See You Around (Newt)

They were best friends. They did everything together.

From the first ride on the Hogwarts Express, (Y/N) and Newt were basically inseparable. It was as though they were a pair of socks, except they never lost each other. They attended their classes together, skipped classes together, watched Quidditch matches together and even served detention together. Wherever one went, the other would follow.

The years went by and suddenly students started to realise that they could in fact separate the two. Often, (Y/N) would be dragged away by her other classmates to hang out with them instead of Newt. Occasionally, Newt would be dragged away too, but instead by teachers. While (Y/N) was away, Newt couldn't help but get into some sort of trouble which usually involved creatures.

And now, they used to be best friends.

What started out as years together became months, then weeks, days, hours and finally minutes. Newt hardly hung out with (Y/N), let alone talk to her, but he's always on the look out for her. He needed to make sure that she was alright, that no harm had come her way, and most importantly, that she was still happy.

He doesn't know what he did wrong that drove her away. Was he less interesting than before? Maybe he wasn't a good friend to talk to? Were her friends better than him?

He tried to change and treasure every moment he had with her. Most of the time, it was while she took her weekly stroll along the Black Lake, the one that he used to accompany her on. He tried to speak up and talk more just like her friends, but (Y/N) didn't seem very interested in what he had to say. At least that's what he thinks, because why else would she not want to hang out with him anymore?

Then he met Leta and started giving up.

Not exactly give up, he didn't push (Y/N) away and completely erase her from his life. She played an important role in shaping him into who he was today and he would forever be grateful. Instead, he tried to move on with his own life. As his brother used to tell him, everyone in life comes and goes, it only depends on when.

But he wasn't ready to let (Y/N) go yet. There was something about her that attracted him to her. The feelings he once had had definitely weakened, but they were still there. He knew because while he was waiting for Leta outside the bathroom, (Y/N) had walked out and his heart leapt.

To make things harder, Leta was friends with (Y/N), so it was common for Leta to stop and chat with her. Newt tried to go up to (Y/N) and start a conversation, or at the very least, greet her. It often turned out as just a wave or a smile, and the conversations he could hold with her lasted less than a minute. Sometimes, he can't believe how someone who he used to spend all his time with suddenly became someone that he hardly talked to anymore, someone that found it awkward to be with him.

Newt tried to forget, despite Leta's friendship with her. He felt like a bother if he kept coming up to her. He stopped himself from actively spotting her out from the crowd and stopped himself from checking her timetable to know what classes she had. He focused on other things like his studies, helping Leta, and his creatures. He stopped going down to the Black Lake.

Just when he was close to believing (Y/N) didn't exist anymore, he saw her.

This time, transfiguration class had ended. The class emptied and Newt was one of the last few to leave. Busy jotting down the last of Professor Dumbledore's words, he took a quick glance around the classroom, only to find he wasn't the only one left. (Y/N) was there, but at the doorway.

His heart did a flip and he knew he had to seize his chance.

Hastily, he stuffed his parchment and quill into his bag and got up, ready to catch up to her. He saw her take a right, and as he exit the classroom, he could see her just down the corridor. He quickened his pace.

He must have been making a bit of noise, because (Y/N)'s head turned and she definitely saw him. Newt flashed an awkward smile at her, hoping she would stop for a chat. His hopes were crushed as she looked forward and continued her way.


Newt chased after her and took a left just as she did. She turned back and their eyes made contact, but she didn't seem to realise the desperation in his eyes. She hurried up the staircase.


Calling out to her was no use. She kept going on and on and Newt suddenly realised he was running along the same deserted corridor and staircase. He came to a halt, and so did she. She finally turned to face him, but her face was expressionless. For some reason, it hurt him. He felt his heart beating in his ear as she blinked twice.

"(Y/N)," he finally found the courage to say despite his voice breaking, "Why're you avoiding me? Why don't you want to talk to me anymore?"

He could feel the tears in his eyes threatening to spill, so he forced himself not to blink. But he couldn't keep his eyes open forever, and when his eyelids shut and reopened, (Y/N) had vanished. He was left alone.

"No," he whispered, "No, (Y/N), where did you go? Why don't you want to see me anymore?"

The question kept repeating and repeating until he was lying down, curled up on the floor. That was when he realised the floor was actually soft and warm.

He woke up in his bed, and the tears from before had finally fallen.

It was a good thing it was still early, most of his dormitory mates were still fast asleep, probably having better dreams than him. Quietly, Newt grabbed his clothes for the day and started washing up.

His shower must have taken a while, because when he emerged, the sun had already risen and his mates were wide awake. It was a wonder he hadn't drowned in the bathroom, for he had already drowned in his thoughts.

It felt so real, yet it wasn't, yet it reflected his reality. The cold, hard truth was staring at him. He and (Y/N) had drifted apart. To what extent, he didn't know, and a part of him hopes he never found out.

He left for the Great Hall for breakfast, deciding to take the longer way there. Unfortunately, his brain did not want to stop thinking about what happened the night before. The dream weighed heavily in his heart.

And of course he had to see her that morning.

It was unexpected, and despite his heart skipping a beat, he chose not to acknowledge it. With whatever that was left in him, he mustered the courage to look up and at her. They were a few feet away, and she was alone, and she caught him looking.

It was like his dream from the night before coming true, except this time, she smiled. She had a really pretty smile.

"Morning, Newt."

He couldn't believe it, but he managed to utter a "Good morning, (Y/N)" back.

By this time they were close to each other, and by close, Newt would describe the distance covered by one step of a Bowtruckle.

"Taken your Creatures test yet?" she asked, and Newt averted her gaze.

"Yeah," was all he managed to say.

"Cool, me too," she said, and Newt looked back at her, "I'm sure you'll ace it though, you're always good with creatures."

Her small laugh was music to his ears. It's been really long since he heard her laugh.

A few seconds of awkward silence followed, and all Newt could do was smile back. Finally, she turned to look behind and back at him.

"I've got to go."

"Oh," he was really hoping she could stay, but this conversation was already one of the best ones he's had.

"See you around?"

She was already walking away backwards when he responded with a wave, "See you."

Her last smile to him would remain etched in his mind for a long time. They may have distanced, but she's still his friend. Some friends drift apart but still remain in contact, and that's okay.

He'll see her again soon.
