❝ mcd ❞


first name;

last name;

17 in pdh
22 in ms
27 in mcd
can be timeline flexible

genderfluid, she/they/he

demiromantic bisexual

aphmau (pdh, ms and mcd)

see picrew below

love interest(s);
zane ro'meave
gene salvatore


born within the small trading kingdom eldervein; constance was heir to the title of lady. her father and mother had founded the village, and it grew alongside constance.
learning the art of trade, and how to manipulate others into getting her way. constance was cunning and conniving; but knew to be kind. until her mother passed away, and her father promptly remarried. this marriage created tension amongst the household, and within the village.
the villagers were divided, between traditionalists and loyalists. the first group swore alliance to her father; the latter to constance.

to prevent a rebellion breaking out, eldervein sought an alliance with o'khasis. once trading was established between the two, constance was sent to the larger kingdom. she was told it was to manage the trade; unaware it was an arranged marriage she was walking into.  what nobody expected was for constance to start an affair with high-priest in training, zane ro'meave.

however; their relationship was not one that the ro'meave family favoured. reported by garroth, constance was nearly executed: only avoiding permanent death by pledging alliance to the shadow knights.  some trickery from gene later, and constance is now disguised as head guard of o'khasis; and has sworn loyalty to the high priest.

very similar; born into a wealthy family. everything was at ease until her mother passed away; following her father's remarriage, constance and her stepmother became tense.  the dynamic was unsteady; and in highschool constance began to rebel.
she joined the shadow knights, containing of laurence, zenix, sasha, gene — and former founder; vincent.
they partied a lot, committed many-a-crime and eventually constance was kicked out from their home.  he lived with gene and dante for a while; and started working odd jobs. now they rent out an apartment in the crummier side of town.
