
The night is so quite it could be peace full, but why does it sound so loud in my head.Telling me to be careful, but how can you be careful, when you love the one its telling you to be careful of? In this life we love so many but truly love only one. Why must it be the one we truly love, be the one we fear the most? The reason we fear are ture loves, is because we fear the things we find perfrect. They way i look at you, and the way you make me feel, I can't explain it. You confuse me, not only by your changing moods, but by your reasons for loving me. Of all the people you could have loved you picked me to be your knight i shining armor. I just can't see what you see in me, all I can see are my flaws, but there are people who say that we love people for there flaws, they say it shows that the other person is human just as we are. but I don't love you for your flaws, I love you for much more then that. I love your smile, and how esay it is for you to love someone, even when you haven't met them, because you trust me with things you don't even trust tourself knowing. I wish i could tell you everything I love about you, but there are things i don;t even know I love. so I say to myself every night. Life is to short to becareful, go for it take the jump and leave careful for when your old.

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