❁ The House of Bugs❁

I walk into the Aburame household, immediately greeted by some bugs. "AH SHIBI HELP IT'S AFTER ME. THIS THING WAS PROBABLY RAISED IN THE PITS OF HELL!" I yell. He chuckles and says, "I told you it was buggy. I'll tell them to tone it down a bit." I say, "please get these demon children who were raised by Satan away from me. Also, I don't mean to sound needy but, where will I be sleeping?"

It is already about nine o'clock. He says, "We have a guest room that you could use. Also, there isn't much insect stuff going on in there." I say, "Shibi, thank you so much. I don't know what I'd be doing right now if you didn't find me." He says, "it's really no problem at all. I think it'll be fun to attempt to get you to like bugs."

You two sit in silence for a few moments until I ask, "Shibi?" He says, "Yes?" I say, "Your son, what's his name?"

A raspy, deep, monotone voice says, "It's Shino, Shino Aburame." I jump up from the couch I was seated on and walk to him. I shake his hand and say, "The name's Tatsuko." He says, "I am aware. My father sent a beetle and told me everything he knew about you."

You look at Shibi and back at Shino and say, "well looks like you are enlightened about me but, I cannot say the same." He says, "My name is Shino. I live in the house you are in. I enjoy gathering specimens and taking walks in the forest. I usually am very quiet. I hate having to explain the same thing twice. And, I like insects." I giggle then shudder at the thought of those nasty little creatures.

"Much better... Can you help me navigate around the village tomorrow?" I ask. He responds with, "yes." "He speaks very vaguely." I think. I ask, "What kind of music do you guys like?" Shibi says, "I don't really know but I do like alternative." Shino says, "likewise." You say, "Same. I like twenty one pilots, Panic! At the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Fall out Boy, Paramore, Melanie Martinez and all time low."

They both just shrug and I giggle. "You guys look a lot alike." They both look confused. I look to Shibi and say "That's a compliment!" I look back to Shino and he blushes. "Wow" Shibi says, "It's almost impossible to make Shino blush and you did it within 5 minutes of knowing him. You guys are going to get along well." He winks at us then chuckles and leaves.

"Mind showing me around the compound?" I ask Shino. The boy blushes an even darker red and replies, "Sure, just follow me" mumbling under his breath. He starts to walk off into another room and I shoot Shibi an uncertain glance, but he gestures for me to go. I warily follow Shino, unsure of what to expect.

"I ship them so hard." Shibi mumbles under his breath as the pair walks away.

Hope you guys like this book. This chapter was pretty short but I have a few more already wrote in a docs that me and bookxcake share, so you have a few more chapters.
