i knew you



His heart broke looking at the girl in front of him, his best friend. 

She had her feet peeping out from under a Slytherin blanket. He noticed she had mismatched socks on. How cute. He wanted to know why she didn't match her socks this morning. He wanted to see what was going through her brain.

"W-what do you mean?" his voice shook as he tried to buy time to figure out what to respond to her question. How much did she know?

"You know what I mean. I just want to know how long you knew about our families connections to Voldemort," she pleaded for him to respond. His Death Eater tattoo started to burn when she said his name,

Draco's arm moved to the back of his neck and started to rub it, nervously. He took a swig out of the fire whiskey bottle. It was empty. Fuck.

She started again-

"I'm not mad anymore. I actually was mad for a long time after I found out my family's history" she looked back down to the fire and continued, "The first month of summer, I was in bed the whole time. I cried. I cried more than I have ever in my whole life.I felt so... so, stupid. And trust me, I know I am very smart. I was depressed. I had never felt that low in my whole life."

He wanted her to look at him but she was still staring at the fire.

"I wanted to come home. But.. I felt like everyone I knew didn't want me there. And then I did come home. To my house. And I asked about all of it. I, of course, got in trouble. He hit me again." Her arm grabbed her other arm as she talked about her abusive father, "And then the next thing I know, I'm at your house, running into you before we got our robes fitted."

"Emersyn, that's not true. I can explain everything. I never meant to hurt-"

"Please. Just let me finish. I knew you must have had a good reason why you didn't talk to me about everything. Maybe you were going though your own shit. I thought, 'Draco doesn't need to tell me everything that is going on in his own life.' , I think I tried to convince myself that you didn't know either. But, that wasn't true was it?"

Please don't do this 


She looked away. He had seen her cry a handful of times. But, he had never seen her cry like this. She took a deep breath and placed her face in her hands. And that's when the tears started,

What do I do, what do I do, what do I do

"How long?"

"Em. Please, I don't want to fight with you. C'mon.."

"Damn it. Draco, fuck!  How long did you know?"

"I don't know." 


"I've always fucking known! I mean shit, I'm a fucking Malfoy!"

She took a sharp breath and stared at him. Her eyebrows furrowed. She got up. She pushed the blanket off of her. She didn't go anywhere, she just stood there.

She was drunk.He stood up too. He was drunk. 

"Sit down, please." he said softly to her, "Let me explain and I'll walk to you back to your room." 

"No. I can find it myself. " 

She did not look at him. His hand found its way onto her cheek again, "Em, baby, please. Let me explain." he drunkenly called to her. "Please. Emersyn."

He never acted like this. Usually he was an ass to everyone, including her. He felt so bad that he lied to her. Especially about something so personal to the both of them.

"No." she said sternly. "NO, Draco. Don't call me baby. I'm not your fucking baby!" Tears spilled down her face, "I knew you.. I thought I knew you all these fucking years."

"All the times I came to you crying over my fucking dead brother!" She pushed his chest with open palms, "Over my dad's job!" She pushed his chest again. "Over my parents fucking marriage problems! I begged and begged for answers. Since I was 11! I always ended up coming to you."

He let her hit his chest, he deserved it. He remembers all those nights. She would owl him in the middle of the summer asking if she could come over and spend the night in his arms while her parents were fighting. They never spoke about it after she was done crying. They never did anything sexual or kiss. She just slept. Or, when she used to cry the whole first year at Hogwarts when she missed her brother.

She just needed somebody and he was there.

He needed somebody to need him to be there. 

They needed each other.

"You know what? No you don't. You don't know what is it like to have every fucking person you know lie to you. Please just, can you just let me go back to my room, I have homework." Emersyn slipped her shoes on and pulled a hoodie on. She reached down to grab her backpack.

The hoodie had a Slytherin logo said in green bold letters on the back:



Frankly, green looked amazing on her, but that was irrelevant to the conversation. 

Emersyn turned around to start heading towards the door, she wouldn't find the exit even if she wasn't drunk because he had to cast a spell for it to appear.

He was afraid she would stumble onto something she wasn't supposed to. He shouldn't have brought her here. He tried to stop her from moving by thinking of a way to explain what he had done,

"Emersyn, Emersyn.. Wait..."

Where the fuck was she even going,

"I didn't tell you because.. Because they promised they would keep you out of all of it. They told me that you had nothing to do with his 'plan'. " he yelled. No one could hear them anyways, 

"Your dad said he would tell you. And-And then Cedric died! He came back. And fuck! Umbridge took over and we didn't talk all year! My father went to Azkaban and, and then you- you left for your Grans!" he stuttered and stammered, mostly because he had been drinking but also because he couldn't formulate the right words to say what happened.

She stopped walking and turned around towards the young wizard,

"Whose plan?"

"You know who."


"No, the fucking muffin man. Yes, Em, who else?" he sarcastically replied,

"What plan?" she demanded

"I have no clue." Draco shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"Bullshit, Draco."

"No, I am serious. I don't know anything about it." he lied, 

He didn't know how to exactly say "Oh yeah and I am a death eater. Oh, AND I have to repair this cabinet so I can kill our headmaster!" 

She didn't say anything else. She wiped her eyes and sniffled. She wiped her nose with his hoodie sleeve.

That is my hoodie, but that's okay. Silently groaned to himself.

She looked exhausted. Beyond fucking exhausted. And so was he.

"Come sit back down, please. I'll walk you back, okay? Lets just sit here. Before we start walking through the castle with you looking like that-"

"Do I look bad?"

"No." he quickly spat out.

She started walking back towards the couch and they both sat down on opposite ends. She pulled her legs up to her chest and placed her head onto her knees, face first so he couldn't see her.

"I'm sorry that I hit you." her anxious resentful voice peeped from the opening of her little stance in the corner of the couch.

Let me hold you. Please.

"It is okay." He stated instead,

"No, it's not. I wouldn't want you to do that to me, so.. I shouldn't do it to you."

"I would never hit you."


She pulled her ponytail holder out from her braid and started to pull her hair into a bun.

God, that fucking neck. He could see a well faded bruise on her right side from where he sucked two weeks ago. He wanted to leave more.


"Draco, I think my anxiety is getting bad again." 

"I know. I can tell."

She sniffled. Silence again.


"What?" she was pulling at her fingers, staring at the fire.

She was anxious. Shit, I was too.

"Look at me."

Her eyes shot up to him. Fuck sake, she looked so beautiful. Even with bloodshot, puffy, mascara ruined eyes.

How will they ever go back from this night?

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know. You never do." she bit her lip as she avoided his gaze again.

"Em. Emersyn, please." He scooted to her side of the couch, placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up to him again. "Let me make it up to you."

"What do you mean?'' The words left her mouth in a soft whisper, she was starting at his lips,


He placed his lips on hers and started to suck her bottom lip. She tasted like fire whiskey and peppermint chap stick. God, what a fucking great combination. He deepened the kiss by sticking his tongue between each of her lips when suddenly, she pulled away to rest her forehead on his,

Her breathing quickened, "Draco, we are drunk."

"I know," he rested his forehead the same way and gave her another peck on the lips, she sighed into it. 

"I can stop." he whispered to her, "Just tell me to stop and I'll-" she pulled him back to her and their lips met again.

God. She tasted so fucking good. He wanted more. 


A/N: please let me know what you think! spice coming soon.
