Life in Cloud recesses

The invitation that was forwarded to her by Gusu Lan clan, thanks to her teacher of one month, allowed her to study for one year at the cloud recesses. So, while studying there, she was to wear the clan's uniform, recognizable from the white, clear sky blue and their forehead ribbon; though, only the direct bloodline are allowed to wear the embroidered forehead ribbon, while the outsider only wear a plain white one.

Abiding to that rule, Yeqiu is wearing the uniform provided to wear, but instead of a plain forehead ribbon, she is wearing a ribbon in her hair with daffodils and fireflies embroidered on it; of course, she was allowed to.

The fireflies, remind us that what matter the most is to appreciate, even the smallest and the simplest things, in life. An inspiration to take things slowly, and make the most of the present moment, while appreciating the surroundings.

On the other hand, the daffodils symbolize the rebirth and new beginnings; creativity, energy, resilience, forgiveness vitality are the underlying meaning of that flower.

Despite, being born in autumn, she had chosen two symbols, representing respectively the spring and the summer. The perfect timing for harvesting, and where the trees start adopting warmer shades, such as the red, yellow, orange, and even the brown.

Perhaps, it was a way for her to show that she became someone new? Though, nobody would know except for herself.

Though the fact, that she started to use those two symbols quite early, made it easier for other to recognize her. So, she had inadvertently claimed those two for herself, making it impossible for other to use them; despite that, nobody had any real complaint, and in reality, they thought that they were befitting her.

Yeqiu being invited to study at the Clouds Recesses, of course, had to abide to the rules, but it isn't the case for the young Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng, so they were allowed to wear their signature colours.

Though, they couldn't just walk casually walk in the cloud recess, as if they owned it, so she made sure that they stay in the room attributed to them or, if they want to, she accompanies them for a walk.
