Trust issues


Zhan's eyes shoot open and lingers his eyes around examining the room, the last thing he remembers after completely blacking out is that he was crying and begging his brother to not leave him again while hugging, he was in the bed now and it was perfectly like a hospital, he gets up from the bed hurriedly when doesn't finds his brother anywhere

"Brother Yibo!", Zhan calls desperately and stands up on the cold floor, he was still a bit weak about earlier fights and all, just then his friend Haoxuan dashes inside the room and smiles widely seeing the other awake already, "Oh, finally you woke up", the boy utters while walking towards his friend

"Where is my brother?", Zhan without caring anything, questions the other desperately with tears in his eyes, Haoxuan seeing this halts widening his eyes and gulps hard, "Your brother in the school", he answers after sometime of being in daze that how can this strong man gets vulnerable like this in an instant

Zhan hearing this immediately dashes out from the room and runs towards the school barefoot, he doesn't care anything any more is what he wants, needs desperately in his whole life, the sole reason for him to know this world at large, he just wants his brother now and nothing else, nothing matters now

He ran so fast that he arrived there in the school at just 13 minutes, but the whole school was empty, but still in a hope Zhan looked at each class rooms and also staff rooms, he at last opened the door of his own class and there he saw his brother who was standing facing out of the window

Yibo turns around when feels that someone opened the door, the wind swirl into the room, the both boys just stared at eachother without anything, but the quietness was speaking more than the words, Zhan without wasting any further ran towards his brother and hugs him, taking the other whole in his arms, whereas Yibo hugs back burying his face on the crook of the boy's neck

" not leave me again, please", Zhan utters with so much pain and desperate tone only he knew, "...ZhanZhan..Please forgive me, I never thought this will end up like this..", Yibo responds while closing his eyes, "..Do you know how hard was this one week living without you?..Brother, I felt I was at the middle of the ocean, I knew no direction..I felt completely lost...I felt you betrayed me brother", the other says while hugging his brother more tightly

"I-i am sorry, I promise that now I will never leave you like this..I never thought I was this important in your life, I just couldn't imagine", Yibo utters softly, "You are more than important in my life brother..without you I am nothing, Without you I will never dare to live in this vast are my everything brother, everything", Zhan says with a small frown

"Zhanzhan, please do not say like this, I am promising right? That I'll now stay with you no matter what..I won't think of leaving you like this, please trust me now..", Yibo utters while caressing his brother's back of the head, still hugging eachother like now they'll never let eachother go, most probably Zhan who was holding Yibo like his world depended on this Vampire..and nobody could separate them from now on.



"Is the packing finished?", the boy on the phone asked, Yibo and Zhan were currently on a video call with each other, "Ah's almost", the older male answers while cracking a laugh towards his brother who was looking at him through mobile phone, "When is it going to finish?", the younger asks

"I am telling you Zhan that it's almost finished", The Vampire answers while tidying the dried clothes, "Yah do fast and come here quickly", The half werewolf says or more in a demanding tone staring dragger at the other who feels slightly afraid even from the phone itself

"Yah sure, but let me finish first ZhanZhan~", the other says and glances towards the window, there he saw Swan was waving at him from outside the window, Yibo frowned upon seeing this, as it took him off guard as well, "Uh Zhan, my phone's dying, let me charge for sometime, bye bye", he utters while looking back at his phone

"Wait, call me after 15 minutes sharp, alright?..If you delay then I would be there anytime, remember this", Zhan responds while pointing towards his brother who scratches the back of his neck and nods quickly, "Alright~ sure~", the older responds back and cuts the call, after doing so he glares towards the one who was at the window smirking

Yibo walks towards it and folds up his arms, after coming face to face with Swan, "What do you need?", he questions rather demanding, "I don't need violence right now for sure", Swan answers smiling creepily towards the Vampire who keeps a straight face, "Then why are you here?", Yibo asks frowning a bit

"I am just here to inform you that..earlier you got away from me, because of that idiot Derek, but you won't be able to ignore me from now on..remember that I want those two half werewolves..really badly", Swan responds and cracks an evil smile, before Yibo could say anything, he jumps from there and fades away in darkness completely

The other Vampire just keeps staring at the darkness from where Swan vanished, with anger rushing all over him, how dare that mere vampire demand him for his own brother, whom he cares for more than anything, just then while staying for like that for some minutes he was interrupted by the sound of his house's bell

Yibo finds it unusual for someone to be here this evening, but he somehow walks there and opens the door, there he meets with his own brother, who was glaring at him, the vampire silently gulped hard seeing the other like this, "O-oh Zhan? Why did you came here?", he asks trying to keep his smile

"Why didn't you called me at sharp 15 minutes? It's already been 23 minutes, I said you right if you delay one minute also..I will be here", Zhan questions back with a stern face and in a cold tone, the other male hearing this scratches his nape while laughing nervously, "I-i thought it's not even been 15 minutes so..", he answers

"I don't trust you even in a slightest now brother, what if you again ran away like you did earlier?", Zhan says sighing heavily and folds up his arms, Yibo nervously smiles nodding like he knows that and how will he not know that when he is the one who did this to his own brother, now he can't just go around and blame the other, it's his own fault, "It's not ran away Zhan-"

"It is for me, so stay quiet when I am scolding you, because you didn't called me, now I am here to help you pack and let's go, others are already there", Zhan says entering inside the empty house, he looks around and walks towards the big bag, "Oh Thank you ZhanZhan..that'll be of great help", Yibo utters looking towards his brother who picks up the bag

"If you are finished, let's move then?", the younger male questions looking towards his brother who hearing this nods his head in response and walks towards the couch where the clothes were kept, he quickly shoves them inside one of the bag and carries it, "You go and keep the bags inside the car, I'll lock the door", Yibo says after coming out from the house, "Okay", Zhan says and carries other bags too in one go

Whereas the other started locking every doors, his brother started filling up the car with their things, it was certain that they were changing their home now as they started finding this place very dangerous to live, but the new place which they were going to live from now on was not so far away

It was actually suggested by Bowen so that they could also stay by the brothers side, after finishing their works Yibo drove the car and they both arrived at their new home after sometime, Zhan again carried all the bags and took it inside their apartment where Bowen, Haoxuan and Jiyang were already there

"Oh let me lend a hand", Haoxuan utters quickly running towards the boy to help him when saw the other walking inside with bags, whereas Jiyang also followed him to help, Yibo entered into the house and looked around with a folded arms, "It's quite big", he utters while still looking around the new place

"And beautiful right?", Zhan questions while walking towards his brother with a smile, the other smiles back nodding, "But it's too big for just the two of us Zhan", he responds looking here and there, "It's okay's okay as long as it's safe here", the other male assures his brother who looks at him hearing this and slowly nods in response

"Thank you guys for helping us this much, I won't forget this for the rest of my life", Yibo utters to the others who were there, "Oh don't mention Yibo, it's our job to make you guys feel safe so", Bowen responds with a genuine smile, "Alright then..I will bake you guys a cake in the celebration of new home!", the Vampire says excitedly smiling widely towards the boys

"Sounds like a great idea!", Jiyang utters happily glancing at the other who nods smiling, "Alright then", Yibo says happily and quickly ran inside the kitchen to prepare the cake, whereas Bowen, Haoxuan and Jiyang sat on the couches, just then the bell rang indicating someone is on the door, "Seems like they are here", Haoxuan utters while glancing towards the door, "Let me check", Zhan says and walks towards the door, after he opens it and there stood Zhouxuan and the girl who is half werewolf like him

"Hii Zhan", Zhouxuan greets while smiling towards the latter who's eyes were rather fixed on the other half werewolf like him, he nods and lets them in,Β  "Who's here Zhan?", just then Yibo asks peeping through the kitchen, "That's..Zhouxuan and the half werewolf girl", the younger answers glancing towards them

"Don't just call her half werewolf girl Zhan, I gave her a new name..Clover!", The werewolf girl utters, "What? Clover?", Jiyang questions looking at them, "Yes, clover means lucky, and I wanted her to feel lucky in the life she got", Zhouxuan answers holding Clover's hand who hesitates first but holds back anyways

"She is rather gentle now", Zhan utters sitting on the couch, "Yes I am teaching her to be friendly, so for now no one should be harsh on her..just like you did last time Zhan", Zhouxuan says sighing at the boy who looks at other side.



So I tried my best to at least finish this chapter, without studying..wish me luck guys and yah do write your opinions on this one.

Love Ya!
