Chapter Eight

"Mama, I'm hungry," Abilene cried as Brooklyn pulled in front of a small grocery store. She had arrived at the airport instead of the private airstrip, and the drive to town was over three hours. Making the mistake of not getting anything to eat before renting the car, she felt guilty for leaving her daughter with just a honeybun and a soda she bought at a small gas station just an hour outside of town.

"I am too, sweetheart. Let's get something here real quick before we arrive at the Redd ranch, okay?" Unbuckling her seatbelt, she took a deep breath.

A mile closer to you, Marshall, she thought as she stepped out of the car, opening the back door for her daughter before she unbuckled her from her car seat, helping her out.

Abilene stepped out in a hop, her little boots stomping on the pavement, she looked at her mother with a big smile on her face. After begging her at the airport to get her those boots from a store they drove by, she couldn't be any happier.

"I look like a little cowboy, Mama," she squealed, twirling around in her little flowered patterned dress; her dark hair tied in two pigtails.

"Yes, you do look like a cowgirl. But now we need to get you a hat. Maybe they have some at the store." Brooklyn took her daughter's hand and headed inside Lilly's, the only food store in the street. Lilly Sanders, owner, was hanging flower baskets at the entrance.

"Hello, darling. How are..." she stopped and gasped, looking straight into Brooklyn's eyes. Years have gone by, and she might have a darker shade of hair, but lady Lilly recognized those eyes anywhere.

"Hello, Miss Sanders. Do you recognize me?" Brooklyn asked, hoping she did as Lilly had only seen her once when her family and Jeremiah's had gone shopping for Christmas that day.

"Of course, dear. Oh, my goodness. You look fit as a fiddle. So beautiful." Lilly embraced her in a hug, Brooklyn trying to hold back tears. She only hoped Marshall received her the way this lady did. Although she doubted that.

As Lilly pulled away, she stared at her with a soft smile on her face. "Does Marshall know you're here?"

Brooklyn shook her head. "No, I am just arriving, and we hadn't had contact in all these years."

The older lady sighed, but smiled nonetheless. She wasn't sure how the cowboy would react at seeing Brooklyn back in town. It would stir many emotions, that was for certain.

"Well, darling. Let's go inside, because you look like you're about to pass out from hunger. And who is this little thing behind you?" she asked as she noticed Abilene hiding behind her mother, only part of her face visible to Lilly. "Hello, you beautiful girl. Come in and let's get you some snacks."

After spoiling the girls with snacks and drinks and Brooklyn getting her the promised hat, Lilly saw them off. She headed to her car, when she spotted the hardware store. Thinking she might need some tape for her daughter's broken porcelain unicorn, she walked there, quick steps making it hard for Abilene to catch up.

"Where are we going, Mama?" she asked, curiously.

"We need something to fix Kilo."

"Oh, yes, Mama. Kilo is broken. Let's go find something for him!"

As they opened the door and walked in, Abilene skipping steps, Brooklyn bumped into a hard shoulder, hearing a deep voice apologize to her. Tall, dark and broody.

"Marshall?" she whispered, turning around when realization hit her he had been the one to walk past her. Her heart went off many miles an hour as she looked out the window, seeing him get in the truck.

Her cowboy...

A gorgeous female had approached him, and she didn't stare enough to know how long they talked to each other. She had one mission in her mind and that was to find that darn tape for her daughter's figurine.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Thomas asked, his kind smile directed at Abilene, who waved at him with the same smile, with a couple of teeth missing.

"Yes, hello. I'm here to find some tape."

Thomas pushed his glasses up his nose, narrowing his eyes. "Miss Evans?" he asked, recognizing her, just like Lilly had.

"Hi, Mr. Gilligan. I can't believe you remember me too."

"Well, dear. It hasn't been that long, and you haven't changed. But, what happened to your cute blonde hair?"

Brooklyn giggled shyly as she ran her hand through her now brown curled hair that sat on top of her shoulder. A large red polka dotted bandana adorned her head.

"Yes, that was one part of my life. I used to dye it, but this is my natural color. And as you can see, I let it grow."

Not that it was relevant what she was saying, but she was aware of the many stares she would get from the people she knew. Thomas was happy to see her, and without wasting any time, he helped her find what she needed, waving at her and Abilene goodbye before they both walked out of the store, quickly getting inside the car.

Brooklyn looked around–maybe hoping Marshall was still there–but his truck was gone. Defeated, and somewhat relieved, she helped Abilene buckle up, kissed her forehead and got in, driving off towards Jeremiah's parents' ranch.

"Mama, when will I meet Daddy?" her daughter asked, eager to see the man that has fathered her. "I want to see him."

"Soon, sweetheart. We're actually heading that way," Brooklyn replied, her nerves growing the closer they were getting. Abilene slumped back and looked out the window with her arms folded on her chest, frowning. The little girl was impatient, that was for sure, and sometimes she could be as grumpy as her father.

"You're your father's daughter, all right," she muttered before letting out a soft chuckle. Many memories came to Brooklyn's mind as she arrived at the ranch, driving down the gravel driveway, seeing not much has changed.

The barn was still up, which made her think of the night she had spent with Marshall there, riding a mechanical bull, making love on top of the animal, just as they had done in the hay an hour prior.

It was a sensational feeling, and she hoped it would happen again. That simple thought made her stomach twist.

Marshall hating her...

"Mama, we're here!" Abilene shouted, pulling Brooklyn out of her thoughts as she came to a stop in front of the ranch house. It was just as beautiful as she remembered, and she found herself smiling, unshed tears clouding her eyes.

Taking another deep breath, she turned the car off and stepped out. The screen door opened, giving way to the older lady she came to like.

Dolly Redd.

"Brooklyn, is that you?" she asked, rushing down the steps, careful not to tumble before she reached her. "Oh, sweetie. How have you been?"

Taking her in a tight embrace–almost knocking her breath out–both women held on to each other, shedding tears of joy.

"Hello, Dolly. I am so glad to see you," Brooklyn whispered, remembering how amazing the woman had been with her family during their vacation.

"I am glad to see you, too. And who is this here?" she noticed Abilene.

"Hello," Abilene said, cheerful. "I am Abilene, and I came here to meet my Daddy!"
