Red Head Mother and Baby

(Trash of the Count and Naruto are not mine.

Cale, "Here we are, Grass village."

Choi Han, "It is much bigger than I originally thought."

Alberu, "Shall we go to the hotel first?"

Kyuubi hummed, "This will be a new experience."

Raon, "I am very excited."

Hong, "Me too."

Ohn, "Ooh! What pretty fields ~"

Cale chuckled as the group marvelled at the green fields around them with tall grass. Well, more rice plantations than actual grass were growing around the village which was more of a town than a village. Kyuubi looked around and sniffed the air humming a bit then picked the luggage and headed to the hotel. The red head fox now a human looked around the hotel and had to admit the bamboo styled hotel was up to his taste. He still remembers his first temple built by the villagers he had accidentally saved while he was practicing chakra manipulation.

Cale, "You look like you are in a good mood."

Kyuubi, "I will tell you later. Where is our room?"

Alberu, "We are getting the premium room and staying together."

Choi Han, "That way no one will be suspicious of us. A family with kids gets suspected less than someone who travels alone."

Raon giggled, "Remember the lake of fire?"

Hong, "That was fun."

Ohn, "Should we re - create it?"

Cale, "We did promise to show Kyuubi how we did this back home. This will be a lot of fun."

Kyuubi grinned, "I look forward to this."

After getting to the room the kids looked around the area and saw the back door open to a beautiful garden with a pond. It was a very nice room indeed and they started to get comfortable and settle down in the room. Kyuubi then started to tell Cale and the kids about an incident of his past long before shinobi became a very common existence. Turns out the previous years before shinobi became mainstream many villages and countries had to deal with nature chakra burst. One of the villages that was located in a more secluded area was dealing with earthquakes due to earth nature chakra.

Cale, "Sounds like a literal pain."

Alberu, "Agreed."

Choi Han, "I am surprised we do not have such problems."

Kyuubi, "That is because after the Shinobi clans appeared nature chakra now has an outlet."

Hong, "Should we also learn to use chakra as well?"

Ohn, "I mean we already have poison, fog and magic."

Raon, "We do not mind learning of course."

Choi Han, "Well, it would not hurt anyone."

Cale, "You kids can do anything you want. There is no hurry to be honest."

Alberu, "Yes, you are strong children and we do not want you to overwork yourself."

The kids nodded smiling brightly and turned to Kyuubi who proceeded to tell them the rest of the story. On one of his travels, he was enjoying the warmth of the sun when he heard screams coming from the distance and went to check it. He saw a group of humans struggling due to an earthquake and almost getting crushed under the trees that fell on top of them. Luckily for them Kyuubi used his tails to shield them from the danger only to end up with a group of human worshippers. Cale had a look of understanding at the exhausted tone coming from the fox though Choi Han and Alberu looked amused.

Kyuubi, "By the way I smelled a familiar scent."

Choi Han, "Oh? Danzo's lackeys?"

Kyuubi, "No, more like the ocean."

Cale, "Ocean? How curious ~"

Alberu, "Hmmm... Could it be?"

Kyuubi, "Well, I will have to do a check first. Then I will inform you."

Choi Han, "Join me and Raon then, we are going to scope this place."

Raon, "Yes, it will be fun."

Kyuubi, "Very well."

Cale, "Great! Ohn and I are going to look around the village."

Alberu, "Hong will be with me and going through the library. I noticed they allow visitors to enter, I think we will find very interesting things there."

Plans made they left in three groups with Cale and Ohn acting like a pair of parent and daughter looking around and talking with the old ladies. The ladies were very open and talked about everything under the sun with them. Ohn had insisted he dressed up in a female green kimono before leaving the hotel and honestly the dark green made Cale's hair stand out more. Alberu appreciated the view a lot, so it was obvious Cale pulled the looks off without a hitch. Not to forget that a lot of people were more open and willing to talk to a beautiful person, it was a sad truth. But Cale was not complaining as it made things easier for him.

Ohn, "I think we got what we wanted."

Cale, "We did. Good job on your cute acting. Those ladies could not hold back from wanting to talk to us."

Ohn swear dropped, 'Pretty sure that was all you, dad.'

Cale, "Let us go back. I believe Choi Han has a plan for tomorrow."

Ohn, "Yes, let's go back."

Alberu watched Cale dressed in a very beautiful green kimono leave with Ohn who was dressed in a cute pink kimono. Hong giggled at his very smitten expression though he did not say anything about it and he followed Alberu to the library. The library or rather the section that was open to visitors was a very interesting place to read books in. The Grass Shinobi eyed them with suspicion and curiosity but did not stop them from going through the books and records. After a few books Alberu was very much done, he was pretty sure this was nothing but a dump for propaganda. It reminded Alberu about how the Empire brain washed other countries to attack the Roan kingdom, subtle but effective.

Hong, "Alberu? Are you okay?"

Alberu, "Yes, I am alright."

Hong gave him a look, "You look like when Dad creates trouble for you."

Alberu, "I just remembered something really head ache inducing. Do not worry too much."

Hong, "Are you sure?"

Alberu smiled at the young boy, "Yes, now let's go back, I have a feeling we are on to something."

Hong, "You found something?"

Alberu nodded, "Shall we?"

Hong beamed, "Yes."

Choi Han was observing Kyuubi watching a red haired woman who was locked up away from the main village area. This was a very curious situation, especially with the other Shinobi keeping her under lock and key like a criminal. The strange thing was the woman was not a Shinobi so the whole thing was really strange and wrong. Raon mentioned the group of people who were keeping her stuck in the place seemed to hurt her too. It reminded them of the time when they first met Raon when he was under Venion's thumb and made Choi Han bristle.

Kyuubi, "Let's go."

Raon, "We are going to help her, right?"

Choi Han, "Of course but we need to plan first."

Kyuubi, "We could use Danzo's situation to our advantage."

Choi Han smirked, "Exactly, let's go check the area out first. I believe the ANBU will meet us there."

They left the area though the red head woman looked up in their direction but did not see anyone thanks to Raon's magic. She had a strong feeling that something was going to happen, but whether it was a good or bad thing was a completely different matter. Choi Han, Kyuubi and Raon went to the area that the ANBU would meet them at and got to work. While they were searching for the hidden base without catching Grass shinobi's attention they were joined by Ohn, Hong, Cale and Alberu. Alberu first mentioned the missing facts, dates and history he found very curious about the library. It reminded him of the brain washing propaganda of the Empire where they hid the mistakes and tried to bury it.

Cale though had heard something interesting to tell them, especially about a few members from a certain clan. Apparently two members of the Uzumaki clan were still alive but under lock and key. That got Choi Han and Kyuubi's attention and told them they saw a red haired woman and baby in a secluded and guarded area away from the village. That got Cale's attention and he started to plan while Choi Han and Kyuubi marked the different hidden hideouts. Cale then decided to recreate the old lake of fire plan and Raon started to giggle as he got to work. The ANBU stared at them warily but the Hokage gave them his orders to help with the plans so that is what they will do.

Cale, "Is everyone in their position?"

Raon, "Yes!"

Alberu, "I am very curious to know how you did this back at Paerun."

Hong, "The bombs have been planted and don't worry they are magic bombs not chakra."

Kyuubi, "This should be really interesting to watch."

Ohn, "Are we going to save the woman and baby?"

Choi Han, "Yes, we are but first let's blow things up."

The ANBU stared at them with worried gazes but did not stop them especially after Cale explained his crazy but simple plan. The clouds were starting to gather in the sky thanks to Raon and Alberu combining their magic to create a strong thunder storm. Then Cale would use his lightning to light the bombs which would blow the bases up to dust and leave nothing behind. From what they found Danzo had already cleared the bases out especially after Grass village started to grow and became suspicious of his movements. But it would be safer to get rid of the bases entirely to avoid any future trouble and suspicions.

A red haired mother looked up from her daughter who was feeding and gasped on seeing a large pillar of fire in the distance. She was very alarmed by what she was seeing and the Shinobi around her were very agitated and forced her inside. She wanted to protest and say it was not safe to be inside but she was already locked in as the pillar got closer and closer. The red head cursed the Grass Shinobi and then herself for being weak and unable to go against them to protect her daughter. She sobbed wondering if this was how she and her baby will die because of fire and because she was unable to get away from the bastard who betrayed her.

Before she could despair the door fell to the ground and a childish voice was heard, "She is here, Choi Han."

Choi Han appeared, "Come on! We need to go."

The woman was bewildered, "Who are you?"

Raon beamed, "I am Raon and this is Choi Han. Nice to meet you."

The woman stared, "Oh, my name is Nami and this is my daughter Karin."

Choi Han, "We are here to bring you home, Uzumaki - san. A request from Uzumaki Kushina."

Nami's eyes widened, "Uzumaki Kushina? You mean the Princess is alive?"

Choi Han smiled, "Yes and just like you she is a mother to an adorable child. Will you come with us?"

Nami, "Yes, I am tired of these people here."

Raon, "Give me some of your hair and blood. We are going to fool these people and make them believe you are dead."

Nami was shocked then grinned, if they thought she and Karin were dead then they would not come looking for her or her daughter. Then Raon took out two curious looking golems and took Nami's hair and blood to place it on the golem. Nami watched curiously as the golem started to change into her then asked if Raon needed Karin's blood too. Raon declined saying since Karin was her daughter it was not necessary. After placing the golems into position, Raon used his magic to make the fire stronger and reach the area faster than teleported out of there. The Grass Shinobi were watching wide eyed as the place burned down in front of them.

Choi Han, "You do not have to worry about returning to that place Nami - san. You will be coming home with us."

Nami, "Thank you."

Karin, "Aaa,"

Raon, "Do not worry baby Karin, you are safe and sound now."

Cale, "Choi Han, Raon, are these two?"

Choi Han perked up at Cale's voice which Nami noticed, "Yes, Cale - nim, allow me to introduce Uzumaki Nami and Uzumaki Karin."

Cale, "Glad you could join us, cousin."

Nami's eyes widened, "You are an Uzumaki too? Of course you are, you have the same vibrant hair I do."

Alberu, "We are happy you got out safely, cousin. Join us on our journey."

Nami, "Are you all Uzumakis?"

Hong, "Yes we are ~"

Nami teared up, "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am not alone. I am not alone."

Cale caught her as she broke down, "No, you are not alone. You are back with family now."

Nami cried and laughed, "Yes, yes, I am home. I am home. I am home."

(To be continued..
What do you think?
Updates will be slow okay.)
