She could feel her heartbeat slowing in her chest, the strength leaving her muscles and blood steadily escaping her body. A tear rolled down the woman's cooling cheek as she stared at him through the glass. The mobile phone slipped from her grip and clattered to the ground below. Her back ached from the harsh grates of the walkway but she soon became numb to it. At least she wasn't alone. 

His cold and distant facade was cracking, the sight of her lying there broken was affecting him more than anything had in a long time. He wondered how this one woman wiggled through his defences and made him emote, but now he would seemingly never know. He watched the life drain from her body, his heart squeezing at the sight. 

Her face screwed up slightly as her punctured lung struggled to expel her last breath. She forced herself to smile calmly at him as her eyes began to slide closed; the last thing she would ever see was his hand longingly pressed against the glass.
