23. Between a rock and a hard place.

"This is a surprise indeed", said Wren, whirling Art around the dancefloor.

Holding his mate in his arms as they sealed the bond felt as right as he thought it would.

"Sorry to put you on the spot like that, but Alexi needed my support", Art replied, seeming perfectly content in the public embrace.

Although things had settled down and all guests returned to their own business, he felt reluctant to let Wren go. He felt it almost as strongly as the need to protect Alexi.

When they finally took a break from dancing, Wren was introduced to Prince Rafael of Cho.

"Please, call me Aeyel, just like before", he said, smiling brightly at Art and Wren.

"I am to congratulate you, Captain Wren, on being mated to such a fine young man. As I recall Art showed real promise as a handler."

"How so?" was Wrens surprised reaction.

Aeyel smiled.

"When we met, Art was only eight and just able to change into his wolf. Still he managed to befriend Black Mane who was a very temperamental steed. Even then it was clear to see he had a knack for training horses. Just like his father."

He turned to Alexi.

"I'm afraid that Black Mane died in the war, so it's good to see that his son is doing well. I visited the stables before coming here and Stormrider looks formidable."

The look of pure love between the men made Art tremble inside. It took all his self-control, supported by the constant reminder of Charlotte 'to behave', to keep him from taking Alexis hand and dragging him away for a private conversation. Where Alexi effortlessly fell for his man, he stumbled along finding only more obstacles.

"How interesting", said Casper across the open mind link. "Charlotte just told me that Prince Aeyel has no wolf, but seeing that look in his eyes makes me really doubt that."

Wren nodded.

"Excuse me, Prince Aeyel, but how old were you when you met Art and Prince Alexi?" he inquired with a hushed voice.

Prince Aeyel raised his eyebrows.

"I just turned fourteen", he answered with apparent surprise. "Why do you ask?"

Wren hesitated.

"Please, think before you answer", said Charlotte. "This knowledge could have consequences."

"We agree", Casper nodded, "but I think that he needs to learn the truth about his heritage."

Wren leaned a little closer.

"It means that you do have a wolf, only it's dormant. Strong wolfs have the capacity to identify their mate from the age of thirteen. He recognized his mate when you met Prince Alexi and laid a claim on him."

"How could a dormant wolf claim an eight year old human boy?" Alexi wondered.

Charlottes smirk was so obnoxious that it made Art grunt.

"Mating bonds are forged in heaven. They have their own kind of magic."

Wren could see that Prince Aeyel hang on every word and felt his anxiety grow.

"But what if my father decides that a marriage between my sister and Alexi is more favorable for the Kingdom?"

Art shook his head.

"That would be sacrilege. When a true mate is found and the bond is sealed than separation would mean death to both parties. Why on earth would your father do such a horrible thing?"

Aeyel hesitated.

"My father only accepted me after my eight birthday when my wolf didn't present itself. I'm afraid that he might reject me if this news reaches him. I don't mind losing my status, but I couldn't bear to lose Alexi."

"That's good to know, Prince Rafael", the four men heard to their right.

King Dimitri showed a sad smile.

"Because your father didn't seem very pleased with the turn of events. He left rather abruptly."

Aeyel suddenly looked frightened.

King Dimitri caught his expression and took a step towards the young Prince.

"Don't worry. I will talk to him tomorrow. We'll find a way to make this work for everybody."

His gaze turned to Wren and Art.

"Well Captain Wren. It's good to see that you finally made your move."

He smiled again, this time with more sincerity.

Wren bowed his head.

"Sire, please allow me to formally introduce you to my mate, Arthur Balthazar."

Art saw a hint of surprise in the Kings eyes before he nodded and said:

"Congratulations to the four of you. It will be something to see how the prophecy is going to be fulfilled with two male couples."

He chuckled and put a warm hand on Alexis and Arts shoulders.

"How absolutely wonderful this all is. The two of you never seize to amaze me."

Alexi cocked his head.

"Do you think there is a possibility that the seer made a mistake?"

The King pursed his lips.

"You might think it unbecoming for a man in my position to put faith in something outside my control, but your mother believed in the choice she made and I never had any reason to doubt her judgement."

He pressed a kiss on Alexis forehead.

"Enough heaviness for now. Eat and be merry. Tomorrow I will reopen negotiations with King Armando and I expect you", and he pointed at Wren, "to formally introduce your mate that's bearing a mark. You think I didn't notice it missing?"

Wren blushed.

"Forgive me, Your Highness. I will mark him as soon as possible."

"Like Hell you will", Art half yelled, stepping away from Wren when an embarrassing heat set him on fire.

No one dared to make a move under the watchful eye of the King. Finally he just sighed and turned on his heels.

"Walk with me, Arthur."

Art followed his ruler with a color on his cheeks that could rival a tomato.

Instead of returning to his throne, King Dimitri opted for the more informal setting of a comfortable chair and gestured Art to take place on the cushions on the floor.

"Does Charlotte share your feelings about mating?"

"No, Your Majesty.  She's really happy with the pairing", Art said with his eyes looking at his hands.

"Then what seems to be the problem?"

Art looked up. He was sure that the King could feel the heat radiating from his body. By now he felt so embarrassed that tears started to well up in his eyes.

"I don't want to be ruled by Wren."

King Dimitri blinked by this unexpected answer.

"How does this feeling relate to completing the mating ritual?"

"Only the dominant partner can place his mark."

The King smiled.

"Yes, Arthur. I am aware of that fact, but that still does not answer my question."

He sighed noticing the tension in Arts shoulders.

"Have you talked to Captain Wren about this subject?"

Although immensely impolite, Art just shook his head.

King Dimitri searched for Alexi on the dancefloor. He needed to know more about Prince Rafael's unique situation if he was to protect his sons future and this young man needed to make some though decisions. 

"I'm sending Captain Wren on an important mission tomorrow and you will accompany him. By the time you return, I want you to have resolved this issue, Arthur."

"Hear, hear", said Charlotte, applauding the words of the King.

"Oh, shut up", he growled, now finding himself between a rock and a hard place.
