Unknown mystery

Kashvi's POV

It was a almost midnight and I was busy sipping the mint tea and some biscuits. Mint tea? You must be wondering the reason of trying mint tea. Let me tell you why.

When I and Hetvi had earlier entered the cafe, my eyes went towards the post it note glass wall. And as anticipated, there was a post it note below the one which was pasted by me a day before.

"I tried cheese Maggie today with the book as suggested by you. And I loved both of them. I couldn't read the whole book but I intend to continue reading further chapters once I come to this place again. By the way, the cafe owners have introduced mint flavoured tea. Do try it with cutlets.


And that was it. I ordered for mint tea and heart shaped cutlets. It was already a rainy season and sipping warm refreshing mint tea made me feel fresh.

"Wow Kashvi, we both are such a fabulous pair. I flirt with the owner and you flirt with the unknown customer." Joked Hetvi.

I smiled and ignored her. The idea of conversing with unknown stranger fascinated me. I opened the same book that I had read a day before. However there was something different about it.

A page was marked with post it note stating

"Enjoy the book.
# tealover. "

It brought a smile on my face. I completed a few chapters while sipping my tea.

The genre of the book was suspense thriller which was my favourite. However I could read only a few chapters because Hetvi's patience was failing and she wanted to commence reading for the exams which were on the next day.

I pasted a stick in note in the book stating
"See ya after 7 days. My exams will commence from tomorrow."

I finished my tea and paid for the food. Hetvi bid goodbye to one of the owner named Meet while I thanked another owner Advait for keeping a great stock of books.

We both exited the place with the intention to visit it as soon as our exams get over.
