
Hurriedly, Grian tossed a few t-shirts along with some shorts into his suitcase, his blue eyes scanning rapidly over the messy room. Clothes and belongings were tossed everywhere. It was a state and Grian knew his flatmate Jimmy would hate him for it later.

"Grian if you don't hurry up, I going to leave without you!" Jimmy called, sounding impatient.

Obviously, Grian hadn't packed; obviously, he'd left everything to the last minute, and Jimmy was annoyed as per usual. Running a hand through his hair, he packed the last pair of socks.

"Grian, I swear-"

"I'm coming" he yelled, zipping up the case, and aggresively shoving it through the door.

Once he made sure the boot was shut properly, Grian started the car, and there was a familiar sound of an engine rumbling.

A few seconds of silence passed before an exhasperated sigh escaped Jimmy's lips.

"We're going to be late again."

"Will you quit complaining Timmy? I had everything under control."

"We were supposed to leave at 1: it's almost 2."

"It'll be fine," Grian assured him, sounding far too calm

Frustrated, Jimmy groaned. Still, he figured Martyn and Scott were probably running behind as well knowing them. Either way, they would arrive in Devon in the evening. Safe to say, Jimmy wouldn't miss out on much.

Song - Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis (a.n I've included some song recs throughout to go with certain scenes!!)

Picking up his phone, Jimmy searched for his favourite song, specifically, the one he knew Grian disliked.

"If you put on that awful band again, I'm pulling over."

He smiled, simply turning the volume up, and ignoring Grian's comments.

"We're on the motorway, you've got nowhere to stop."

Rolling his eyes, he pretended to be annoyed as Jimmy sang along to the lyrics but even a blind person could've seen the smile tugging at his lips

"I hate you," Grian muttered, despite having a now clear grin on his face.

"This is your punishment for making us late."

"I had it under control!"

Not convinced, Jimmy flashed him a sceptical look, before turning to look out the window still humming along to the melody. Scenery passed them in a blur. Jimmy allowed his thoughts to wonder as they often did.

"Do you know what we're doing tomorrow?" he asked, eyes still glancing out the car.

"I assume Lizzie has it planned out. She always does after all."

"Do you think we'll go to the beach?"

Grian snorted slightly .

"We booked a place near the beach just for us to not go on it," Grian retorted sarcastically, only to receive a small slap from Jimmy.

He laughed, turning the music down, just enough for Jimmy not to bat an eye.

"Shut up," Jimmy mumbled slightly closing his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're going to sleep this early."

Nodding his head in response, he slouched back in the chair. As expected, his eyes drifted shut, and he allowed himself to relax for the first time in ages.

Work had been stressing him out recently, but Jimmy hoped this holiday would do him good. Hopefully, he could go on the beach despite Grian's comment. A trip with his friends was exactly what he needed. Lizzie, Joel, Martyn, and even Scott would be there. A soft smile formed on his lips at Scott's name, and the idea of seeing him again gave him a warm feeling in his stomach.


And just as quickly as he'd fallen asleep, he was awoken by Grian's aggressive shouting towards other drivers. Grian was known by his friends for his consistent road range. It drove Jimmy insane.

Giving up on falling asleep, Jimmy settled for dozing off instead. It was a pain trying to sleep with Grian's constant yells about card driving too slow or too fast for his liking.

Jimmy's mind wandered back to when he first met Grian at Uni along with his other friends; it was crazy to think they'd been friends for so long. Admittedly, Jimmy couldn't deny the fact that he thought of Grian as an idiot at first. Grian was the type of student who rarely showed up to any kind of lecture, the type of student who hardly filled out his coursework, and the type of student to leave everything until the last second. It was a miracle he passed. Still, Jimmy loved him to pieces.

Out of all his friends, Grian was by far his closest, having been there for his best and worst moments. Not to mention the fact that he was the only person who knew of Jimmy's 'crush'. He wasn't quite sure if 'crush' was the best way to put it, but Grian always teased him saying that it fitted.

Eventually once Grian's road rage had died down, Jimmy allowed himself to fall asleep for good this time, leaving his mind to rest.


"Tim wake up we're almost here," Grian responded, whilst prodding Jimmy's shoulder.

Jimmy, despite being very much awake, decided against listening to Grian, and instead didn't move. Grian paused.

"I'll tell everyone who you like," he teased, knowing that he would get a reaction.

Instantly, Jimmy opened his eyes.

"How old are you? 10?"

"25 actually and I knew you were awake," he retorted smugly, only to receive yet another light slap.

Suddenly, Jimmy's head shot up as he noticed, and pointed out something up ahead.

"You can see the sea from here!"

Not saying anything, Grian smiled smugly.

"You could've seen it sooner if you were awake."

But Jimmy was to busy observing the surroundings to bother replying.

Soon enough they pulled up on the drive of the bungalow they'd rented for the weekend and as expected, Martyn's car was already there. Which meant that everyone was already there meaning they were last to arrive... as per usual.

Grabbing the suitcases from the boot, Jimmy wheeled his towards the front door. After knocking and waiting a few seconds, an excited looking Lizzie answered.

"Took you guys long enough!"

"Grian forgot to pack," Jimmy responded feigning annoyance, as he walked inside.

"No Timmy forgot to remind me to pack," he called back, following Jimmy into the hallway.

Slipping off his converse Jimmy dumped his suitcase inside the room which Lizzie had claimed was his and Grian's. Swiftly, Grian called dibs on the top bunk before Jimmy even had time to speak.

"Suit yourself. I'm happy with the bottom."

Once they were done, Jimmy followed behind Grian to go and greet everyone. That's when his eyes locked with someone else. And that someone else gave him a small smile. He felt his face heat up.

"Good to see you, Jimmy!"

"It's nice to see you too Scott."



First chapter done and I will try and get the rest edited and posted asap but I've got mocks to revise for at the moment so may be slightly delayed

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