IX. rants

tristan pravong x ophelia lopez
chapter nine, rants.

// instagram dms!


hi you might not read this, but
i want to say that i'm here for you.
these kinds of situations can be hard
to deal with especially alone, so please
reach out if you need anything. i'm
always available to talk if you need.
even if you just want to rant, and let
your feelings out. ❀️

holy fuck. thank you. genuinely. you're
actually too pure for this world. i wouldn't
mind taking you up on that rant offer. i have
a lot on my mind that i need off my chest.

of course, go ahead. i'll be
here listening. tell me everything.
i'm just here to listen. (:

i feel like a burden to a lot of my friends, and family. i don't know how to explain it. like i feel that they don't need me in a way? i could just be wrong, but thats how i'm feeling. as well as leaving most of my close friends, because the walking dead ending within the next two seasons. it's heartbreaking. i've known a lot of those people my entire life, and it's hard letting go. i don't know what the future holds for me, you know? the whole Teo thing is eating at me, i don't know if i did the right thing bringing it into social media. i'm a very open person so it felt right in the moment, but now i have no clue. i don't know where this leaves me, and Teo. we haven't talked since that day, and i'm terrified he'll switch up his story. i just feel like i'm possibly in the wrong. i'm getting so much support, but i don't know if it was the right thing to do. i was friends with so many of Teo's friends, and i don't know if they still want to be my friends. which means i'm loosing more friends. i don't have many friends, and it's so scary to loose them.

ophelia, i promise you're not a burden. you may feel like one, but i promise you're not. i promise your friends, and family love you no matter what. with the walking dead ending in two season, you'll still see your cast mates, right? you'll have reunions, "family" days, etc. i was scared about the black phone ending, but i hang out with a lot of the cast still. it's hard letting go, i get that. it's always hard, but you're not letting go. you'll see them again, maybe not as much, but you will. plus two seasons? that's what two years or so, right? maybe more, i have no idea. just make the best out of that time you do have. everyone is supportive of you phelia. you did the right thing to bring it to social media. yours, and his fans had the right to know. if he changes his story, you fight back. don't let him justify your feelings. you're not in the wrong, people deserved to know. what he said in your comments sounded.. sincere?? i don't think he'll switch up his story. if he does though, i'll be by your side through it all, i promise. if teo's friends don't want to be your friends, that's their loss. me, and the cast will be your friends. i know you already talk to mikey, so that's already two. we love you, and we don't want to see you suffer.

i hope that's okay i'm bad at advice 😭

no no, it was perfect. thank you. truly. i've been struggling a lot, and that opened my mind. you're amazing Tris. also i think i'll take you up on that cast / friends offer ((: < 3.
you've truly helped me so much, thank you.

always. never be afraid to
reach out. i'm always here.
*message liked by phelialopez*

very aware that was probably boring, and most people won't read it, however it's important i needed them to get closer guys trust. don't be afraid to reach out to someone if you're struggling <3
