Chapter Sixteen

They continued to walk and talk, they found themselves at a small pond outside of the library. They sat on the grass, admiring the nice weather.

"It's gorgeous out today," Y/N stated.

Fulton nodded,

"Yeah, it is,"

They sat in silence for a few seconds,

"This pond reminds me of my uncle's house, he had a huge one in his backyard. He would take me fishing all the time," He stated.

"Aw, that's so cute. I was never much of an outdoors-y person until I was in junior high, my mom would force me out of the house and take me hiking. I had a lot of fun, she would point out different trees and flowers. My legs would be so sore by the time we got back to the car."

Fulton snaked his arm around her waist, which made her lean onto his shoulder.

"Funny enough, while we're talking about my parents. My dad called me last night,"

"Oh, that's cool. What's up with him?" he asked.

She shook her head,

"Not much, he just wanted to check up on me. I told him about you, Connie, and Guy, we talked about my dog, who I miss so much. That's it really."

"What kind of dog do you have?" he asked.

"A Goldendoodle, his name is Bunky. He's the sweetest dog I've ever met."

He nodded,

"Mmm, I've never had a dog. I'll have to come to meet him sometime,"

"He'd love that, he might lick you to death. He would get so excited when I'd bring someone over,"

Y/N smiled and stood up, extending her hand out to Fulton. He grabbed onto it and stood up.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"You'll see, come on,"

They went to the science and math building, Y/N was pulling him behind her. They went to her Physics professor's classroom, her teacher, Ms. O'Hare was sitting at her desk grading papers.

"Hi Y/N, what can I do for you?" She asked.

"Good morning, Ms. O'Hare. Can Fulton and I go into your Ag room and visit the little ones?"

Ms. O'Hare smiled before getting up to grab her keys. She handed them to Y/N,

"Here, honey. Just clean up any mess you make and lock up when you're done."

Y/N smiled,

"Will do, thanks!" She gleamed.

Ms. O'Hare nodded and sat back down at her desk, Fulton had a confused look on his face. They left the classroom and walked further down the hallway.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"My Physics teacher, she also teaches agricultural science. She has something I want you to see," she replied.

Y/N smiled as she unlocked the classroom door and turned on the lights. In the back of the room was a playpen with a litter of 4 Black Labrador puppies and their mother dog, Delilah. They all wagged their little tails when they saw Y/N and Fulton. They slowly approached the pen.

"Hi, babies! Good morning, little honey-s! Hello, mamas," she beamed.

She stepped in and sat criss-cross as the puppies piled up on her lap. Fulton was still standing behind the pen, unsure of what to do.

"Come in and sit, they won't bite,"

He slowly stepped in and sat next to Y/N, the puppies and Delilah began to sniff him. Y/N picks up a puppy and sets it on his lap,

"Ms. O'Hare owns a farm, Delilah, here, had them last month. They are the sweetest things,"

He started to smile and pet the puppies around him and on his lap. They were so happy, Y/N couldn't help but stare as he kept on petting and playing with them.

"They're so cute, thank you for bringing me here," he said.

"You're welcome. Here, let's get them some food and water,"

She carefully moved the puppies away from her and Fulton and stood up to step over the pen. They picked up the large food and water bowl out of the pen, she led him to the closet by the whiteboard and turned on the light.

"Can you reach down that container of food up there?" She asked.

Fulton nodded and grabbed the container. They went out of the closet, setting everything on one of the lab tables.

"Okay, just take the scoop out and put 2 or 3 scoops into the bowl, and I get them some fresh water,"

He nodded, again,

"Okay, sounds good,"

Y/N went over to the handwashing sink, rinsed out the water dish, and filled it up with cold water.

The puppies began to whimper, waiting for Y/N and Fulton to come back and play.

"Aw, I bet you guys are hungry, huh? You guys want some food?" Fulton asked in a slightly higher voice.

After Y/N filled up the water dish, she walked over and set it on the ground. The puppies swarmed around the bowl, each getting a drink.

"There you go, babies. I bet you're thirsty, too, mama," she said.

She picked up a second water dish and food dish for Delilah and walked over to Fulton who had just finished getting the food for the puppies. Y/N scooped some food up and put it into the dish, then went to get fresh water, again. She set the dishes down by Delilah, she slowly got up and went to sniff the dishes before eating. 

When she looked up, she found Fulton sitting in the pen, all 4 puppies were wagging their tails, some were licking his hand, the others were being petted. Fulton had a huge smile on his face, Y/N was falling more and more in love with him. She stepped into the pen and sat next to Delilah, softly petting her head as she laid on Y/N's lap. Soon enough, all of the dogs were asleep.

"So, do they all just stay here?" Fulton asked.

Y/N nodded,

"For now. Ms. O said that they'll be old enough to adopt in a couple of weeks, then Delilah will go back home with her. I hope these babies find some good homes," she replied.

"Me, too. I'd smuggle one into my room if I could. Do they have names?"

Y/N nodded,

"Yeah, the ones on your lap are Trixie and Cassidy. Then the ones right next to you are Fudge and Molly, her kids named them,"

They sat quietly for a minute, petting the puppies and Delilah as they slept. Every once in a while, they would look up at each other and smile.

Y/N began to move slowly,

"I think it might be time for us to go, here let me help you,"

She carefully moved the puppies off of Fulton's lap and laid them next to Delilah before grabbing his hand to help him stand up. They both stepped out of the pen, and looked around to see if they had to pick anything up. Y/N grabbed the food container and went to put it away in the closet. Then, they turned off the classroom lights and locked the door on their way out. They went back to Ms. O'Hare's room to drop off her keys.

"Thank you, again, Ms. O."

"Anytime, Y/N,"

They left the building and started to walk back to Simmon's Hall. 
