The Right Tools

Elisa made sure she waited a while before she finally started to get out of her berth. She looked once, twice, three times before she went out of her room and went into the main hallway. She took out the sample of the Kaiju blood before she opened a bridge outside and hurried out. She leaped into the air and took off flying hard into the air. Once she got to a good height she looked every which way for a while. She knew she couldn't find what she looking for this way, but she wasn't just looking. She sniffed the air as she gently flew around. Fed up she finally stopped and closed her eyes and focused. After a few minutes she got a strong whiff of something and instantly followed it. She hurried as fast as she could before she finally found what she wanted. She landed on the deck and walked over to the hanger door.

Then she whacked her tail right across the Nemesis door.

She got up on her hind legs and waited. It wasn't long before the door opened and she was met with nearly a dozen drones pointing their guns at her. She growled and bared her teeth and her spikes flashed blue in a threat and some of the drones backed away from her. She heard some familiar footsteps and looked up to see Megatron had arrived. He held up his servo up and the drones stood back as he approached her.

"Quite an entrance little one." Megatron said calmly.

"I need your help." She said quickly. He arched an eyebrow at her as he let continue. "I'm sure you saw the Kaiju attack a few days ago."


"Giant, strange monster."

"What about it?"

She held up the glass sample in her hand and he looked at her curiously.

"My Carrier needs to use your equipment to analyze a blood sample from the Kaiju." She stated. Megatron had to smirk at her boldness.

"Just give it to me then. I'll have Shockwave look it over." He said slyly. Elisa let out groaned sigh and rolled her eyes before she gripped the sample firmly.

"Do you really think I would do that?" She sighed.

"You're in no position to argue Elisa seeing as how you are alone and I'm sure nobody knows you're here." Megatron stated. She looked over at the drones again before she looked back at him.

"Get rid of the drones and I'll talk some more." She stated. He looked at the drones curiously before he waved them away and stepped out onto the deck before the door closed.

"You do know Soundwave is watching?" Megatron added.

"I know." She answered quickly.

"So you want me to let an autobot medic on board my ship to use my lab equipment for a sample of some...Kaiju." Megatron asked curiously.

"Pretty much." Elisa stated. Megatron frowned and started to circle her, but Elisa made sure she kept her eyes on him.

"I thought you said you were going to talk." He snapped. Even though she was a dragon, Elisa was still frightened and fascinated by Megatron at the same time. Frightened because he was the ultimate decepticon and fascinated because of his peculiar nature towards her. She shook a little as he watched her with red optics that were harsh in the dark light.

"This could turn into everybody's problem." She stated.

"It's not my problem." He snarled suddenly nearly making her jump.

"What are you going to do if this place is running with Kaiju?!" She nearly snapped back.

"You don't know that." He growled.

"It came from the Pacific ocean. What if there are more under those tectonic plates?" Elisa said quietly.

"That's preposterous." Megatron snapped.

"It's a theory. I haven't proven it yet." She argued back. Megatron huffed before he grabbed Elisa's arm and pushed her against the wall making her shout in fear and surprise. He snatched the sample right out of her hand. He looked at the glass curiously for a while.

"Why is it blue?" He asked.

"That's what the blood looks like." She answered. She tried to get out of his grip, but his grip only got tighter making her grumble. She suddenly gasp when his servo went to her throat and laid her down on the ground. Her eyes went wide when she saw that Megatron was on top of her. He slid the sample away from her and she let out a frightened groan. She looked up at him before quickly turning away with her eyes tightly shut.

"What do you mean you haven't proven it yet?" Megatron whispered into her ear, making her shudder.

"I wanted to go and see for myself." She answered, eyes still tightly shut.

"Anxious little thing aren't you." Megatron teased with a dark chuckle.

"Get off me please." She begged suddenly fearful. When he didn't move Elisa started to shake. "Megatron, please you're scaring me." She whimpered. His fingers gently caressed her cheek before he stood up. She finally opened her eyes again and looked at him in confusion and slight fear. She started to get up, but pain instantly burst through her head as she clutched at it in pain.

"Elisa what is it?" Megatron asked instantly alert. She screamed in agony and fell to the floor, shocking Megatron. She cried out in pain when he grabbed her and pulled her into his chest. "What's wrong?" He demanded.

"QUIET!" She screamed as she continued to wither in pain. He didn't dare speak again as he gently rubbed at her sides as she continued to whimper in his arms. It was several long minutes before she was breathing hard and was starting to recover. She pulled away from him and was panting before she looked at him with tears of pain showing.

"What happened?" He whispered finally.

"I had a stupid migraine. I'm eighteen now you know." Elisa said bitterly, but it wasn't directed towards him.

"Aaaahhh, second stage of maturity means more heightened senses." Megatron said quickly.

"Hopefully they'll be done soon." She grumbled. She looked at him again with a sturdier gaze and gave him a small smile. "Thank you." She said quietly before she slowly stood up. Megatron gently held her arm as she steadied herself. She shook her head before she walked away and grabbed the sample.

"You're welcome." Megatron replied. Elisa wasn't sure what to say for a few moments before she finally let out a sigh.

"I take it that is a no." Elisa stated.

"If you had more proof I would consider your offer." Megatron answered. She huffed in annoyance before she started to walk towards the end of deck. "Where do you think you're going?" Megatron demanded.

"Home, my Creators are worried." She answered. Megatron folded his arms and waited as Elisa slowly opened her wings and tried to fly off, but she barely got off the ground before she fell right back down with a painful grunt. Megatron only laughed before he easily scooped up Elisa into his arms and carried her inside.

"Hey I can walk you know?" Elisa objected, but Megatron could already see the sleep setting into her eyes.

"Believe it or not, I went through the maturing stages once too. I know what it does to your body." Megatron teased back.

"When was that, like a gazillion years ago?" Elisa laughed before she snuggled up against his chest plates. The drones looked at their leader in shock, but he drove them away with a silent snarl. He got to his quarters and gently placed Elisa on his berth as she mumbled in her sleep. He took the blue sample out of her hand and placed it carefully on his desk. He looked over at Elisa and just stared at her for the longest time. He gritted his denta before he crawled into his berth and shifted Elisa so that she was on her back. Her eyes opened and she instantly stilled as his large frame hovered above her.

"Do you have any idea how much you fascinate me?" He whispered.

"I...I...I'm sorry...I...I didn't mean to..." Elisa said quickly frightened. He had to smile at her tenderness, so he took her hand and gently kissed it before turning onto his side and trying to recharge. He felt Elisa turn over as well and it wasn't long before she fall asleep.
