Chapter 4 "His feelings 2"


I woke up peacefully this morning...but I'm still at Sasuke's house......I walked through the kitchen and I saw Sasuke standing at the side of the door....

"Good morning..."

"Good morning too..."

I don't know it.....but after I said "Good morning too"....I suddenly blushed!!!!

"Sorry......about yesterday...."


I think deeply in my head.....and I remembered that he suddemly kissed me......

"Oh....about that....."


He's going to say something...but suddenly the door opened so quickly and there I saw Iruka and Kakashi-sensei....



"Kakashi-sensei? Iruka-sensei?"

"Naruto! Are you alright? Do you need a medecine, first aid kit?"

I don't know why but all of us became speechless to what Iruka-sensei said.....

"Anyway.....How did you know that I'm here, Iruka-sensei...."

"W-well about that....."

------=IRUKA-SENSEI'S POV =---------

"Anyway.....How did you know that I'm here, Iruka-sensei...."

"W-well about that....."

I don't know how to start it....but I can't just say that I got from people around me.....but I have to tell

"This morning....."

FLASHBACK: 6:30 At Naruto's apartment

"Oi Naruto open this door!!!"

I felt something chilly before I get to my house yesterday..........then I thought that there's something wrong with Naruto so I woke up early....and went to Naruto's house but no one's answering.......then that means that there reall is something wrong with Naruto.....

"Naruto!!! open this door!"

End of Chapter 4
