Watty's Shortlist 2023

Hi there,

Now that the judging period is over and I can edit this book again, I wanted to briefly say thank you all so much for your support on this novel.

I am sure most are aware, but in case you don't follow the Watty's, this novel made it on to the Watty's 2023 Shortlist. It was one of just 69 completed books chosen out of the thousands entered, and I am absolutely shocked by that. I truly was so awestruck to get that email in September telling me my book had been chosen for the shortlist. I've been writing on Wattpad for over ten years, and though I submit books every year for the Watty's, I do so more for a "wouldn't this be cool" mindset. I never actually believed one of my books would ever make it to the shortlist. You all helped make this a reality, and I want to thank you all so much. Truly, getting on the shortlist was one of the biggest highlights of my 2023.

At the end of the day, this novel did not win, and I am okay with that. As I wrote in the Author's Note, I don't think this book is my magnum opus. I had a lot of problems with it and will probably never be satisfied with it, but I appreciate those who loved the story anyway and found it meaningful. I've enjoyed reading every comment you've left on this novel and hearing how much it has impacted you. That's really all I could've asked for as an author.

Thank you for reading queer stories and supporting queer authors. I feel like writing and reading queer stories has been so integral to my sexuality journey. I truly did not feel like I hit my potential as a writer until I began writing queer stories, and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon. I hope you will support my current and future works.

Thank you all once again for this incredibly cool thing that happened to me. 

Wishing you well,

