
"Open up, Dream."

"Not yet. I can't do it just yet."

"It's really not that hard."

"I know. Trust me, I know."

"Then just do it."

"Well, you see..." A sniffle comes from the other side, and an audible breath is taken. Techno's own hitches in his throat, muscles tensing up in anticipation. "When we were both kids, Sapnap..."

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Techno snaps then bangs his fist against the wood, rolling his eyes as the prince bursts out into laughter from the other side.

"Alright, alright, if you insist." There's a click and a creak as the royal library's door slowly opens to reveal the prince, illuminated only by the orange of a small candle. There's a smile on his face that mirror's Techno's own. "What brings you here on this fine night?"

Without missing a beat, he replies. "You."

"My, my." Dream puts a hand to his mouth as if he's scandalized. "How smooth of you."

"You literally asked for me to go here." He pushes past the prince, walking into the room and closing the door behind him. He scowls and puts a hand on his dagger as if to make a point, though he should really know better by now. "And for all you know, I could be here to kill you. You know, this is a rather isolated place. I doubt anyone would catch me in the act."

"Details, details." Dream waves him off, walking over to sit at a table before an opened book. He beckons Techno over. "What matters is that you're here for me."

Techno sighs but follows, taking the seat next to him. "I'm always here for you."

"Ah." An awkward silence befalls them for a bit, and Techno turns to face Dream only to notice the scarlet painting the constellations on his cheeks. Oh, perhaps he had been more earnest than he thought. Not that he minds admitting it that much anymore. In fact, he would say that it's quite cute to see the prince so flustered from straightforward confessions.

"What are you reading?" It's fun to tease him, to press his side against him and watch his hands twitch and listen to his words stumble over one another. Techno tries to hide a smile but fails miserably.

"I..." Dream clears his throat and straightens in his seat, trying to pass it off nonchalantly. He holds the book, running his fingertips over the pages with such care. "It's a mystery novel that I'm quite fond of."

"Oh, what's it about?"

"Classic assassination." Ah, how ironic. There's not much else to say about that. "I'm still in the middle of it, though. Right now there's a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to one character, but no one knows why he would even think of doing it."

"There isn't a motive yet?"

"Not that anyone knows of. Well, there's this one thing..." Dream trails off, as if he's suddenly coming to a realization. His eyes twinkle as he looks up at Techno and leans in as if he's scrutinizing something, and he feels like breathing has suddenly gotten several times more difficult.

"What?" He chokes out, unable to bear the intense gaze and the proximity.

"You know... I don't think I ever asked you why you became a bounty hunter." Dream sits back properly on the chair, though he never really breaks eye contact. He puts a hand on his chin and he props his elbow on the table, fingers playing with a stray lock of hair down the side of his face. "Would you care to indulge my curiosities?"

Techno follows his every movement, blurting out a generic response. "It's not as interesting as a story."

"Everything's interesting when it's you." Dream replies instantly, and he can't help but let himself be pried open for his world to see.

"I just wanted money." He says, curt and straight to the point. "It's as simple as that, really."

"I see, I see." Dream turns away from him to look at the wall in front of him. Before Techno can get a word, he squashes all his doubts in the palms of his hands so effortlessly. "There's nothing wrong with that, don't worry."

"But there's still something on your mind."

"Of course." Dream finally faces him again. "If it's just money you want, you know I have plenty."

Techno sighs. So this is where things are going. "You know I can't just do that..."

"Nonsense!" Dream protests, taking his hands into his and squeezing them reassuringly. Techno wants more of the warmth. "It's of my own accord, Techno. I want to give you money. I want to make sure you live comfortably, eat and drink well, sleep peacefully, and the like."


"Just with one thing in exchange." Techno perks up at the prospect of being able to pay him back somehow. "Your company."

"Oh." He says, ever so eloquent. Thankfully, Dream never looks for too many words from him.

"Stay with me?" He asks in a whisper, intertwining their fingers together and burying his face in the crook between Techno's neck and shoulder. Techno can't bring himself to ignore how they fit together so perfectly, how he doesn't want to leave this spot for eternity.

"... I'll think about it." He replies breathlessly, and Dream only continues smiling. He presses a feather-light kiss to Techno's collarbone, relishing in the shiver it elicits. The prince doesn't have to worry about anything, not when his hands are held and his knees knock into his and his hair tickles Techno's chin.

Coming from Techno, that promise is as good as a yes.
