Proposal: Part 1 😘

(This will have proposals of both Sairat and Samriddhi! Please enjoy!! 😍☺☺)

While Sairat were sleeping at night, Virat heard some low groans from Sai! He immediately awoke and turned to see what was wrong with Sai. She was turning around and unable to sleep on her back. He slowly woke her up.

V: Sai... Please wake up! What's wrong? 😞
S (sleepily): Unhhuhn... It hurts..... My back hurts!!πŸ˜΄πŸ˜•

Virat smacks his head. He totally forgot about Sai's back injury! (Actually, I forgot about it πŸ™ˆ! Hence I am adding this little scene!)

He slowly helps Sai sit up, who is still snoozing in a sitting posture! 😴 Virat slowly opens the zip of her salwar, so that he can see the wound! He gets the medical supplies and starts changing the bandage. His hands move slowly but sensuously over her back! Even though Sai is half asleep, she can still feel butterflies in her stomach! 😍 As soon as Virat finishes his work, he can't resist himself and places a soft but deep kiss near the wound! 😘 Sai can vaguely feel it and she smiles in her sleep! She thinks she is dreaming! πŸ˜‡ Virat also smiles and makes her lie back on the bed. Soon they sleep off with pleasant dreams! πŸ˜΄πŸ˜‡πŸ˜

The next morning, Sai wakes up with most of her injuries healed. (Let's assume they are tiny injuries and Sai's body heals fast πŸ™ˆπŸ˜¬!) She feels strong enough to go to college and starts getting dressed.

V: Good morning Sai. Looks like you are feeling alright now! 😏
S: Yes Virat! I feel great! BTW are we going out today? 😍
V: Yes of course!
S: Where are we going? πŸ€”
V: I have planned a surprise Sai 😏! You will understand everything by evening!
S: πŸ˜„πŸ˜…

They go down to have breakfast. Everyone is in quite a cheerful mood, but a little sad, now that Kaku is not there! Everything is pleasant! Both Samrat and Virat are planning to propose to Riddhi and Sai respectively! (Don't worry, they will be in different locations! So no double date or any interruptions or anything πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚!)

Samrat's Proposal:

Samrat messages Riddhi to come to a mall at around 5 PM! Riddhi agrees and soon reachs the place where Samrat has planned everything.



Riddhi looks stunning in her orange gradient outfit! A pair of long danglers and slight heels completes her look. Samrat is mesmerized to see her! 😍 He sees her from a distance such that she can't see him. She gives him a call.

R: Hi ☺! Where are you? 😏
Sa: I have planned a little treasure hunt for you! Search for me! πŸ˜‚
R: Treasure hunt??! πŸ™„
Sa: Yeah! You are a detective right? 🀭🧐
R: Very funny! πŸ˜’ What is the treasure?
Sa: Surprise!!! πŸ˜‚
R: Ok 😐! First clue?
Sa: Here you go!

1. Go to that florist over there and tell him my surname!

R: What??! πŸ™„
Sa: Yeah, go on! πŸ˜‚

Riddhi goes to the florist and tells him that the surname of her friend is Salunkhe! The florist nods his head smilingly and gives her a cute bunch of orange and purple Tulips! Riddhi gets an idea of what he has planned! Along with the flowers, she gets a card!

2. Go to the gift shop and tell the cashier where we first met, exact spot 😈!

R: Aww come on Sam!! πŸ˜…

She goes to the gift shop and tells the cashier where she and Samrat had met! (Let's assume the gym of their school since both were regularly going to gym! 😍) The cashier smiles back and gives her another card and a beautiful set of Orange and Lavender essential oils, along with candles and a diffuser! Riddhi smiles at Samrat's thoughtfulness and looks at the card.

3. Now go to the jewelry shop and tell the cashier the name of my family house!

R: Is this even a real treasure hunt, Sam? πŸ™„πŸ˜…
Sa: Maybe! Maybe not! πŸ˜‚

She goes to the jewelry shop and tells the name of Samrat's family house, Salunkhe Sadan! (Salunkhe House) (*Its a made up name πŸ˜…πŸ˜…!*) The cashier nods and starts searching for something!

Sa: Amazing Riddhi! I had thought you might have forgotten! 🀭
R: I'll never forget this frequent meeting spot of ours! ☺

The cashier then hands Riddhi a box in which there is a beautiful pair of Orange and Purple chandbali earrings! She loves them!

R: Wow, these are beautiful, Sam! What is next? ☺
Sa: Now connect all these and come to the top floor!

She goes to the top floor where the gaming zones and food court is located. She looks at the 3 items in her hand and then at her dress! That's when she realizes! All the 3 have the same color combination! So to find Samrat, she has to look for a person in a purple outfit. As she scans the place, she finally finds Samrat. He is leaning comfortably on a railing and watching only her! Her heartbeats become faster and she rushes to meet him! Just as she is 4 feet away from him, Samrat pulls out a gun and holds it to her forehead! 😳

Riddhi is shocked! But she immediately recognizes that it isn't a real gun.

R: Sam!! What was that?! πŸ˜‘
Sa: A detective should always be aware Riddhi! πŸ˜‚
R: True. But the opposite party should never lose focus!

Saying so, she deftly snatches the gun back and points it back to Samrat! He is very much impressed by that.

Sa: Great! Now that you have the gun, I want you to shoot it up there! πŸ˜ƒ

He points at a large red balloon above their heads!

R: 😳😳 What?!! No! Are you mad?! People could get hurt!
Sa: I trust you Riddhi! Please trust me too! Nothing bad will happen, I promise! 😊
R: Fine. Here goes!

She takes the toy gun and carefully aims at the balloon. It is about 20 feet above their heads.

Her aim is perfect! She hits the balloon perfectly. The balloon bursts and a shower of purple and orange rose petals falls on them! 🎊🎊 At the same moment, beyond the railing, a huge banner unfolds, with the message on it:


(Like this)

People flock around to see this spectacle! They crowd around Samrat and Riddhi! Riddhi is speechless to see all that Samrat has done for her! Her joy is boundless! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ When she turns to look at him, she finds Samrat on his knees!

Sa: Riddhi, though we started off on good terms, we couldn't get together! These 2 colors, Purple and Orange, are an offbeat combination, but when paired together in the correct way, they work together beautifully! I want to begin a new life with you! I may have proposed indirectly a few days back, but today I have for you a proper proposal! Please don't say no! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ I love you! And I really want to marry you!

He takes out a box with a beautiful ring in it and holds up to her.


R (a little emotional): Why would you think I would refuse you Samrat?!! This proposal was absolutely beautiful. I loved it and I love you too!! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ˜’

Samrat looks ecstatic! He is also a little teary. He gets up and slides the ring in her finger! It fits there perfectly, just as they are meant for each other! The people around cheer for them and clap loudly, as Samriddhi finally are together!!

(Note: No mall staff or people were injured when Riddhi shot the balloon. Everything was done by asking the mall authorities, under careful supervision! πŸ˜…)

(I hope you guys enjoyed Samriddhi's proposal! If any of you have seen the south movie "7th Sense" by Suriya and Shruti Hassan, you will notice a similar scene in it! Thats where I got the idea because it is quite unique.

This proposal chapter has been divided into 2, Samriddhi and Sairat!

While Samriddhi have a more filmy scene, Sairat's will be more theatrical! Any guesses??!Β  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜ˆ))
