>> Alone <<


<3 jsjsjdsjdj, favorite couple


The sun was up in the sky


Dana fell off her bed

"Judy?" She got up looking her stuffed animal

She saw she was alone... Totally; no pets, no noises, no people.

"H-Huh? Hello?"


"... MOM!" Yirli was screaming and crying "MOM!"

There wasn't his mom. Nobody. Nobody...

He saw his clock. 10AM, he took a backpack and run out his house


"SOMEBODY??" Yirli was saying with some cries

"HEY!" He listened a voice "BARNEY!"

"I AIN'T.... DANA!"


She ran at him and hugged him

"It's nice to see you"

"Me too!" He took her face "I'm so glad rn"


"Cuz you're here..... I couldn't find somebody else. I-I think..."

"We're totally ALONE... Do you know what it does mean?"

"....Am I gonna be crazy?"


She took his arm and they ran to Soriana :V

There was alone too; she began to free the animals at pet stores and he was becoming a bit crazy

Then they stole some food and a shopping cart :v

"That was, oho! Cool!"

"Ikr" He smiled a bit crazy

"You okay?" She look at his face

"I'm not okay, heheh, not totally~"

"Okay, Yirli, calm down, we've only 3 hours of became alone, that's too earlier to be crazy, right?"

"D-Dana, I need more people to be, sane...."

"Oh, you've me!" She smiled

".... Wait, you're a woman..... Imma man... We can do more people, haha"

"... Oh shit, what?"

"Lemme fuck you."

"... Aha..."

"I'm not fucking kidding"

"... Ah, Yirli, not now, eh..."

He took her face and kissed her, she continued the kiss

She started touching his chest and him stroking her hair

Then Yirli came lowered his hands  to her hips and she touching his glutes

"N-Now can I?~"

"Hum... Yeah"


:v 7u7r make babies, I wanna name them

Sayo-sayo :3
