Always On My Mind

Mississippi, Tupelo May 8th 1945

Elvis what the hell are you doin get back here!"
"What Daddy I wanna see my friends why can't I?"
"Y'know we can't- you can't be friendly with them folk just-just come back inside now and we'll help make supper"
"Daddy there my friends- I go to church with them there real nice people I swear"
"Elvis if you even think about goin over there ya won't be allowed to play out again do ya understand?"
Elvis sighed deeply, afraid of what his father might do if he disobeyed his ridiculous rules. He couldn't understand why he wouldn't let him be friends with them, Elvis knew they looked different to him but that didn't mean they were any less than a kind human being.
"Gladly y'know I don't wanna stop him from havin friends- but it's too risky out there- if someone sees him bein all cute n friendly with them then we're gonna be the ones to blame"
"Daphne honey do ya have everythin ready? I'm gonna have to start loadin up the car now!"
Elvis shouted from the bottom of the spiral staircase, hoping Daphne would hear him over all the rustling of boxes and the power of the car engine coming from outside.
"Yes-yes I'm coming just let me carry this one last box down and were just about done!"
Daphne picked up the box filled with various essentials, with the whole thing probably weighing even more than she did all together. She let out a groan as she used all of her strength to walk over to the top of the staircase, carefully peeping her head round the box so she could just about see where to step her feet. As she made it halfway down, Elvis wore a worried expression on his face.
"Baby are you sure you don't need any help that things gonna squash you alive"
"Oh Elvis stop fussing I'm-
His voice distracted her concentration of where to place her feet, causing her to miss the step. Elvis, who already had his eyes on her, was quick to think and reached out his arms to catch her.
"Lord-are you alright?"
Daphnes face quickly shifted from a startled expression to a wide smile as she began to laugh at her own stupidity.
"Oh heavens that was hilarious! But I sure am thankful that I had my night in shining armour to come save the day"
Elvis raised his eyebrows and began to laugh along with her. She rested her head upon his knee, not moving it from where she first landed.
"Okay now that we know your knight saved you don't ya think it's time we get goin? Y'know before they decide to make them laws a thing again"
Elvis laughed, smirking at Daphne as he looked down at her.
"Alright you got to help me up first though- you don't want to have to save me twice in a row"
"I'll save you as many times as I want now come on you clumsy girl"
Elvis picked up the box before Daphne could even think about doing the same, and carried the last few remaining items to the car. Elvis' mother called the police department earlier, alerting them of Daphne and Elvis' departure, so they needed some sort of transport of course. Thankfully for them it was a different police officer this time, because Elvis sure wouldn't have even stepped foot into the car if it was the officer they had before. He hated people who were rude for absolutely no reason, and he wouldn't by no means tolerate them that's for sure.
"Afternoon Mr Prelsey- Miss King"
"Afternoon sir"
After a good 40 minutes drive, Elvis decided to kill the silence by asking the officer a few questions.
"So sir, er- when we arrive back home will there be security? Y'know we'll probably need more than before"
The officer smiled through the car mirror at the couple.
"Well of course- we don't want anythin bad happenin now do we?"
"No-no I just thought I'd make sure-just to be safe"
The rest of the ride contained of a few awkward glances at the officer through the mirror, and the couple shooting quick smiles between one another whilst holding hands sweetly. But Elvis was quick to realise that something was in fact bothering Daphne and he needed to know what it was. He wasn't going to let her brush it off like she did last time.
"Daphne? You look a bit pale are you alright baby?"
"The-the car behind-it's-it's getting faster-Elvis tell the officer to stop the car please-
"Honey it's okay- it'll be fine-
Daphne grabbed Elvis by the arm, showing him that she was serious and she wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"Elvis just-just listen to me! Tell him to pull over or I will!"
"Okay-alright! Lord! Sir-sir can you pull over anywhere? We er- Daphne is feelin a little sick and she wouldn't wanna mess up your car now"
"If ya say so"
The officer took the next exit of the highway, heading to a nearby store where it would be safe to park.
"Thank you- thanks sir we-we won't be long i promise"
Daphne said whilst an anxious expression rested upon her face showing that she was infact, not alright. She got up out of the car, walking a few metres away from it at a fast pace. Elvis quickly got up and followed after her.
"Hey Daphne! Would ya wait up? What the hell is wrong with ya?"
Elvis caught up to her, grabbing her by the shoulder so that she was now facing him.
"I don't wanna talk about it you'll just laugh at me"
"Baby why the hell would I laugh at you? Look at me- I'm not gonna laugh alright? I swear"
Daphne breathed in a deep sigh, whilst Elvis waited patiently for her to speak. She spent the next 10 minutes talking about the horrific day when she lost her mother, and how ever since then she had been terrified whenever she was in a car. The ptsd from that day caused a clear image in her head of that exact moment when she held her mother in her arms. It was like a broken record that would continue to replay the same song over and over again. So a car speeding behind caused a panic to develop inside of her, knowing that the love of her life was sat next to her and she couldn't bare the thought of losing another person she cared about.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you baby- i understand now- why you were so jumpy I-I really do"
Elvis held her in his arms, cradling her head as she cried quietly.
