{Chapter 6}

Belle and Brendon woke up about 30 minutes before the plane was going to land. They got handed more food and sat there in silence like girls at a sleep over when they wake up.

The speakers blasted out a fuzzy sentence but they could still make it out. "We will be landing at the Paris  airport in about 10 minutes. Please do not unbuckle or grab your luggage. We will have assistance's walking around helping you, Thank you"

Brendon looked at belle and smirked. She grabbed his hand that he had placed on the arm rest and squeezed it and made a high pitches noise out of excitement like a 5 year old girl getting a new puppy.

They got off of the plane and waited for their luggage to come through the moving ramp. They saw their names and grabbed their suitcases.

"So, do you want to ride a taxi or rental car?" Brendon said waiting for a reply.

Belle hummed questioning the questions. "Well, I think we should drive a rental car because I've never been in one. But do you even know how to get there?"

"Yes, it's about 20 minutes away from here."

"Yay" belle squealed.

Belle stood there watching Brendon fill out paperwork to rent the car. Afterwards they were given a shiny dark silver/grey Grand Tourer.

Belle opened her door looking at the black leather and breathing in the new car smell with a slight smell of stale  French fry.

They drove in rough traffic in the nice rental car. Belle stared at Brendon in awe.

"Wow" belle gasped.

Brendon raised his eyebrow. "What? It's just a car..."

Belle giggled her childish laugh and stared again.

"Not the car... you, your... I don't even know... you don't even know how bad I want to kiss you right now."

"Ha, trust me I know. He said trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"When will we be at the hotel?" She said trying to change the subject.

"Soon, babe" Brendon replied.

Belle sat there staring out the window looking at all of the building, she didn't want to sit in silence so she started a conversation.

"So... why did you bring me here?"

Brendon laughed. "Because, your birthday is in 3 days silly. And... um... and then we can legally be together...."

"Oh... well that's going to be amazing..." she replied not sure of what she was saying.

"What's wrong?" He questioned her looks.

"Nothing..." she mumbled.

"Please tell me" Brendon begged.

"Ok, well when I was 7 my dad left and I never really celebrated my birthday because it never felt right unless he was there... and one year on my 13th birthday he came... but he was with his new family and his new daughter. Since then I've a hated celebrating my birthday."  She started tearing up.

"Oh... um... I'm sorry for bringing you here without asking" he apologized but lied because he wasn't sorry.

"It's okay. I have to get over it some day. Hopefully you won't ditch me and get a new family..." she swallowed her tears.

"And why would I do that baby girl?" Brendon said noticing her tears.

"I don't know, ask my dad..." she said sassily. The conversation got awkward so she changed the subject again. "Are we almost there?" She said almost to quiet for him to hear.

"Yeah... actually we're here!" He yelled.

Belle looked up and saw a huge hotel, probably a 8 star hotel if that was even possible. She stared in amazement wanting to run in.

They grabbed their stuff and handed it to their butler helper man. (Don't judge, idk these things😂)

Belle followed Brendon down the long hallways and about 4 elevators. Finally they reached a stop and Brendon slid in his card opening the door. When she looked up it looked like she was in a billionaires house. Or maybe a jagazillionaire's house... if that's a thing. The floors were soft cream colored, the walls were dark white with a tinted of mint green, the huge window revealing the ocean, there was a sliding glass door with a patio with chairs, it was pretty much her dream house turned into a hotel room.

"What do you think?" He said smiling.

"I-I have no words..." she stuttered.

"I have an idea" he smirked.

"What's that?" She said in a sexy tone.

"Lets see how comfortable this bed is, baby" he said seductively.

She giggled and jumped on top of him while he was on the bed. She was being stripped and receiving love marks. She started unbuttoning Brendon's shirt while she was in her braw and jeans. Once she revealed his smooth rock hard chest she unbuckled his pants and started at him.

Brendon unbuttoned belles black ripped jeans while kissing her soft angel lips. She was now only in her black and red underwear and bra. Brendon was in nothing. He started hissing her neck again while unhooking her bra trying to act like he knew how to do it.

They were both naked kissing and grinding on each other. Brendon flipped her over still managing to kiss her. He spread her legs legs and slowly inserted into her. He went in and out slowly but hard making the young girl moan.


Belles phone started buzzing and ringing. She picked it up reading the missed messages.

Mom: I'm getting a passport to come back to Seattle so I can see you on your 18th birthday!!!


Mom: Hello?

                     To be continued

A/N: That was interesting lol. I don't really like writing straight smut. But oh well. Sorry this chapter sucked a lot. It's currently 5:03 AM and I'm not even tired so I wanted to finish a chapter on each book. Thanks for reasong❤️🎉

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