Guess you dozed off...
So how do we get back in the pocket?
Um...I don't know.
Did I just hear something?
What is it?
Sounds like...

"Joe, think I see somethin."

"Think its them?"

"Let me...five of em, matches the description, doesn't look like they're campin, yeah, think these are the ones." A beam of blue light swept over the sleeping boys.
Oh god.

I stood frozen on Deans arm. His breath hitting my skin, but doing nothing to alleviate the cold numbness working its way through my veins. Trace still snored, all the others remained silent. I was the only one awake.

"Rodge, yeah, found em. Sleeping here, little ways in the woods out by the Larkin's house. Uh, what'do you say Ted, mile? Two?"
I've got to wake them.

"Didn't think they'd be this easy, been on the run six months now."

"They're dropouts, not surprised."

I crept up Deans arm, trying not to fall off as I worked my way up to his face.

"Better handcuff em while they're still sleeping."

Metal jingled and the footsteps drew near. I hear a click as someone bound hands together. I heard the shuffle as someone knelt by Dean.

His arm was lifted from under him, causing me to fall into the dirt as his body was lowered on top of me.

I heard him groan as his weight settled.
Oh my god. What have they done to deserve this?

I pushed against his collarbones, hoping I'd be able to crawl out between them. His pulse beat against me.
This is the same place you were in that dream...
Shut it with the dream.
Just saying.
I need to wake him. Think, how?
Um, bite him.
Bite him?
It might work.
He didn't feel it when I punched him. Plus, his skin is too thick for me to bite.
Just a suggestion, didn't say it'd work.
I can't yell either because one of the cops might hear me.
Oh god.

I beat my fists against the flesh above me helplessly.
Please wake up.

One final click sounded. Even if he woke now there wasn't anything he could do about it.

Anger swelled in me, hot tears forced their way out, trailing down my skin.
They're gonna get caught and its my fault.
What's gonna happen to them?
I don't know.
Their minors right?
Maybe, probably close enough to eighteen to be tried as adults.
Plus they were already charged with assault.
And probably are going to be charged from running.
Oh gosh...
I hope they're going to be okay.

More footsteps entered my hearing range, I assumed it was the backup that had been called. Ross cried out as a man grunted, he was probably being lifted.

Footsteps neared me again, and I swivled so that I could cling to Deans shirt collar. I swallowed, and slipped inside. Hanging on for all I was worth as his body was lifted.

He cried out, thrashing before I heard a buzz, and he went limp.
Oh my god oh my god.
He just got tased.

My knuckles turned white, and it was hard to breath. The smell of sweat was overpowering, my back was dampened from both his and my own. My arms were shaking from the exertion, and I felt my fingers going numb.

"Dean!" Ross shouted.

I hoped Dean would reply, let me know he was awake, or alive. Not a sound came from him though. The sounds of struggling stopped with more buzzing.

Rational thought was quickly being overrun by panic and terror.

Even as my fingers slowly slipped I knew I couldn't fall.

When the last one came free of the collar I grabbed for more cloth. Flailing blindly for something to catch me. I landed on the shirt, sliding down until I caught a fist full of fabric.

My body wouldn't stop thrashing.
Please, something happen, please.

Foliage crunched and swished around the bodies that were pushing through it. Eventually I hear an engine running, then two, three. Car doors slammed and Dean was shaken around, loosening my grip and sending me downward to his stomach.

I land on the soft skin, sliding out from under his shirt as Jerra is dumped next to Dean and the door is slammed shut.

Two red marks glare out at me from his neck.

I sit on Deans side, unable to move until he stirs, knocking me onto the seat.



"We caught?"

I swallow. "Yeah."

He swore softly, then went silent.

My legs collapse, and after scooting closer to him, I curl up in a ball and close my eyes.

Jerra's breathing quickened as he rose from unconsciousness.

He tried to sit up, or move his hands, failing to do so. His movements became more and more panicked.

"Jerra, stop before you hurt yourself." Dean murmered.

Jerra whimpered softly. In the moonlight I could see trails of wet froming on his face.

The car started moving, jerking me around and shaking me violently. The noise was deafening.


I look to Jerra, he was facing away from me, unable to turn away from the window. I crawl to him, hugging myself against his body as I work my way up to his shoulder. He breaths irregularly, even as I wrap my arms around his cheek again.
Think of something.
There's nothing.
Youre in my head, do you see anything in there?
See, I can't think of anything to say.
Well then...
Why did this have to happen? What did they do?
Self defense.
Doesn't matter in the eyes of the law.
Just so long as they don't get shot.
That's not a garuntee...
I know, it makes me even more worried.
Will they go to jail?
Please no.

Tears drench me quickly. But I don't move until the cars stop.

Possibly crappy update! Yay! Comment some feedback may you have any, vote if you like.
Okay, me loves you :)
