Chapter 3 - Midnight Tea

Keigo was curled up in a ball, under a fluffy blanked and with his head on top of a pillow just as comfortable.

But even with all of that, plus the story, plus his toy, didn't help his daily nightmares.

This one was just like the other, he was back at that house, that dirty and smelly house, but the worst part was his father.

The feelings were so real that he woke up all sweaty and panicking, with an uneven breathing.

Now crying quietly curled up on a ball under the bed.

He didn't felt like he deserved the fluffy blanket and pillow, much less the food he ate.

Keigo was feeling unworthy of how he was being treated.

His thoughts were so loud he didn't hear the knocking, or the door of his room opening.

But he noticed that someone was kneeling in front of the bed.

"Young master? Is everything all right?" Hearing her sleepy voice made him feel guilty for waking her up, but-... how did she know?

"W-why are you here? How did you know that I was sad?"

Y/n hummed and took something from the bed, then put it under it in front of him.

It was the bottom she gave him earlier, "this little bottom wakes me up and send a notification to my cellphone telling me where you are"

He took the little box from her "sorry... I must have bumped into it..." Keigo's voice was tinnier then other times, he was looking down.

"Young master... can you explain to me why you are under the bed?"

"Hmmm... nightmare" Keigo hid himself in between his wings.

(Like this)

"You wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head.

"Can I pick you up?" She got closer

He nodded, opened his wings and arms for her.

She picked him up, cradling him like a baby and sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry for waking you..."

"It's my job to take care of you, don't need to apologize" she petted his head still cradling him. "Not feeling sleepy?" Y/n dried his tears with her thumb

Keigo shook his head "Don't wanna another nightmare..."

"Let's go have some tea, that way you will feel better, I'm sure" she got up still holding him and went to the kitchen.

He sniffed quietly while seeing her make the tea, for both of them.

"Let's turn this into or little secret, whenever you can't sleep or wakes up in the middle of the night I will make us some tea, and we will chat in my room" Y/n put the two mugs with tea, a jar of honey and some milk on a tray and took to the laundry room.

"Why are we in the laundry area?" He looked at her curious

"My house is behind yours" she opened a wall and there it was, a small house, the living room and kitchen were in the same room, just like the bedroom, there was a door by the right wall, probably the bathroom.

"Can't you live in one of our guestrooms?" He asked while she put him on the kitchen's chair.

"The commission won't let me, I'm working for you, not a guest" she opened the couch, and it was now a bed.

This small house was extremely comfortable, the walls where light yellow, the dark wood on the floor was probably cold since it was the end of summer.

There were paintings of different cities on the walls, a lot of weird trickery all around the place, but everything very colorful.

"Do you like my home?" Y/n noticed him staring at her mexican skulls "Since the biggest part of my family are latinos, I decided to get me something's that are from my ancestors" she made the bed and went to pick him up again.

"Yes! Can I come here more often?" He didn't mind being picked up, it felt nice, strange since it was new, but nice.

"Nope" she said popping the P "But you can always come here at night, after your mother is asleep"

Y/n put him on her bed and sat beside him. "Would you like to talk about that dream of yours?"

He shook his head, and she nodded, deciding not pressure him.

She was with a pajama of little chicks and some chicken with it.

"You really like chicken don't ya?" Keigo asked noticing it was a frequent theme on her house.

"Yeah! They are really tasty, you will try my favorite one tomorrow, but for now drink it with care, it's hot" Y/n put a full spoon of honey, on his tea.

"Thank you..." he blew a little on the hot tea and took a sip, he noticed it calmed his heart.

After some chitchat, a belly full of hot tea he was getting sleepy.

Y/n cleaned everything and sat by his side on the bed "Do you want to go back to your room?"

Keigo shook his head and laid down on the bed "I want to stay here, with you.... is that okay?" He looked at her with droopy eyes

"Of course young master, anything for you" she laid down by his side and keeps petting it.

Keigo closed his eyes and got comfortable next to her.

He was facing her, with his head on her chest as she hugged him with care.

Her steady heartbeat was making almost him fall asleep.

"Good night... ne-chan"

Y/n smiled at that and closed her eyes "goodnight Keigo"

He smiled while falling asleep.


Lov u ❤
