Masquerade ball.

The next day Dan called us and told about what happened yesterday.

Runo: "Impossible you too?"

Dan: "Yeah."

Runo: "Why do more people get talking Bakugan?"

y/n: "So it's not just me and Dan that got talking Bakugans?"

Julie: "Go on the Bakugan website, almost everyone is writing about it, Dan."

Dan then checked the Bakugan website, at least I think so.

Dan: "So Bakugan is something more than just a game."

Runo POV

Runo: "It's unfair! Why can y/n's and Dan's Bakugans talk yet you can't?"

Runo: "If you're inside please say something."

Runo: "Say something!"

Wind started blowing.

Runo: "What's happening?"

Then some guy with blond hair appeared.

(Beautiful image, I know.)

Runo: "Who are you supposed to be?"

He then took a Gate Card out.

Runo: "He's a brawler."

Runo: "Are you challenging me for a brawl? Because if so then there's no reason to wait friend."

Runo: "You didn't introduce yourself."

???: "I don't have a habit of introducing myself. Call me Masquerade."

He then talked for a little bit and then we battled.

(The Anime only showed Reaper and Runo screaming, so no battle.)

y/n POV

When I arrived in my school Dan was showing his Dragonoid off.

Classmate: "He's so cool! Is he the one everyone's talking about?"

Dan then holded his Dragonoid up.

Dan: Tada! Feel free to look at the fantastic Drago!"

y/n: "Dan, stop. You'll get in trouble."

Dan: "Who are you? My mom? Besides the only reason why you're not showing off your talking Centipoid is because you didn't bring him with you."

y/n: "His name is Exeldor."

The whole class: "y/n you have a talking Bakugan too?"

y/n: "Nope, Dan's just making things up."

I lied to them, since I don't need people constantly asking me to see Exeldor."

Classmate: "If your Bakugan can talk Dan, why won't you prove it? Unless you're making it up to be more popular."

Dan: "Alright, alright I'll prove it to everyone!"

The whole class started cheering.

Dan then whispered something to his Dragonoid.

Dan: "Bakugan start!"

Nothing happened.

Dan: "Come on Drago SAY SOMETHING!"


Nothing happened again.

Dan: "BAKUGAN START! START! START! Start! start start start start."

Nothing happened once again.

Dan then whispered to his Dragonoid again.

Classmate: "Dan, give up, you better have done your homework."

Other Classmate: "Because if not, you'll be in trouble with ms. Purdy."

Dan: "Oh no! I forgot! Maybe I still have time to do it! Help me!"

Dragonoid: "Hahaha what a loser, if he thinks I'll be his popularity thing, then he's wrong."

y/n: "You could have at least started ya know?"

Dragonoid became silent.

y/n: "Do you know something about Exeldor, Dragonoid?"

Dragonoid: "Aside from the fact that he's a centipoid and from the Darkus dimension, not much."

y/n: "Ahh."

Dan continued asking for help.

Dragonoid started talking about Vestroia.

He tried to roll of dan's table.

I grabbed him and put him on the ground so that it'll be easier for him and that I'll take the blame if anything goes wrong.

Ms. Purdy: "Kids! Didn't you hear the bell?'

Everyone started running back to their seat.

Dragonoid was getting kicked.

Dan: "Drago!"

Dan tried to grab him, but he kept bouncing.

Dan: "Don't move Drago!"

Dragonoid stopped, but he touched ms. Purdy's shoe.

Dan: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Ms. Purdy: "Admit it! Who brought a toy to my lesson!"

Dan: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Ms. Purdy: "Daniel!"

Dan: "Yeeeeeeeeeees!"

Ms. Purdy: "You're getting detention!"

Dan: "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss ma'am."

Ms. Purdy: "And just try to run away."

Ms. Purdy started to teach.

Dan started cleaning his Dragonoid with a toothbrush.

Dragonoid popped open.

Dragonoid: "Leave me alone! I'm not a toy!"

Dan was about to scream, so I touched his shoulder and nodded my head "no", but that didn't stop him.

Dan: "You scared me! I knew you could talk! Did everyone hear this? My Drago talked! He said he isn't a toy."

Ms. Purdy: "Daniel, I had enough of this."

Ms. Purdy: "Young human, stop your dumb games."

(The Polish Bakugan dub is one of the best things I've ever encountered)

Dan: "Alright ms. Purdy."

Ms. Purdy: "Now listen to me very carefully: You have detention 'till the end of the semester!"



Dan: "Thanks a lot Drago, all you had to do was talk."

I then logged in the Bakugan site.

Dan: "Hey, what's up?"

Runo: "Finally!"

Dan: "Ahhhhhhhh."

I fell from my chair.

Runo: "I hope you do realize I lost a Bakugan today, because of you!"

Dan: "I also really like you Runo and what are you talking about?"

Runo: "I played with that weirdo Masquerade and he broke my skin!"

(Yes that's what she actually said in the Polish version, idk about the english one and quite frankly I'm not interested since this is better.)

Then the screen turned to Marucho.

Marucho: "He's been winning every battle lately."

The screen then turned to the whole group.

Alice: "I looke through the internet and he's the topic of almost every chat."

Dan: "And what's with him?"

Julie: "He wins every fight and gets rid of people's Bakugans."

Dan: "Tell me, did he take your Bakugan too, Runo?"

Runo: "Yes.I lost my precious Terraclaw."

y/n: "We have to do something with it."

Dan: "Leave it to me! If i spot that loser I'll get every Bakugan back!"

Exeldor: "That's impossible, Dan."

Dan: "What do you mean by that?"

Exeldor: "They're in the Doom dimension, once a Bakugan is in there, they won't get back out."

Everyone: "That's horrifying."

Dan: "This makes me want to defeat him even more! I'll get payback for every Bakugan he send to there!"

Julie: "Oh Dan, I could hug you right now."

Alice: "Me too."

y/n: "Broski got rizz."

Dan: "I don't care how about how good he is, I'll put my Bakugan against his and that's enough to win!"

Julie: "But Dan, what if you lose too?"

Dan: "I? I won't loose!"

Runo: "Do you know which rank he's at?"

Marucho: "He's number 1 right now."

Dan: "Whaaaaat?"

Dan: "That's impossible. The best Bakugan player is Shun right? Something's wrong."

Dan: "No matter the risk, no mateer the enemy, I'll win the Bakugan brawl!"

y/n: "Dan."

Dan: "What now?"

y/n: "I have a question: How are you going to challenge him to a brawl when you don't even know where he is?"

Dan: "Well that's a good question."

I then practiced how I'll challenge him to a brawl.

Drago: "Hah! good one."

Dan: "Shut it! I'm lying because otherwise he won't accept my brawl offer."

Dan: "Wait did you just talk?"

Drago: "Listen boy, I am not a toy yet you use me for your own pleasure. Is this all just a game to you?"

Dan: "Helllloooo, the best game on this whole planet."

The next day

After school, I immediately ran towards the bridge where I would fight Masquerade.

When I arrived Shuji was there.

Dan: "Shuji!?"

Akira: "We were waiting for you."

Shuji: "Big shame that Masquerade left you to the wind."

Dan: "You guys again? Stop waisting my time and leave."

Shuji: "Not a thought. I want a rematch. Get your card out."

Dan: "Get lost. It's a waste of time for me. Fine I'll just hurry and beat you."

Dan and Shuji: "Bakugan field opening card!"

Time froze.

(The whole fight went as in the anime.)

Time unfroze and I won.

Dan: "You lost."

Shuji: "Why do I always lose!?"

Shuji then ran away and Akira followed.

Dan: "Hey Drago, good job even though I doubted winning for a moment."

??: "I'm searching for Dan Kuso."

Dan: "Is it you Masquerade?"

Dan: "So you decided to show up. Very nice of you. I heard that you send my friend's Bakugans to the "Doom dimension. How dare you!?"

Masquerade: "Heh."

Dan: "We were making this game very long. And I won't allow anyone to ruin the fruit of our work!"

Masquerade: "Time for a brawl , Dan."

Masquerade: "Ready?"

Masquerade and Dan: "Field opening card!"

(This fight was also the same as in the anime except for the part when Dan doesn't know about the Doom dimension. And don't worry as soon as y/n will be able to appear in more fight scenes I'll write them, but for now I won't write it since it's really time consuming.)

Time unfroze.

Dan: "Drago? Drago where are you?"

I then noticed him on the ground.

Dan: "Drago, what happened?"

Masquerade: "I spared him."

Dan: "Why?"  

Masquerade: "I could've got rid of your Bakugan, but I didn't. I was nice seeing you, Dan."

Dan: "Get back here, I can defeat you!"

Masquerade: "Boy, Bakugan isn't just a game. It's a battle that could end the world.

Dan: "Really?"

Masquerade: "You can prevent it, but you need to defeat me first."

He then walked away.

Dan: "How could this happen!? What a failure! I'll get you Masquerade!"

Did you guys hear about the raptor who won the singing contest? He was raptastic.
