18: Break My Heart Part 4

Griff's POV
I can't believe it! After all this! After the games and the trickery, she has the nerve to run away! I didn't get a chance to see her face before she took off. All I saw was the glint of blue eyes under the moonlight, and then she was gone. But I'm not letting her get away again. She couldn't have gone far, and I'm gonna get to her before she leaves. And something tells me she won't be coming back.

Ash's POV
God, what is wrong with me? The second Griff pulled off that mask; everything clicked into place. The flirtatious manner, his voice, his mannerisms. How did I not figure it out sooner? But it doesn't matter now; he probably hates me. Well, the Happy Heartbreaker 💋. But that's still me, and if Griff hates one part of me, he's basically hates all of me. And that is what is currently killing me inside.

I trudge back to the party and make a beeline for the exit, but before I can get there, Stephen steps in front of me. Blocking me from leaving.
"Hey, I lost you back there." Stephen smiled as he gazed at me.
"Yeah, sorry about that." I apologized, trying to keep my lip from quivering. I was never really a crier, but with all of these lies piling up, I've found myself becoming more emotional. I guess Griff was melting the thick ice surrounding my heart. If you couldn't tell, I wasn't always the nicest person. All my friends' boyfriends, I stole? I never went on one date with any of them. And whenever I let them go, it wasn't just because I got tired of the game. They were actually really good guys that would make really good boyfriends. I was just afraid they were going to break my heart. So I broke theirs before they could break mine. I guess it was a force of habit.

2 years ago, my father left my mother for some 20- something blonde from California. (Maybe that's why I have a thing against blondes, except for Emma and Stephan of course) When my dad left, the main source of income left with him. My mom really struggled to make ends meet and abuelo even went back to work to help with the bills. I was so angry at my dad for what he did to my family but I had no idea how to let out my anger. One day, my teacher was giving me a really hard time for some stupid assignment I didn't turn in (my grades were suffering pretty bad) and I just lost it. I gave the guy a knuckle sandwich and kicked him where the Sun didn't shine. Then, when the principal showed up I gave him an atomic wedgie. The rest is history. Clearly, I haven't had the best relationship with guys so when both Griff and Stephan both took a liking to me, I didn't know what to do. I still don't.

Now Griff hates me and Stephen had become even more fervent in his efforts to woo me. In any other situation, I would've found been totally flattered but right now, I couldn't care less. I just wanted to get out here!
"Hey, are you okay?" Stephen asked.
"Yep, just fine." I lied through my teeth. I doubt it sounded very convincing but at the moment, I really didn't care.
"Ash, you look like you're about to cry." Stephen sighed. That's because I'm on the verge of doing so right there on the spot.
"I'm fine okay! Perfectly fine!" Tears began to stream down my face. Not wanting to answer any more Stephen's questions or be stared out by my fellow campers, I ran out of there like my life depended on it.


I honestly don't know where I am at this point. I just kept running until I didn't see the fairy lights from the ball anymore. I run up to a cliff that overlooked the lake, took off my heels and mask and sat down on a boulder taking in the view. I appreciated the view despite the circumstances. I took in the midnight air, the light breeze blowing through my hair. Geez, why can't it always be this peaceful? Why does everything have to be so darn complicated? I remember when I was just 11 and still getting piggy back rides from my dad. I used to bake cookies with my mom and abuela, play poker with my abuelo, and play baseball with my brothers. Thanks to my short fuse, I haven't done any of those things in over a year. I really miss the days when my biggest problem was eating all my vegetables (or rather sneakily feeding them to my dog Coco), making sure I get to bed on time, and getting good grades in school. Now I have two guys vying for my attention (maybe 1 after tonight), a mean girl to steer clear of, and a friend that I have to lie to. When did things go from content to complicated so quickly? I didn't even notice that Stephen had taken a seat next to me and was staring out at the moonlit lake. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" Stephen commented. Not knowing what else to say I agreed. "Yeah, it really is."
"I wasn't talking about the lake love." Stephen's gaze turned to me intently. Wow, I walked right into that one. My blush returned with renewed vigor.
"Are you going to tell me what's been bothering you?" Stephen asked. I sighed heavily. "I really want to, but-"
"You can't. I understand. I'm sure you'll tell me when you're ready." Stephen said, Ugh, could this guy be any more perfect? I really don't deserve him. He said that he hoped that I'd tell him when I was ready but the truth is, I don't think I could ever tell him because I don't think I'll ever be ready to tell anyone about my feelings for Griff. Oh, Griff. Just thinking about him once again brought tears to my ears. 
"Hey, don't cry." Stephen wiped my cheeks and cupped my face lovingly. "A sweet, pretty girl like you should never cry."
"It's just, everything is wrong. Everything is so wrong and I have no idea how to make it better. And I've been trying but it hasn't been working." I sobbed.
"Ashleigh, could I offer you some advice?" Stephen asked. At this point, if there was a light at the end of this tunnel, even a dim one, I was going to take it. I nodded for him to continue.
"In situations like this, maybe it's best to just take a step back and let it all pan out."
"Stephen, I can't just sit back and do nothing." I sighed.
"Ash, you've done everything you could. I think it's time for you to just chill out and go with the flow." He said.
"Did you just say 'go with the flow?'" I cracked a smile for the first time in what felt like ages.
"There's that beautiful smile." Stephen chimed. Cue in the blush. He's been having that effect on me quite a bit lately.

Maybe Stephen is right. I have been feeling so insanely guilty about having feelings for Griff despite my promise to Zuri. It's time that I take a step back. I do want to tell Griff and Zuri everything but I'm so emotionally exhausted from all this lying that that conversation is just going to have to wait. I have plenty of time to do that, there are still 2 months of camp left! So for now, I'm just going to sit back and just enjoy Summer camp. And maybe enjoy it with this gorgeous blonde heartthrob sitting before me...
"Alright, I'll back off. You're right, I've done all I can do to fix this situation and now, it's the universe's turn." I sighed. Stephen broke out into a smile and was about to lean in for a kiss when I stopped him.
"But there is something you should know first." 
"What is it Ash?" Stephen asked.
"I'm not going to lie to you and say that you're the only guy that I've taken interest in. I have really strong feelings for you, feelings that I've never had before. All of this is fairly new to me and-"
"You want to take things slow and you don't want to end up getting hurt." Stephen finished my sentence for me. Wow, am I that easy to read? He must've seen the look on my face because he then added, "You are a very easy girl to please Ashleigh. And this doesn't change anything. It's just means that I'll just have to try harder to keep your affections."
"Oh, I'm sure that shouldn't to be hard seeing as I'm 'very easy to please.'" I cooed.
"Shall I whisk you away miss Johnson?" Stephen took my hand as we both stood.
"Ugh, that may prove to be difficult. My feet are killing me." I groaned as I rubbed my ankles. 
"No problem love." He bent down and lightly massaged one of my ankles. Ugh, that felt good. "Do you mind?" I shook my head. He took off my gorgeous yet ridiculously uncomfortable heels. They were golden leather Valentino sling- back pumps with an intricate rose structured toe that Emma insisted I wear. They indeed were very beautiful and went perfectly with my dress but they were slaughtering my feet. It felt so good to finally be out of them. Stephen then lifted me off the ground and into his arms. He carried me all the way back to our cabin where we instantly feel asleep. In each other's arms. I felt like I had finally found my prince charming.

Griff's POV
I followed close behind Heartbreaker when she sat down on a log on a cliff overseeing the lake. She removed her mask revealing herself to be... Ash. It was Ash all along. This whole time, it's been Ash I've been trying to find. Wait, so does that mean.... that Ash.... Oh gosh. How could I have been so oblivious! My mind wandered back to the night of Stephani's party and upset Ash was. Who was Ash worried about? I still didn't know. But I was going to find out...

I was about to go up to Ash when the English muffin himself sat down next to her. She turned to Stephen and I see tears streaming down her face. She's sobbing about how she can't tell him what's going on but she really wants to and it's been eating her up inside. What had been going on in this camp? I had no idea Ash felt this way. Why didn't she come to me? Why did she go to Stephen of all people? Now isn't the time  to be jealous, Ash is clearly going through a lot and she just thought Stephen would be the right person to talk to. I just wish she would've come to me...

Ash dries her tears and Stephen leans in to kiss her. What the heck! What does he have to kiss her? Ash thankfully stops him and says something about how he's not the only guy that she's interested in. Well that's a relief. Stephen lifts Ash up into her arms and she looks down at him with a certain look in her eye. A look that she's definitely had on her face with me. I just didn't realize what it meant at the time. Wow, I really am slow. Stephen and Ash make their way out of the clearing and I'm careful to not be seen by them. I guess I didn't do a great job because Stephen looks me dead in the eye and smirks slyly at me. Unbelievable. He thinks he's got the upper hand with her. This changes nothing. Now that I know at least the majority of what's been going with Ash, I definitely know how win her heart. And how I alone will have her heart.

Uh... Hi. I know, I know it has been a HOT SECOND. But I am back and better than ever! The publishing of Criminal Love shall continue however, I can't promise there will be constant chapters as I am super busy with school and testing and writing other books but don't worry, the story just got interesting. Thanks so much for sticking around and I promise not to let you down. XOXO,
