Kit's POV

"Welcome to the Asuncion, who's your name?"

I look at the bright smiley senior infront of me. I give him my respect, "Kit krub, Kitipoom Panuwat."


He looks at his logbook and circling my name.

"You'll stay in room 214 and here's your key, your name board and rule book."

I received the key, name board and the book from the senior, "Thank you krub."

"Welcome to the Asuncion N'Kit."

I give him my respect and step aside. I walk to the stairs and found Pha and Beam waiting of me there.

"Which room are you Kit?" Pha asks.

"214, how about you guys?"

"Cool, we're in the same room." Pha grins, "How 'bout you Beam?"


"Steel in the same floor though." I said.


I turn to the source of voice and find –


"Are you staying in the dorm?"

"Yes P', also Beam, Pha and some friends in our class."

"Ah ... it's good. By the way, why I can't reach you out?"

"My phone got broke P' and it seems that I forgot to by new one." I put my apologetic face as best as I can.

"I tough there's something happen to you." P'Marco pats my head lightly, and for some reason it make me irritate. "Need help with your belonging?" P'Marco nods at my luggage.

"It's good, Pha will help me." I throw my backpack to Pha and lucky that he catch it.

"Great! If you have some problem just call me. Win, the dorm president is my best buddy."

"Sure P'."

"We~ll, sure P'Marco only set his eyes on you." Pha says after P'Marco go.

"Shut up."

"But Kit, why you didn't by another phone?" Beam asks.

"I don't want."

"But why~" Beam still nag me.

"Kit, are you didn't wanna buy the new phone because of that brat?"

"Shut up Pha. I don't wanna one because it's tiresome."

"How so?"

"Because it's tiresome Beam."

I hear playful in Pha's tone.

"Shut up Pha."

I walk up to 2nd floor and head straight to room 214.

I open the door and find a large bookshelf that divided the room into two parts. Each part consists of a single bed and a study desk. In one of the corner, there is a door which lead to the bathroom. The bathroom itself is spacious. There is even washing machine plus dryer. Imagine that.

Suddenly I feel like at home. Even the room is not as big as mine but the bathroom is wonderful.

"Waaah ... Bet you fall in love instantly to the bathroom."

I hear Pha's voices behind me.

"Well, at least someone know how to keep thing organize."

"You sure are the mother here Kit."

"Shut up Pha, go unpack your belonging."

"Roger that."

"Guys~ I am coming."

Beam enters the room and occupies one of the beds.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Helping you of course. Duh"

"What about your things?" Again, I ask.

"Latter, after I help you out."

"Because you wanna Kit to arrange the things for you."

"Pha!" I see shock in Beam's face, "Why you are so true."

I face-palming myself, mentally.

"How about your roommate? Are you didn't want to choose your part?" Pha asks.

"Nah ... I am good, I could use any part." Beam start to un-boxing the card box near him, "Also, my roommate hasn't arrived yet."

"Then let's start."

I, Pha and Beam spend the evening in arranging Pha's and mine stuffs.

We break for dinner in the dining hall. We tried to remember every dorm mate and seniors in the dorm. Almost of the first year live in the dorm, so it'll come in handy when we needs their help.

After diner, Beam thought that it's the right time to back to his room. I and Pha are promises to help him after we tidying some stuffs.

In the middle of arranging my organizer in the wall, I hear Beam's voice loud and clear, behind the close door.

"KIT!! PHA!!"

I look at the door and look at Pha who also stop his activity from arranging his study table.

"What this kid already step in? The semester even hasn't started yet."

I hear Pha's grumble.

And after Pha finish his words, as a cue, the door burst open and Beam get in and close the door. He even locks it.

"What was that for?" Pha asks as pointed to the locked door.

"I met Forth."

"Isn't it usual thing for you to met ford? I remembered that uncle Davin have one." Pha says.

"That's ford, I mean Forth." Beam glares at Pha.

"You mean fort like Mahakan Fort?" I say.

"That's historical wall you prick Kit."


"Forth is who, not what." Beam says.

"Ah ... Jaturapoom." I realize now.

"Which one?" Pha asks.

"The second one." I explain.

"Ah, the one that Beam--"

"Stop it Pha, or I'll kill you."

"Well ... You are, who almost killed him, not me." Pha muttered.

I nudge Pha on his stomach to shut up.

"What?" Beam asks.

"Not a thing." I look at Beam, "Why you're so nervous?"

Beam suddenly grab both my arms and look at me right in my eyes.

"How am I not nervous?!"

"But you guys already clear your problem right?" Pha asks.

"We are, and our family also --"


I still couldn't catch what Beam afraid of.

"If you sure that there're no any unfinished business between you or your family toward Jaturapoom and his family, then you should play cool." Pha suggests. "Or talk to him and get the bottom of it."

The last one is cruel one, but it's the best way to see if there're still any unfinished business these two.


"What?!" I little bit startled when Beam shake my arm little bit roughly.

"Switch the room with me."


"Because my roommate is Jaturapoom, who else." Beam look at me with irritated.


"What with those reaction?" Beam, again, shake my arms roughly. "You love me right? So you must switch the room with me."

"Beam ... Are you sure you haven't have unfinished business with Jaturapoom?"


"I am sure."

There's pause, so, "You're lie." I look Beam straight on his eyes.

"I am not."

Beam avoids my eyes. He walks to my bed and lay there. He is absolutely lies.

"What is your deal with him that make you didn't want to meet him?"

I ask, now sit beside Pha in his bed.

"I just can't." Beam yanks a kitten plush, a gift from certain brat for my birthday, and put it in his stomach and play with it.


I hear Pha's voice start to raising.

Time to rescue, "Sometimes we didn't need a reason to dislike something or someone, right Beam?"


"Are you embarrassed to Jaturapoom, Beam?"

"Kit, you're cruel." I feel nudge in my back, "What about the 'sometimes we didn't need a reason to dislike something or someone'?"

I look at Pha and shrug, "Well, you said earlier that Beam must bottom it. So --"

"Beam, your mother here has been said his royal command, now spill."

I look at Beam who still in his current position. I could see unease in his features. Maybe Pha is right. I am too pushy. I up and walk to my bed, pull the cover till Beam's shoulder.

"Go sleep, I'll sleep at Pha, because Pha want to sleep in the floor," I look at Pha, "Right Pha?"

I see Pha want to say something, but fast, I toss the bedcover to the floor.

Pha sighs, "Rii~ght, because if Kit sleep on the floor, who knows that he will freeze and shrunk."

I toss a pillow to Pha and satisfy when it's hit his handsome face.

"Thanks Pha," I hear Beam's voice under the cover. He seems relieve. So do I. "And thanks mom Kitty."

Now I feel irritated.

"Beam, next time you call me mom, I'll throw you right into Jaturapoom's bed."

"Yes khun Kit, thank you krub."

Now, it's feel right.

"Light off Pha."

I see Pha get up and walk to the switch, "Hei Kit, what if I call you mom?"

"I'll never make you lunch box anymore."

"Tsk ... No fun at all."


"Kit, where's my lunchbox?"

My spoon stop midair and I look at Pha, who sit infront of me with his outreach hand.

"Whose lunch?" I ask.

"Mine. You say that if I never call you mom, then you still make me a lunchbox."

I sigh.

I look straight to Pha, "Pha, where are we now?"

"At canteen."

"Then you could pick any of food here. Your card has full credit right?"

"But I wanna your lunchbox."

Well, the handsome friend of mine is still handsome even he pouts right now. I irritated now.

"Pha, I can't cook here or in the dorm."

I look at Pha and little bit twitch when I see him smile widely.

It's always bad. Really bad if Pha has that creepy widely handsomely smile in his face.

"If I can persuade the aunty in the dorm, you'll make me lunch right?" Again that creepy widely handsomely smile plaster on Pha's face as he walks to the kitchen section.

It's will be tricked then persuade, but I am wise enough to keep my mouth close and smile when

"What's Pha up to?" Beam sit down infront of me.

"Looking a kitchen for me."

"Tsk. He's play favorite."

"Are you jealous?"


"By the way, are you ready clear your problem with Jaturapoom?"

"I didn't have any problem with him."


"I am not."

"You are."

"What are you guys doing?"

I look up and see Jaturapoom flash his smile.

"Mind if I join you?"


Fast I move aside Beam's tray. Make a room for Jaturapoom, ignoring Beam who gives me his dead glare.

Well, if I am not know him for long enough, sure I'll already scattered in the floor. Died.

"Thanks." Jaturapoom sit next to Beam who still give me his dead glare.

Really, now I am curious what the deal between this stupid friend of mine and Jaturapoom. Beside their ancient history of course.

Jaturapoom casually asks Beam what he eats and I could hear Beam carefully pick his words, which is weird, because he is famous with his sharp mouth. Its seems that he is –


Damn this loudly mouth of Pha.

"What!" I snap. Irritated that he cut my train of thought.

"Your false because you absentminded."

"Tsk ... Whatever, what do ya want?"



I don't believe it. Is this electricity pole still up to lunchbox?

"I already had the permission from the kitchen lady that you can use the kitchen to make me lunchbox."

I face palming myself. Literary.

"Hei Jaturapoom, whatcha doin' here?"

It's Pha now that ask Jaturapoom what is he doing here.

"Hmmm ... Lunch break."

Why of course it's obvious. What else people do in the cafeteria in the lunchtime? Really, I've question myself is my friend really genius or idiot in disguise.

"Hmmm ..." Pha only humming and sit beside me and start to picking my food with the fork.

"Before you get angry, I only want to eat the string bean." Pha lift his fork that has string bean on it.

"Well, I couldn't prot--."


Now I want to protest.

"Ai'Kit, your brat is coming."

"Shut up Beam."

"P'Pha, P'Beam sawadee." Ming give his greet to Beam and Pha, "P'Pha, could you move a little, I wanna sit next to Kit."

"Just sit somewhere Ming, don't middle with me or Ai'Pha."

"But I wanna sit next to you."

Now the big baby is pouting.

"Ming, sit here ..."

Beam pats a space between him and Jaturapoom. He always nice with the brat. Tsk.

"You could see Ai'Kitty better."

Heck, so that's his motive.

"P' sawadekrub I am Ming krub."

Ming give Jaturapoom greet when he sit between Beam and Jaturapoom.

"Sawadee ... I am Forth, Forth Jaturapoom."

"Can I call you P'Forth?"

"Sure, Ming right? You are Kit's junior?"

"Nope. I am Kit's future."

"Fuck Kit!"

I don't care if I spilled my juice over Beam. His fault because he let the brat sit in front of me.

"Beam, tissue."

I could hear Jaturapoom offer tissues to Beam.

"Kit, here?"

I see a clean handkerchief placed in front of me. I take it and use it to wipe my mouth.

"It's the brat false."

"Why me?"

"Because you say unnecessary thing."

"It's necessary?"

"How so?"



Honesty I confuse here, but I see smirk in Beam and Jaturapoom's and Ai'electricity pole suppress his laugh.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." There are union replies.

"By the way Ming? Where is your school?" Jaturapoom asks.

"Friday P', grade 9."



"What are you doing in the school day here?"

That's exactly the question that I want to ask also.

"Oh ... The 9th grade have more free day."

"So how's uncle Som and auntie Yaya doing?" I ask because the last time I see them when auntie Pan's birthday, about three months ago.

"I don't know."

"What?!" I confuse.

"I haven't back yet." Ming look at me, "I am from bus station. Here's my first stop."

I couldn't believe it.

"Ming, you ungrateful wretch of borrowed DNA, you should come back to home first to pay respect to your folks."

"But Kit ..."


I don't care anymore if all of the students in cafeteria see me make a scene, but this brat is something.

The ungrateful brat sits still.

"Back home first or I'll never ever speak to you."

I could see sad on his face, but who cares. After not see your parents in long time you should met them first. I really couldn't catch how this brat thinking.

"Okay, I'll go."

Ming stood up and bid good-bye to my friends, but suddenly he back and lean on the table. So close to me.

"But Kit ..."


"Can I borrow something?"

"What you want to borrow?"

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back thousand times."

I blink several times in front of cheeky smile that plastered on the brat's face.

"You brat! GO HOME NOW!"

I really want to burry myself.
