Ch. 4: Pancakes

🍎 hello everyone Dunken Graham here so I've realized I've been slacking at editing and updating which is more than..... Aggravating. But I will not let this story die.

I've been going through a hell of a lot of writer's block and I'm hoping I can do better thank you all so much for the support in these books. You made this happen and made writing more worth it.

I've edited his story with warnings and if you need a quick reminder and catch up let me lay it flat.

Baljeet and Buford grew apart growing up as Bufords home and school life drifted into a very bad territory. Becoming emotionally unstable and lashing out the only way he knew but this doesn't excuse his actions. Conflictingly though he understands his actions have consequences every-time he does the things he has done. Baljeet is getting bullied and harassed by non other than Buford and his gaggle of goons

(Two doods unrelated to the show Phineas and Ferb PS I DONT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS OF THE SHOW).

Baljeet had one day been overwhelmed by the two goons harassment while Buford has had a final realization of what he's done and how much it's affected everything around him. In an attempt to rekindle some friendship of the past he saves baljeet, although understanding it won't get better in an instant. Still baljeets kind nature lets him forgive Buford but will never forget the torment that has befallen him since their falling out.

Did you get all that??? I hope you enjoy the works as I both learn and edit to the best of my ability. Don't forget either to have a good day stay hydrated and..

I'm done talking let's get back at the story


Baljeet p.o.v.

Walking out of the bedroom, he explained he lived alone after getting emancipation from his parents after an argument. He got a job at Better Panda, and makes good enough money to live stably on his own. Although his house needs a bit of a clean up. Dust was on almost everything, plates on the coffee table, and his books were unorganized. Well he has been dealing with school and work from what it seems.

"I know that look, you always gave it to me when I didn't clean my room back then," he reminded while stretching.

"Even tho you still didn't listen to what I had to say back then, you know bacteria lives on so much dust particles you couldn't imagine," in my mind I had just stood there arms crossed in my state of explaining.

We got to work on cleaning because of the weekend. The dishes were being washed and put away after drying properly. A look of shock crossed my face and embarrassment flashed just as quickly when I noticed I had taken over again like I did back then.

"New record for cleaning, even for you," Buford stood there just as amazed.

I let out a small chuckle as he just smiled and walked closer. But when that had happened two images flashed and I wasn't in his house or kitchen again....

(⚠️⚠️Trigger warning: Truama, Bullying, Mentions of abuse, and harassment!!! READ WITH ⚠️ )

I was in the hallways a group of kids surrounding the scene of Bufords "friends" walking closer with huge smiles on their face. One had raised their fist and as it connected I screamed and threw up my hands defensively as I start bawling in a curled ball of panic and anxiety. Shaking and breathing heavy I let out a strangled scream as I felt a hand touch me.

"Eet....... ba-jee-.... Baljeet... hey hey it's okay baljeet.... I'm sorry" my eyes focused and we were in his room.

Buford was holding me to his chest in a protective manor, he had tears in his eyes too. When he looked at my face he seemed to spawn a mouthful of questions and apologies. It had happened again? Another episode where I'm back those days. I'm sorry Buford.

"I'm sorry it'll never happen again! I'm sorry I just-" I could hear myself hyperventilating as Buford tried his best to calm me down.

I was starting to see tunnel visions as tears fiercely ran down my face.

"Who will I give noogies to
and tease for being so smart? 🎶
I just don't know what to do
There's a nerd shaped hole in my heart.🎶🎶🎶"

His voice was sweet like cake, and calming. My vision came back slowly. As he continued into humming rocking us back and forth. I felt his tears just as much as mine. Soon enough my breathing had calmed to normal. My body was still regaining back to it's normal state. My shaking dulled down but still there.

"I'm sorry... this was because of me..." looking up at him as he spoke had given me a realization.

"It's not my first panic attack. Actually I understand that it's gonna be hard for us to go back to normal," He gave a solemn look.

It was heart wrenching enough to shatter hearts.

"I know it won't be easy to go back to friends, and it takes time and I'm willing to wait and do whatever it takes to help as much as I can." He really meant every word.

I hear it in his voice. In how he held himself when he said it. He meant it. This will take a while for getting better. There'll be bumps and curves. Let's just stick to this adventure for now.

"I'll do everything I can to help you too," I said wiping my tears getting up and holding out my hand "pancakes?" He smiled with an emotion I haven't seen since we were kids.


"I thought you'd never ask" he spoke as we walked to the kitchen.

Pancakes were a bit of a mistake. At some point flour was on his face. Then on my face. Pretty soon we were throwing it at each other and making a mess but having fun. Laughs erupted every time we hit each other. I haven't been able to laugh like this since we were kids. Since we were kids... oh boy...
