02 Cupid - Closer.

Donghyuck needs help from Mark, and they develop from unexpected circumstances.


Step Three: Getting to Know One Half of the Story (For Both of Them)

Days past since the incident with Jaehyun, and Mark had no idea he would be venturing into the next portion of Operation Cupid until he stumbled upon Donghyuck in his room. Having freshly taken a shower, Mark stepped into his room, only to discover a certain someone sitting on the chair next to where Jaehyun and his bed were.

The only problem was, the same someone was holding an English textbook, as he almost seemed passed out next to the bed frame. Mark only snickered at the sight, as he attempted to shake the other one awake.

"Oi, Haechan." Mark called, as the younger one didn't stir. Mark could only increase the volume of his words, this time using the younger's birth name instead.

"Donghyuck? Wake up." Mark pressed his hands to the younger's face, shaking him in hopes that he would awaken.

No such luck, but the younger started muttering what was heard to be a series of protests and pleas for him to sleep longer.

"Wake up Donghyuck! At least sleep on my bed if you were going to do this!" Mark grumbled, but wasn't truly annoyed as he came a concerned look to the stirring boy.

As Donghyuck finally regained his attention, the two boys had finally realised the proximity between their faces and started to back away with an awkward grin smeared on each of their faces.

Donghyuck's face was especially embarrassed, as he looked away from Mark for a few seconds as he replied.

"Sorry, you just took so long. You called me to come here at 9:30, hyung. It's,"

Donghyuck paused for a moment to glance up at the time.


"Sorry Donghyuck, I was busy doing some work."

"The 10 pm rule for minors, hyung." Donghyuck playfully chided, but in reality it was more of a reminder than anything.

Mark ran his fingers through his wet hair as Donghyuck continued, but his voice seemed to trail off at the sight of him.

"As I was saying, before you so nicely told me to come to discuss Englis... Wait, why is your hair wet?" Donghyuck ran through his hair jokingly.

The boys looked at each other with shy liking, as Mark continued. "I took a shower."

"Well, your hair looks nice when its down." Donghyuck replied casually, but seemed to withdraw his remark as Mark looked at him.

"I mean your hair usually looks good, hyung, it's just different. And different is good."

He gave a smile to Mark as if to end that awkward statement, and Mark couldn't blame him. He simply raised an eyebrow, but just figured this reaction was from the fact he was suddenly awoken by him that he didn't have the urge to care much more about it.

"Anyways, hyung, I was having a bit of trouble regarding this English assignment, and well-"

"You need my help?" Mark raised his tone slightly, and Donghyuck simply nodded.

"Okay, let me read the assignment." Mark let the book fall on the table, as he asked Donghyuck to casually scoot over by the chair for him to get a glimpse of it.

Their thighs brushed, and he heard what sounded like a squeal or at least a sound escaping from the singer's lips.

"Are you.. okay?" Mark didn't seem like it, but he was really concerned. He wondered if Donghyuck was coming down with something.

"Yeah! Yeah, hyung, of course! Just continue." Donghyuck seemed calm enough, so Mark focused back onto the assignment.

The essay titled "What is Life's True Meaning" was meant to be an assignment where students would need to write about what they personally thought was their life's true meaning.

However, based on the footnotes and what was generally written on the paper, the essay topics were decided by the teacher, and considering their busy schedules, Mark doubted Donghyuck could do anything about the hard topic of ironically, love.

Finally, Donghyuck acted in character, as he broke the silence.

"Hyung, there's not enough space on this chair! You're squishing me!"

"Oh, then would you rather I sit on your lap?"

Mark teased, but quickly regretted it as the younger's expression grew to be a more disturbed and embarrassed one. He looked away shyly, not wanting to meet the eyes of the older, as he quickly muttered something about the essay.

"Uh, so hyung.. how am I going to write the paper?"

By then, Mark had actually taken in a stood to sit on.

"Just go with your gut. Write about your feelings about love, what's the definition of love, what you think is love and so on. It doesn't have to be too lengthy or expressive, it just has to be sincere."

"But," Donghyuck hesitated.

"I've never been in a relationship, and hyung, you're the only one who is older than me and can read and write good English. Could you give me some examples?"

Mark wanted to kill himself there and then. Examples of love? Donghyuck was the epitome of love considering how he spoke about his special someone.

"Like.. I don't know, crushes or like any potential love interests? Or like what love means to you and why it's important in life. Honestly, I just feel this is an excuse for the teachers' to not get bored of the same politically correct bullshit we seem to love to write."

Donghyuck's laugh could have been one of the loveliest things he heard all day, as Mark smiled shyly at the boy. He brushed hands with the other boy as he reached for a pencil to write some key pointers that Donghyuck could expand on later.

"Maybe you would want to tell me more about your crushes? I can help you expand on your point."

Unlike him, Donghyuck was silent for a moment before he replied.

"I really don't know how to describe a crush?"

Mark wanted to call bullshit on it, but chose to stay silent.

"I mean, I have had crushes, but there were mainly just infatuation. Everything about them was glorified to me, and I just know that isn't really love."

"But you said mainly. That means there are exceptions? Why not you describe them?" Mark didn't want to admit it, but he had a tiny little hope that Donghyuck would be talking about his current crush.

From the looks of it previously, Donghyuck's crush was definitely not just a simple infactuation.

"Well, he's," Donghyuck started, but continued when Mark didn't object.

"Wait, you're not freaked out by that?"

"Why would I?"

Mark cocked an eyebrow at him and smiled.

"Besides, Canada legalised gay marriage a long time ago. My parents knew a few queer couples, and I've had a few queer friends before so it really isn't a shock for me. Anyways, continue. You seem to be really enthusiastic to talk about him."

"He's just really talented and special. And such a hard worker, I've never seen someone so mesmerising and addicted to trying to become a better version of themselves. Besides that, he's a really caring person and is so positive towards life. I've never seen someone like that, especially how he never gives up despite how tired he is although he is practically half dead.

Although we talk a lot, he doesn't know about this crush at all. And then there's that other side of him, the side which I get to see, where I see him during work hours, and he's working alone because he is so passionate and so in touch with music. It's like a perfect partnership between them, and it's almost sinful that I would ever come between them."

"But you love music too. I believe any musician should." Mark interrupted.

"He's different, hyung. His eyes light up and he gets so happy when he gets a line right or when the song is done. He's so lively when I see him during shows and I swear to God if I could just tell him! Oh God."

At this point, Mark could feel this foreign feeling in him which him couldn't explain, it felt like something in him was churning and turning his insides.

Somehow, he felt like someone had punched him in the stomach, and it was a weird sensation of discomfort yet heaviness that he hoped Donghyuck hadn't noticed. He tried his best to conceal it, smiling along, but some of the light in his eyes died out as Donghyuck continued on about his crush.

"Yet, there's something that makes him so different from everyone else. He might be this talented, hard working guy who works tirelessly without asking for anything in return, but there's this one more side of him.

The side which displays his lack of cooking skill, his awkwardness with everyone, his capability to work hard. The way he speaks, the way his eyes seem to smile, the way his face seems to be genetically engineered to just look perfect.

His looks are one thing, but his personality and everything. I just.." Mark didn't realise Donghyuck had stopped speaking until he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hyung?" He called out, as Mark turned to look at the boy. His face was still red from the previous conversation, but it had become pale.

Sweat was dripping down each of the boy's faces, and Mark wasn't sure was it because of the Korean summer or just nerves from thinking too hard and feeling too much about this issue. Mark felt the feeling rise and fall again in his stomach.

He gazed at Donghyuck, as his eyes only spelt concern as the younger boy grabbed the older's both shoulders, looking around with the most anxious expression that Mark could ever imagine.

Mark's heart was racing at this point of time, and he didn't know why it was. The world had momentarily gone silent on him. His mind was whirling with thoughts about the younger as well as just general ones.

He didn't know why, but his breathing became shallow and ragged, hands trembling and body shaking. Donghyuck's hands were holding his at this point of time, whispering comforting words. The younger didn't attempt to get nearer, which Mark was a little thankful for, because he was starting to feel claustrophobic.

Donghyuck's hands were soft but more importantly, warm, and Mark didn't know how tightly he had been holding them, and at that point Donghyuck didn't seem to care. Mark's hearing was muffled and vision blurry, he could barely fathom the situation but he made out Donghyuck's instructions on teaching him to follow his breathing.

He couldn't reply, for he realised only when he tasted salt that he had been crying, and felt his hoarse throat that he had been screaming. His breathing became more regular as he glanced at Donghyuck, whom seemed to be counting down and giving small compliments and encouragements with the instructions.

It felt like his head had been so heavy as Donghyuck held his hands tightly and asked in the softest voice he could seem to muster.

"Mark, are you okay?"

Normally, Mark would have asked him about the honorific, but he needed to hear his name at this point of time. He needed to hear it in that tone, needed to have it said with such tenderness and care. His throat burned as he tried to speak.

"I.. I.. Donghyuck.."

Donghyuck held him closer, and Mark could feel the warmth radiating off of him as he spoke. Mark could feel his heart racing, arms shaking as he spoke. He could feel his chest rise and fall as he continued with more comforting words, their faces looking at each other with such proximity that Mark could see every small detail of Donghyuck's face.

The way his eyebrow rose and moved in such an animated manner when he spoke, his eyes with so much light of youth and hope in them that comforted him in a manner which was indescribable.

The way his nose twitched, while his hands trailed his back to rub small circles at the small of his back. He could feel his chest becoming less constricted, his eyes in pain from crying, his body tormented and exhausted.

Donghyuck's tone was almost as soft as a feather as he whispered into Mark's ear.

"I know the feeling. You're going to be fine, because that's whom you are. You are Mark Lee Minhyung, and you're the only one who can be him. You are who you are inside and out, and you are good enough. I know it."

His other hand held Mark's head carefully, fingertips nimble as he guided Mark to rest his head on his shoulders. The warmth was intensified, and Mark's cheek was practically a negligible distance away from the other's.

He could smell Donghyuck's soap on him, and it smelt of nothing but the warmth of the sun and the comfort of home.

Worry flashed across Mark's mind momentarily, but the distance and the warmth remained as Donghyuck was still, hands running through Mark's hair, and there was no amount of gratitude Mark could have shown to the Earth, Moon and Stars at that moment in time. It was as if time had stood still.

The children's nursery rhyme sang in his head.You never know, dear, how much I love you. So please don't take my sunshine away.


Mark doesn't expect to awake to streams of sunlight coming through the bedroom window with realisation only hitting him when he hears no sounds from Jaehyun stirring, but instead a younger boy sitting by the same white chair from his study, who is fast asleep next to his bed.

The light hits the same boy, and Mark refuses to admit that for that small moment, that boy seemed to be the brightest star he had ever seen in his life.

His mind may come to that conclusion, but his heart says otherwise.
